The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Old man, how do you know... No, I was just pointed in the wrong direction, so I missed the game time... Well, he is not a bad person, I must have seen him when I was in the United States, but he refused to tell me..."

Ryoma Echizen received a call from Nanjiro Echizen in the car.

Ryoma Echizen did not expect that someone would tell his father about the fact that he took a luxury car to leave the park where the game was held.

Now looking at Xingyan next to him, he wanted to say that this person was harmless, but he really did not recognize who this guy was.

"Now you know that it will make your parents worry? Give me the phone and I'll tell your father."

Xing Yan looked at Ryoma Echizen with a tangled look in his eyes, and the voice that kept coming out of the phone. If he didn't make it clear at this time, the person on the other end of the phone would choose to call the police.

"Mr. Echizen Nanjiro, I'm Uchiha Xing Yan... Yes, take him to fight with my friend, and you can give him more lessons when he goes home... Yes, he is really too stupid..."

Take the phone, Xing Yan chatted with Echizen Nanjiro for a while under the wide eyes of Echizen Ryoma.

After reporting his name, Echizen Nanjiro was no longer worried that Ryoma was in danger, but he was still very angry that his son followed someone so easily.

Fortunately, he was not a dangerous person. If he really met a bad guy, even if they called the police, it might not be in time.

So during the chat between the two, it was decided that Echizen Ryoma would receive safety knowledge when he returned home.

"Are you familiar with my old man?"

Echizen Ryoma stared at Xingyan. He didn't realize who Xingyan was until he put the phone back in his bag after the call was over.

However, he was very curious now, why this guy talked so normally with his old man, couldn't he be a tennis player, but a relative of the family?

"This, look at it yourself, and play seriously in the game with Atobe later..."

Xingyan discovered for the first time that Echizen Ryoma could not remember not only people he had met a few times, but even his name.

Throwing a tennis magazine from the United States, which Atobe brought with him in the car.

The first article on it was a report on a tennis teenager from the year before last.

And he was the center of the report, but he didn't accept the interview, so most of it was reporters' wonderful review of previous games, and some speculation mixed with personal feelings.

"So it's you. I was saying that my old man held this magazine every day during that period, afraid that I wouldn't see the Grand Slam title on it!"

Echizen Ryoma only saw the cover page and the words "Grand Slam". Some disconnected memories were suddenly combined.

He had participated in the US Open Junior Division before, but because the old man said he wanted to return to Japan, his competition was terminated.

This junior championship, even the Grand Slam, is something he will never have the chance to fight for again.

It is precisely because he has no chance to get it again that he is actually very concerned about the fact that this award was once won by an 11-year-old boy.

"I heard from your brother before that you might participate in the junior division last year, didn't you go?"

Xingyan did have a brief chat with Echizen Ryoma after that game, and then heard that guy say how cute his brother is, and his tennis skills are not bad recently, etc...

Because it was not in a formal competition, no one would care even if the two of them chatted after the game.

"That bastard!"

When he mentioned his brother, Echizen Ryoma almost ran away in the car.

He tricked him into picking up oranges, and when he picked up the oranges, that bastard brother was actually taken away.

He didn't even know to say goodbye to him, he was a big bastard!

"The old man said I was too weak and asked me to go again this year, but he took me back to Japan before this year started..."

Thinking of the fact that he was not allowed to participate again and again, and finally allowed him to participate and then took him away, Echizen Ryoma always felt that his old man was doing it on purpose.

He just didn't let him participate in the junior group...

"It should be because he didn't want you to get hurt. In my year, more than a dozen teenagers were disabled and could never play tennis again..."

Xingyan looked at the somewhat disappointed Echizen Ryoma, and rarely mentioned some accidents that happened at the US Open that year.

In fact, it was not an accident, but a prelude to murderous tennis, violent tennis committed crimes on the court.

At first, he thought this kind of thing was strange, because only underground tennis courts could have such injuries.

It was not an illegal operation.

But later he looked through a lot of records. Even if there was clear evidence of intentional injury, it would still be necessary to determine whether to disqualify the player from the competition after the judgment of the organizing committee.

In other words, as long as the organizing committee thought it was okay, even if someone was beaten half to death on the court, the subsequent competition could still be continued.

This behavior was not only found in the US Open, but also in several other venues.

For these, Xingyan could only complain to the system in the end. It was worthy of being able to use tennis to hit people to the world outside the audience.

"What about you, why do you want to participate?"

Echizen Ryoma also knew that although his old man looked unreliable, he would never hurt him.

But he didn't understand why this person could participate. He was called the most gentle tennis player by some reporters and had never hurt his opponent with tennis...

How did such a person make it to the end in such a competition?

"Because I want to be the champion."

Xingyan looked down at the magazine. The most gentle?

Nearly half of the players who were disabled had an accident in the next game after playing with him. Didn't anyone notice this?

All opponents who dared to use tennis to maliciously hurt him would be given illusion tennis by him, and then be disabled in the next game.

As for the reasons for being disabled, some were because the opponents attacked them, and some were because of illusion interference, making them play some self-destructive tennis.

Xingyan never thought of forgiving those who attacked him.

"Maybe my pursuit of the championship is not too strong, I just want to defeat him now..."

Although Echizen Ryoma is not very mature psychologically, he is the protagonist after all. Although he struggled for a while at this time, he quickly found other possible reasons.

He has had a goal since he was a child, that is to defeat his old man.

As for the game...

He is obsessed with not losing, but he really has no idea about the position of the champion.

"That should be the case. Your goal is a person, not a trophy."

Xing Yan thought of the later part of the story, when the national competition was held, Echizen Ryoma gave up the US Open and ran back to play in the national competition with the Qingxue Tennis Club...

This behavior has already shown that he really doesn't care about the US Open.

Just like his father who was one step away from winning the Grand Slam, but didn't participate in the end, it was exactly the same willfulness.

Their tennis, perhaps, is really just for fun.

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