The ball was caught by the racket, and the tennis ball flew to the other side of the net.


The tennis ball was intercepted by the racket. As the racket swayed and hit the ball, the fast tennis ball landed lightly on the other side of the net.

"Uchiha Xingyan won this game, the score was 7:5, Uchiha Xingyan won!"

The referee's voice resounded throughout the stadium, and this sudden reversal of the game came to an end.

"Little guy, are your arms and knees okay?"

After the game, Shuji Tanejima, who lost the game, jumped over the net, squatted in front of Xingyan, and reached out to grab his arm to check.

The shaking of the racket just now caused great damage to the entire arm.

"It's okay..."

Xingyan handed the racket to his other hand and stood there to let Shuji Tanejima pull his arm to check.

This level of action is really not a troublesome thing for him, and it is really very gentle compared to the ring.

However, he can't say such words. Saying it out will not only be discouraging, but it may also be banned from tennis by his father after his father knows about it.

In his father's words, in the ring, you just knock the opponent down and it's over.

But tennis is different.

If you develop a habit, you will keep insisting on it during practice in the future. When you realize that there is a problem, it will be too late.

So, his father is right, he has always listened obediently.

If Shuji Tanejima was not too strong this time, he would not have temporarily lifted the restrictions in order to win.

However, the system is a pitfall, and it didn't record his skills.

Although he didn't know what level of skills it should be, he still had to say that the system was too pitfall!

"It's okay, don't use it too much before you grow up..."

Shuji Tanejima scratched his hair, and he was relieved to make sure that he was okay.

If he really broke the kid's arm because of the game, he would never feel at ease in his life.

"If it wasn't for an opponent who was stronger than you, I probably wouldn't need it."

Xing Yan smiled. He felt that in the recent period, at most he might need to use it when he played against Mitsuya Akuto.

After all, they had the same points...

But it's not necessarily the case, because Ochi Gekko didn't make it so hard for him to beat him.

"Let's go, we should go to receive the award. Leave me a phone number later, and I'll take you out to play when I have time..."

Tanejima Shuji stood up, holding the racket in one hand and holding Xing Yan in the other, and took him to the podium.

During this process, he didn't forget to make an appointment with Xing Yan to go out to play when he had time...

When Xing Yan stood on the podium and raised the trophy, his main task 3 finally turned the score from 0 to 1.

"Dad, I won. This time it's a trophy, a really big one!"

After returning home, Xingyan sat on the sofa holding the trophy and made a video call with Taro Sakaki, who was originally from the UK.

"Thank you for your hard work. Rest well next time. Don't train in the next few days, otherwise Dad will be angry. And the unloading and amplification methods of tennis..."

Taro Sakaki was naturally happy when he saw his son holding the trophy.

But when he thought that in order to get this trophy, this kid actually ignored the previous agreement and used some dangerous methods directly after the consent of Saito, the idiot, his worries overwhelmed the happiness in his heart.

Others didn't know, but he watched his son practice fighting skills step by step.

Unloading and amplification are the two most basic trainings of Xingyan.

Unloading is to protect yourself, and amplification is to be able to defeat the opponent with several times or even dozens of times the power in an instant.

These two trainings are too hard, and as a father, he is more reluctant than anyone else.

But what his beloved son said was right. In the ring, this is a fighting skill, and in reality, if you encounter danger, it is a life-saving ability.

So he can allow it, and even practice with him.

But he can't allow Xingyan to integrate these things into tennis.

The hard training behind it is for personal safety, not for entertainment.

At least at this stage, Sakaki Taro can see clearly that for his son, tennis is not a dream or a must-have for the future.

Although he is a little obsessed with winning or losing, it is definitely not a passion. It can only be regarded as a game of entertainment.

Maybe there will be changes in the future, but those have nothing to do with now.

"Dad... Don't be angry, okay? I only met one opponent like this, and I don't want to lose, no matter it is

In the ring, or on the tennis court, I don't want to lose..."

Xingyan looked at Taro Sakaki, who said only a few words in the video and then fell silent, threw the trophy in his arms aside, raised his hand and grabbed a few times in the direction of the camera.

At first it was a system requirement, but after a few years, Xingyan cared about this father-son relationship.

He was not afraid of his father's anger, nor was he afraid of his father's glare, but he was afraid of this sudden silence.

Once this happened, it meant that he had done something to make his father sad.

Because he was really sad and worried, he didn't say anything, but just looked at him with a guilty look...

"I'll teach you a lesson when I get home. After class tomorrow, let the driver take you to Akutagawa's house to learn chess from your uncle Akutagawa. "

Sakaki Taro only persisted for a few minutes, then helplessly raised his hands to cover his face, and decided to cultivate a more literary interest for Xingyan.

He really felt that he should not have come to the UK at this time, otherwise he would not have let the child almost get into trouble without being watched.

But under the gaze of those aggrieved and pitiful big eyes, his heart as an old father, in an instant, was not angry at all.

However, punishment is still necessary.

After returning, let someone give him more homework.

Also make more dishes that this kid doesn't like to eat but has the nutritional needs.

"Dad, why don't I go to Grandpa Xiangri to learn how to play chess, and play chess with Uncle Akutagawa. I'm afraid that after you come back, I will be able to sleep like Jiro. "

Pouting, Xingyan was really against going to Akutagawa's house to learn chess from Uncle Akutagawa.

Jiro has been sleeping more and more in the past two years. The biggest reason is that Uncle Akutagawa is too nagging when he is at home.

The only way to avoid his nagging is to find a place to lie down, turn a deaf ear to the words around you, and sleep peacefully.

So, Jiro's love of sleepiness was developed in this way.

Aunt Akutagawa has taught Uncle Akutagawa a lesson for this, but the effect is minimal...

"No, there are children in Xiangri's house. If you are taken by Yueren to make trouble, it will affect others. "

Sakaki Taro thought of the kid from the Mukuhi family and confirmed once again that he must not let his son go to the Mukuhi family.

The troubled Mukuhi Gakuto was said to be under strict control recently because his younger brother was born.

If Mukuhi Gakuto saw Xingyan who could climb trees and climb houses, he would be worried that the Mukuhi family's villa might be in danger.

Although he was very mature at ordinary times, when he was with children of similar age, his son was a devil and no one could control him.

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