The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Although I haven't been in Japan for a few years, I still know some things. The genius first-year student two years ago and the genius first-year student two years later, both left-handed, used their right hands. Do you think they are similar?"

Xing Yan's words were very clear.

It was obvious that Fuji Shusuke had to believe that this person really knew a lot about the incident two years ago, and it was as if he had seen the scene in person.

"That incident will not happen again. Qingxue has changed. It will not be the same as before..."

Although Fuji Shusuke felt gloomy when he thought of that time, he couldn't let people discredit Qingxue now, at least he couldn't let people think that Qingxue is still the same now.

"Yes, they have become much better. They set up tricks to cheat juniors of their money, secretly hid juniors' tennis rackets, and let juniors use tennis rackets that are no longer usable to gamble. They are really a group of seniors who have become better."

Xingyan's expression was cold, and he told Ryoma what happened before.

He was not going to complain for Ryoma, because that kid didn't need it.

But this did not prevent him from being unhappy about some things in Qingxue. When people were unhappy, he wanted to make some trouble.

"We will investigate and deal with this matter."

Tezuka Kunimitsu's cold voice came from the side.

His game had just ended, and he heard that there was a regular player from Hyotei here, so he wanted to take a look, but he heard that there were seniors in Qingxue bullying juniors.

"Whether to deal with it is your business, you don't need to tell me. I can come this time, but it doesn't mean I will come again in the future."

Xingyan looked back, and he didn't have any feelings about Tezuka Kunimitsu's cold face.

Two years ago, Tezuka Kunimitsu was injured, and later he seemed to be punished to run laps...

Moreover, the person who was beaten ran laps with him.

In his opinion, this was simply a collapse of his worldview, but the person involved seemed to think it was quite normal.

Sure enough, let him lead the protagonist, the little prince, who is the future pillar of Qingxue astray.

At least don't be fooled by others, and don't take responsibility casually.

"Uchiha Xingyan, 12 years old, first grade of Hyotei, became a regular on the first day of school..."

Inui Sadaharu also came to join in the fun, and he skillfully took out a small notebook and said the information recorded on it.

"It is recommended to use online search, you will get more information than a notebook can record."

Looking back, Xingyan looked at Inui Sadaharu and told him a way to get his information without any effort.

I don't know if it is the setting of data tennis, can't these people make use of online search?

It was like this with Yajiudou at the beginning, and it is still the same with Inui Sadaharu now.

"Wait a minute, I'll search now..."

Inui Sadaharu pushed his glasses, then took out his phone and operated it.

As the information was searched out, Inui Sadaharu's expression became more and more exaggerated, and he didn't even notice that the notebook in his hand had fallen to the ground.

"Inui, what's wrong?"

Fuji Shusuke bent down to pick up the notebook on the ground, and handed it back to Inui Sadaharu. He was very curious about what information he had found.

According to his understanding of Inui, even if this person was very famous, he would not have such a reaction.

"At the age of 6, he won the All-Japan Free Fighting Under 12 Group Championship. At the age of 7, 8, and 9, he won the Youth Tennis Championship for three consecutive years. At the age of 11, he won the International Junior Tennis Grand Slam. He is now a first-year student in the junior high school of Hyotei Academy..."

Inui Sadaharu read out the list of awards and age groups that he searched out. He was confused and wondered if he was hallucinating.

How could a person do all this? And the most terrifying thing is not tennis, but the free fighting youth group champion at the age of 6.

This is unscientific, this is absolutely impossible!

But this information is officially certified, it is impossible to fake...

"Tezuka, the one you didn't find at the beginning..."

Fuji Shusuke was stunned for a while, then looked at Tezuka.

He remembered Tezuka said that he went to participate in the youth group competition at that time just to find this triple crown champion to play a game.

But that time he was delayed on the road, and when he arrived at the scene, he had missed the game time and was considered to have forfeited...

"It was him..."

Tezuka Kunimitsu reacted slowly for a while, but his original memory, which seemed to be blurred, was suddenly clearly awakened after Inui Sadaharu read out those awards.

He was late that time,

Later, he met two people from Kanagawa.

After playing a private match, he wanted to find that person again, but found that the person had not signed up at all.

It was not until two years ago that he received some news. It was said that the person went to compete in the world-class competition after winning three consecutive championships.

"Xingyan? Is it really Uchiha Xingyan?

Um, um, wait a minute, can I...can I get an autograph?

Just...sign on the clothes, just on the clothes, I am your fan, I like you too much!"

The excited and trembling voice sounded, and an arm in blue and white sportswear stretched out in front of Xingyan, and the sight turned to see the red-haired boy with tears in his eyes.

With slightly raised hair tails and sparkling eyes, Kikumaru Eiji is now completely transformed into a little fanboy, just short of hugging his thighs.


It's not the first time that Xingyan has seen the existence of real fans, but before, it was abroad, and it was the first time here.

He really couldn't handle such fans with sincere eyes.

It should be said that he had never encountered them in private.

Before, they were outside various tennis courts. In such places, just saying hello would be enough. After all, they were all players who could reach the later stage of the game, and everyone had a lot of fans...

"I'm sorry about what happened just now. Although it may be a bit strange, I am also your fan. Can you please sign for us? Just write it on the jacket. We will definitely keep it well!"

Fuji Shusuke apologized with a smile. He really didn't think of this information just now.

Now that his identity is clear, although he is not as excited as Eiji, his eyes still reveal the information of admiration.

As a person who can win the triple crown in the youth group, he has already gained a lot of fans.

But compared with the later development, the triple crown seems to be nothing.

Going abroad to play competitions, at the age of 11, he directly won the only world-class Grand Slam in the youth group so far.

When this information was passed back, tennis fans across the country fell into a period of madness.

This is not just about him winning the award, but also about becoming the new spokesperson for the full-day tennis project after Samurai Nanjiro.

"This is the school team's uniform, can it really be collected?"

Xing Yan didn't expect that he would be so famous here, even the regular players of Qingxue became weird.

As for signing on the school team's uniform, this is definitely not allowed. Their Qingxue uniforms need to be worn whether in training or competition.

So, are you serious about collecting it?

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