The two of them were very busy.

"Don't run around in the real world. If you have any trouble, contact Urahara Kisuke..."

Kuchiki Byakuya is not a talkative person, but at this time, he still talked about some things that need to be paid attention to when sending a wounded person who has just woken up to the real world.

The seriously injured person woke up only two days ago, and the captain issued an order to send Xingyan to the real world for inspection.

Although there is no danger in the real world, it is definitely not a place suitable for the wounded to recuperate.

But he couldn't stop...

Tsunayashiro family, Shifengyuan family.

Several elders of these two families actually planned to join forces. He could only take this opportunity to let Xingyan go to the real world first to avoid those calculations.

"Captain, don't worry, I will go see Rukia..."

Xingyan nodded repeatedly, and he agreed to whatever Byakuya Kuchiki said, and mentioned Rukia before leaving.

All that should be said was said, and the vice-captain Gin Ginjiro, as the guide for the newcomer mission this time, walked into the world gate with Xingyan, and passed through the world to the real world.

After the two arrived in the real world, they appeared above Urahara's store.

The first step for the two to get here was to find Urahara Kisuke to buy a fake body.

"Hey, is this the young master of the Kuchiki family?"

Urahara Kisuke, wearing a fisherman's hat and dressed casually, stood at the door, staring at Xingyan for a while, and then raised a hand to greet them.

However, the name he mentioned made Xingyan stop, and his eyes turned cold in an instant.

"Vice-captain, is Seireitei so generous to defectors?"

Xingyan looked at Urahara Kisuke with a strange look, and then looked at Gin Ginjiro beside him.

Although it was not something that could not be mentioned, most people just called him "young master", and no one would add the surname Kuchiki.

"Urahara Kisuke, you idiot, don't bully children here!"

Just when the atmosphere was not very friendly, a black cat suddenly pounced and waved two claws at Urahara Kisuke's face.

Although only a few scratches that would disappear soon were left, the effect was still very good.

Even though he knew that the cat was Shifengyuan Yoruichi, Xingyan still stared at the black cat with shining eyes, and instantly turned back into a cute child.

"Hey... don't stretch out your hand, I will scratch your face..."

Shifengyuan Yoruichi was stared at and felt uncomfortable. It was not the first time she saw a god of death who liked cats, but when facing this boy, she had an inexplicable urge to escape.

"You can't scratch my face, but you can scratch my hands. I'll touch it, okay?"

Xingyan didn't care whether the other party wanted to run or not, and stretched out his hand and slowly approached Shifengyuan Yoruichi's cat head.

"Good boy..."

Although the mask was not worn on the face of the original body, when Xingyan approached, the effect of the cat's blessing was still affecting him, so Shifengyuan Yoruichi put his head into his palm.

His fingers gently stroked the black cat's head, and Xingyan temporarily forgot that this cat had another form.

"The little black cat is so cute, Manager Urahara, can you lend me your cat for a few days? I cook delicious food. I can make fish, fish soup, grilled fish, smoked fish..."

Without looking up, Xingyan knew that Urahara Kisuke was in a very bad mood.

And he was in a bad mood, so he was even happier now.

So, when luring the black cat, he even used his cooking skills as bait.

"What you say doesn't count. Let's try it first..."

Shifengyuan Yoruichi wanted to refuse, but when she looked up and saw the child's eyes full of joy, her original refusal turned into a "you'll know after you try it."

So, under the unhappy eyes of Urahara Kisuke, the two children in the store went to buy fish and a grill and came back, and everyone gathered together to watch Xingyan cook.

The cooking process was originally a bit boring, but in Xingyan's hands, it was like a performance show.

Frying, stir-frying, and deep-frying, the cooked fish was served on the table one after another. Xingyan looked at the black cat squatting beside him, and after removing the fish bones bit by bit, he put it in the bowl prepared for the black cat.


Delicious food always makes people relax, and cats are no exception.

When the meal was over, the black cat had already stuck to Xingyan, completely ignoring the strange eyes that Urahara Kisuke cast again and again.

"Little black cat, do you have a name? Do you want me to give you one?"

After eating and drinking, looking at the black cat sticking to him, Xingyan began the next step of kidnapping the cat


"She has a name..."

Urahara Kisuke couldn't stand it any longer. He had a feeling that if he didn't stop this kid's behavior, something would definitely happen!

"What's your name? Do you want to be my partner? My mission this time is to patrol the world. In fact, it's just a vacation. We can go to various regions to play around. Each place will have special cuisine..."

Xingyan ignored Urahara Kisuke and followed his words, continuing to talk to Kuroneko about his expectations.

"Yi, you can call me Sister Yiyi. I'm very old, not a little black cat."

Yiyi looked back at Urahara Kisuke and told him not to talk too much, and then told Xingyan her name.

The real name must not be said. As long as the name Yiyi is said, it will inevitably be associated with the Shifengyuan family.

Previously, an elder of the Bee family had a conflict with this kid, and Kuchiki Byakuya put people in the prison of the Sixth Division, which would make this kid count the Shifengyuan family.

"You are a cat... so I'll call you Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi, accompany me on patrol. I can make delicious food for you every day. It's just that my fighting power has not recovered yet. If you encounter a troublesome hollow, can you run away by yourself..."

Xingyan was not interested in calling her sister, and didn't care whether she would agree or not. He had already named the black cat Xiaoyi.

He picked up the cat with both hands and continued to talk about the patrol.

Urahara Kisuke and Gin Ginjiro looked at each other many times, but their thoughts were temporarily meaningless. The man and the cat had already decided the matter.

Under the particularly dissatisfied eyes of Urahara Kisuke, Xingyan put on the artificial body, carried a black cat on his shoulder, and walked out of the store with the wallet given by Urahara Kisuke.

He can cook, but the money for buying ingredients must be paid by Urahara Kisuke.

"Vice Captain Gin Ginjiro, shouldn't the Kuchiki family give some explanation?"

Both the boy and the cat were gone, and Urahara Kisuke stared at the vice captain of the Sixth Division. He was sure that he needed an explanation!

That kid was not right in the first place, and now he came to the real world and needed to be supervised by him, but he kidnapped Yoruichi from the beginning...

"Manager Urahara, isn't this good? With Miss Shihouin Yoruichi by your side, the safety of the Uchiha Three Seats and the monitoring you need to do can be perfectly solved."

Gin Ginjiro smiled and said that this kind of thing is actually in line with everyone's original wishes.

No matter what the reason, the young master was sent to the real world and had to be under the attention of certain people at all times.

Now that the trouble is saved, just let Shihouin Yoruichi follow, which can not only protect safety, but also be reported when any abnormality occurs.

The only one who would feel uncomfortable is probably Urahara Kisuke. After all, the relationship between Shihouin Yoruichi and him was not a secret back then.

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