The truth is, the truth is that you are not welcome.

"They welcome the Grand Slam winner. With your status, you will be welcomed no matter which school you go to. What does being a regular have to do with whether your father is a coach? You don't seem to be comforting me at all. It feels like you are treating me like a fool..."

After being stunned for a while, Echizen Ryoma finally figured out the cause and effect relationship.

What kind of relationship?

Grand Slam winners in the junior category will be treated the same no matter which school they go to, or even better...

"Actually, your tennis club at Seigakuen has a tradition that first-year students can only pick up balls and pull the net. Do you want to only pick up balls for the whole year?"

Xingyan's arms regained some strength, and he picked up Carubin and pinched its paws to play. During this time, he glanced at Longma and told him about some rules of the Seigakuen tennis club in a disgusted tone.

"Do you have this tradition in Hyotei too?"

Longma's eyes widened as he saw that Carubin was so obedient even when his paws were pinched.

As for the tradition of the tennis club...

He certainly wouldn't just pick up balls for those seniors. At most, he could go to another place to go to school. It's not a place he has to stay.

But it's not like all schools here are like this, right?

"It is said that it happened a long time ago, but it was changed after Atobe came to Hyotei. Rikkai University also changed it in the same year. I seem to have heard that someone from your Qingxue also wanted to challenge the rules two years ago, but it seems that he was beaten by the senior at that time..."

Xingyan paused when talking about someone who was beaten by the senior. After Karubin meowed in dissatisfaction with his pause, he lowered his head and continued to play with the cat.

"You don't have to scare me. I know I have to pay attention to safety. If I am suppressed because I am a freshman, I can just change schools. I don't have to be in Qingxue. That place is the request of the old man. It has nothing to do with me!"

Ryoma doesn't care about Qingxue now.

The classroom is noisy, the girls are annoying, and there are cheating seniors in the tennis club...

After hearing about the so-called tradition, he has no nostalgia for the place he didn't like.

If he couldn't leave, he would rather go back to the United States directly. At least there he has a familiar environment and elementary school classmates.

"There are bad things, but there are also some good things. Uncle Nanjiro asked you to come back to school, probably to let you experience the learning and tennis atmosphere here. You'd better stay in Qingxue. Anyway, you are not weak. If you are not convinced, just compete on the court."

Xingyan held Carubin and played for a while. When he heard someone coming over here, he returned the cat to Ryoma.

He really felt that Ryoma wanted to transfer schools at any time.

However, this time, the Qingxue team selection should be easy to win.

Because Ryoma is different now.

The plot collapsed at the beginning, and he asked Atobe to practice with him in advance, which directly made the protagonist evolve continuously and raised his strength to the level where he could tie with Atobe.

Now Ryoma, unless he plays against Tezuka who is going all out, otherwise...

There is no one in Qingxue who can convince him.

It's a pity that he is from Hyotei, otherwise he really wants to go to Qingxue to watch the excitement, which will definitely be very, very interesting.

However, it seems that it is not impossible.

After all, he would often come to play tennis with Nanjiro Echizen. When he had a chance, he would ask Ryoma about the time and then go to school to wait for him to go home together...

It was a good idea and he must not forget it.

It would be a pity to miss such a big drama of leading the protagonist astray and watching the protagonist abuse his teammates.

"He just likes to make random arrangements, hum..."

Ryoma was in a much better mood while holding Carubin, but this did not prevent him from complaining about his old man's unreliable behavior.

Soon, Nanako Echizen appeared and called them back for dinner.

The two returned to the Echizen family together and had dinner under the warm hospitality of Junko Echizen.

After eating, Xingyan did not stay for long. He called the driver to pick him up, and then said goodbye to the people of the Echizen family, and agreed to come to play tennis with Uncle Nanjiro when he had time in the future.

For this kind of thing, the people of the Echizen family expressed great welcome, especially Junko Echizen, who looked at Xingyan with eyes that seemed to be shining.

"I just heard my mom say that she hasn't seen the old man so energetic for a long time..."

Longma carried Karubin out of the house with an awkward look on his face and stood outside the gate waiting for Xingyan's driver to come.

As for his family's attitude towards Xingyan,

Although Longma heard some of the reasons for Xingyan's enthusiasm, he didn't quite understand.

Anyway, he understood the general meaning. It was because he could play tennis with his old man that his old man regained his vitality from his sloppy state.

But he couldn't say thank you. Now, seeing that the car hadn't come yet, he suddenly reached out and put Karubin in front of Xingyan.


Xingyan reached out and hugged the cat, looking at Longma curiously, not knowing what he meant.

"Before getting in the car, I'll let you hold it for a while, and you have to give it back to me later."

Longma turned his head away. He knew that Xingyan liked to play with Karubin, so seeing that everyone in the family was very happy, let him play with Karubin for a while before leaving.


This way of thanking was the first time Xingyan had seen it, but it didn't stop him from continuing to play with the cat before the driver came.

When the car came, he put Karubin, who hadn't played enough, back into Longma's hands, got in the car and waved away.

After returning home, Xingyan asked about the situation. Since Taro Sakaki hadn't come back yet, he didn't wait for him and went upstairs to rest.

The next morning, Xingyan woke up and went downstairs to see Taro Sakaki who had gotten up early to read the newspaper.

"Dad, good morning."

Xingyan greeted Taro Sakaki, and then saw his father, who almost never ran, stood up and went out with him.

After walking around the house for a few laps, he went back to wash and change clothes after running. After eating and getting in the car, on the way to Hyotei, he found that Taro Sakaki still hadn't recovered completely.

"Dad, don't run with me in the future. You can't keep up with my speed."

Although it was a bit discouraging, Xingyan felt it necessary to make it clear.

His speed was as slow as possible this morning, but even so, it was still a bit too hard for Taro Sakaki.


Taro Sakaki thought he could do it, but it turned out that he really couldn't run.

"Actually, Dad, your body is still very good, but you can't compete with me. I can keep up long-distance running practice at a faster speed than the short-distance champion, so it's not Dad's problem, I'm just different from ordinary people..."

Xing Yan looked at the depressed Sakaki Taro and tried to find some reasons to comfort him helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, Dad just thinks that some people's advice is not reliable at all, and I'm thinking about how to settle accounts with him..."

Sakaki Taro didn't want his son to see him continue to be in poor condition, so he shook his head and put the running matter aside, and talked about someone who gave advice.

Last night, he was supposed to go out for a drink with them, and then they taught him how to get familiar with his son again.

Eating together, breakfast and dinner, this is simple.

Morning jogging... failed.

He was not allowed to try the ones after that.

In various sports, he, as a father, could not compare with his son at all.

It would be better for him to watch the children play outside like when they were young.

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