The two of them were very close.

"Xingyan is still young and can't bear the power you bring. If you don't want to hurt him, go back first or follow me."

Aizome put away the mirror flower and water moon in his hand, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

Looking at Muramasa, he made a suggestion.

"I will stay and take care of the master. Although he will no longer remember me after reincarnation, he will always be my master."

Muramasa put away the knife, and then turned into light and dissipated in front of Xingyan.

But Xingyan received a sentence in his heart.

'Master, as long as you call my name, I can appear by your side at any time. '

It was Muramasa's voice, and he was trying to make Xingyan believe and use him.

Xingyan did not respond to this.

In the garden now, the father and son are looking at each other quietly.

"Did you see it?"

Aizen took off his glasses, put Xingyan on the ground, and then sat on the ground and looked at him.


Xingyan nodded, standing there with a wronged expression, not reaching out to Aizen as before.

Just now, Aizen used the Shikai of Kagami Suigetsu.

For two years, Xingyan thought he would never see Kagami Suigetsu again.

But now that he saw the Shikai of Kagami Suigetsu, he felt very unhappy.

Even though he knew that Aizen was untrustworthy, in the past two years of getting along, Aizen really looked like a good father who loved his children.

"It doesn't matter. You are immune to this illusion, which is a good thing for me. Don't worry..."

Aizen looked at the aggrieved child. Even if he had many thoughts in his heart, he still expressed his happiness on the surface.

Of course, he was really happy, because this was the first existence that was immune to the illusion of mirror flower and water moon so far.


Xingyan didn't say anything, and was still in a low mood. He nodded and stopped talking.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Aizen stayed to accompany the child for a meal before leaving.

When it was late at night, a person appeared next to the sleeping Xingyan. After covering him with a quilt, he once again turned into a sword and leaned against the wall.

Xingyan, who seemed to be asleep, was communicating with the system, asking about the relationship between the demon sword and Muramasa.

Before talking about Muramasa, Xingyan was also complained by the system about his poor acting skills, which were not good enough when facing Aizen.

[Although it did not originally belong to this world, Muramasa's current carrier is the host's sword. The demon sword Muramasa is already a mutant, and his heart to protect his master does not need to be questioned]

Compared to the previous world, which only arranged a memory of entering an orphanage, this world's shaping of Xingyan's body required the system to operate many times with great effort to complete.

Of course, this is also because Xingyan chose to take all at that time. If he only chose one, the system could easily complete the identity placement just like in the previous world.

The remains of the Hollow King, the corpse of the high-level pure-blooded Quincy, and the sealed Kuchiki Hibiki, as the three materials, actually involved three causal lines before the fusion.

As one of the causal factors, Muramasa used this name as a traction, allowing the system to take the opportunity to unseal the demon sword and release it.

Therefore, the demon sword + Muramasa will only be the demon sword Muramasa in the future, and will no longer be Kuchiki Hibiki's Zanpakutō Muramasa.

‘I’m a little uncomfortable...’

Xingyan is a little entangled in such things, but also a little happy.

Completely belongs to him...

This statement really makes people feel happy.

However, the previous look was a little bit miserable.

Ask him tomorrow if he wants to change to a butler costume. I liked that style when I was in the UK.

After waking up from a nap, Xingyan, who was only three years old, didn't have many classes, but he still got up early on time. After washing up, he dragged the white long sword beside the bed and went out for a run.

A three-year-old kid dragging a long sword of more than one meter in the garden to run scared the housekeeper and the servants.

But they didn't dare to stop him, but when Mr. Uchiha Jie came back for dinner, they carefully mentioned it.

The young master occasionally behaved differently from ordinary people. They were used to working here, but the sword was really too dangerous.

"Xingyan, did you take him out to play again?"

Aizen came to the garden with Xingyan in his arms after dinner, expressing his sadness with helplessness.

This child is obedient, well-behaved, sensible, and has an unpredictable future development.

But he is too playful, and when he plays, he is very good at playing.

No matter if anyone around sees it.

"Father, the manga I read yesterday, the butler, is very consistent with Muramasa's state, can you let him come out to accompany me?"

The comic book Xingyan read last night, there are several comic books with butlers around the young master.

Moreover, the butlers in the comics are all-powerful and can do everything.

"Don't act cute, tell me the truth, did you remember something?"

Sighing, Aizen reached out and touched Xingyan's hair, asking him not to act cute and silly, he was not really a child.

"I can't remember, I just think he is very good, very obedient, and very reassuring..."

The false expression disappeared, Xingyan stretched out his hand with an indifferent expression, and the demon sword village appeared in his palm.

Looking at the light white light emitted by the blade, his eyes became warm.

"If you like it, release it, but your current strength is not enough to use it. If you don't want to have problems with your body, don't try Zanpakuto combat training before you are ten years old."

Aizen didn't know how real this kid's performance was, but he was really a little unhappy now.

The little thing he created actually felt that only this sword could make him feel at ease. This is really sad!

But he just likes this kid's sense of distance, because only by keeping a distance can this kid's future grow better.

"Well, I don't study, I just want someone to accompany me..."

Xingyan nodded, he just doesn't like loneliness.

As for the Zanpakuto battle...

His Zanpakuto hasn't been awakened yet, so it's impossible to conduct combat training.

The matter about Muramasa was decided.

The next morning, after Xingyan woke up, he saw Muramasa in human form.

At this time, Muramasa was no longer in combat mode. Although he was still wearing a white robe with complicated fluffy decorations, his whole aura became much gentler.

With a clean face and clear eyes, he stretched out his white-gloved fingers towards Xingyan and took him out of the quilt.

If he is not taken in now while he is still young, there will be no chance in two years.

"Master, you should take a shower now instead of staring at me in a daze."

Muramasa has adapted well to the master's identity as a butler. He doesn't know much about butler comics, but he still understands the concept of butler.

As a butler, he needs to arrange all kinds of daily routines required by the master, including setting time for the master to learn knowledge and physical training.

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