The father of the two children was very happy.

"Ichigo, you must work hard in your future studies and life!"

Xingyan looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a smile, and his smile was a bit determined.

Eight years old again...

What a good father, why can't he do it a year earlier or later...

At the age of eight, he has psychological trauma!


Kurosaki Ichigo stretched out his hand to pull Xingyan back, but his hand was bounced away by an invisible force before he touched Xingyan.

"Muramasa, I want to try..."

Xingyan didn't care about Kurosaki Ichigo anymore. What he had to do now was to let Muramasa not rush to attack.

With Muramasa's strength, if he took the knife and attacked, these hollows were actually not enough for him to cut.

So, what do you mean, father? I am tired of the parent-child development games over the years, so you force me to awaken in the first step?

But you know Muramasa's strength, how can you be sure that I will understand what you mean?

It's annoying to have such a father who likes to make people guess!

"Boy, just stay here, if..."

Muramasa reached out and grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo, controlling the struggling orange-haired boy in place.

He didn't have time to take care of this kid. If the master was in danger, he would protect the master first.

Judging from the state of the master, he should know where these hollows came from. It turned out to be the work of Aizen, the bastard...

"Aren't you his butler? Go help him!"

Kurosaki Ichigo was so angry that his eyes were glaring.

He didn't understand. In such a dangerous situation, was this butler's brain hole? Shouldn't his mission be to protect his master first?

"I want to go..."

Muramasa glared back unhappily.

The master's order is the first rule when the master is not in danger.

"All of you... go to hell!"

Xing Yan didn't know the name of his Zanpakutō, at least not yet.

The imitation Rasengan in his hand condensed, and the instant body technique appeared in front of the Hollow, and the Rasengan hit the Hollow's forehead.

The body clearly has three powers, and now seven years have passed, but there is still no intention to open it.

In this situation, regardless of whether his good father, the big boss Aizen, will feel disappointed, he is upset anyway.

If it weren't for the chakra, he would have wanted to kill himself a long time ago, and after becoming a god of death, he would have carried Muramasa to chop and chop.

Fortunately, chakra is not much limited in this world, and the Rasengan he hit on the Hollow's head is still a bit destructive.


"Be careful--"

The voice of Kurosaki Ichigo came, and when Xing Yan turned around, he saw several Hollows appearing in front of him at the same time.

He did not hide, but at this time, through the induction of the soul, he gave Muramasa an absolute order.


Ichigo Kurosaki's eyes turned red. A huge explosion roared. He watched the figure that was about the same size as him being overwhelmed by the attack of the strange creature.

Looking back, he found that the butler beside him was gone. Ichigo Kurosaki felt that he could still look forward to it. The butler was very strong and he would definitely be able to protect Xingyan...

But when the smoke and dust of the explosion dissipated, only one figure fell from the sky.

There was no butler in white clothes, only a scarred and bloody Xingyan, and a white long sword piercing Xingyan's heart.

"What a pity... school, I can't go back..."

When Xingyan fell to the ground, an invisible wind quietly appeared, allowing him to avoid the impact of the fall.

Lying on the ground, watching Ichigo Kurosaki crawling in front of him, crying with red eyes, he almost couldn't act anymore.

But is it really okay to cry like this?

The surrounding hollows have not been dealt with yet.

"Hospital, let's go to the hospital, I'll carry you to the hospital..."

Ichigo Kurosaki was shocked, but then he reacted and wanted to reach out and pull Xingyan onto his back.

"Ichigo, I always think it's great to have friends..."

Blood was dripping from the corners of Xingyan's mouth. He really spent a lot of money to awaken his power.

All this blood is his own!

Asshole father, when I find a chance, I will definitely bleed you too. This method hurts!

However, after spending so much money, the show still has to be finished.

"Yes, we are friends. You are fine. I will take you to the hospital. We will be good friends for life. You

Don't talk, I'll carry you to the hospital..."

Ichigo Kurosaki didn't plan to continue talking. He carefully grabbed both of Xingyan's arms and wanted to carry him on his back.

But as soon as his fingers grabbed, he felt something was wrong.

The bloody arm broke when he wanted to use some strength to pull the man up...

Like bubbles, the broken arm scattered and dissipated, blending into the air.


Ichigo Kurosaki was not only sad after crushing his friend's arm, he was directly shocked.

"It's okay, I've always been... I didn't really understand it before. I thought I could see the things around me because my eyes were different. Now I know that it's because my soul is different from that of ordinary people..."

Xingyan just scared him a little, and then let his body dissipate under the gaze of Kurosaki Ichigo, and completely transformed into a spirit state.

The knife that had been inserted into his heart before also disappeared when his body dissipated, and when it reappeared, it was already in the palm of Xingyan's hand.

"Look, I just changed from a living person to a spirit, so that I can kill those annoying things!"

Xingyan jumped up with a smile, and appeared in front of the hollow with a speed no slower than the instant step. The white long sword cut it in half with a single stroke.

All the hollows that were chopped by Muramasa turned into spirit particles and dissipated with just one cut.

Most of the reason for this was because of Muramasa's personal emotions.

It was unacceptable for Muramasa to watch his master's human body being destroyed in person.

"I'm very powerful, right! "

While flashing, Xingyan killed the surrounding hollows and stood in front of Kurosaki Ichigo again.

He was going to Soul Society, it was time to say goodbye to his good friend.

"Can you change back? Please change back. Let's go to the hospital to treat the wounds and go back to class. I won't ask you to go out and play games. Let's study hard..."

Kurosaki Ichigo was a little scared. He stretched out his hand to grab Xingyan's arm, but his hand grabbed nothing.

"It seems that I can't change back. I'm fine now. I can jump and fly. But my father may be a little sad. "Well..."

Xingyan sighed with some disappointment. He couldn't turn back into a human body at least in the short term.

It was so hard to transform once. If it was too easy to change back, who knows if Aizen would do something weird.

In the last world, I sometimes thought that my father's expression was too serious. I really didn't know how to appreciate my blessings. In fact, that was my real father!

Unlike now, I have to think about whether my father is going to do some dangerous experiments.

At the least, my body will be destroyed, and at the worst...

Who knows, the worst is that my soul will be transformed into a spirit particle.

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