The two of them were married.

"Uchiha? Is there such a surname?"

The tall man with long black hair looked at Sakaki Taro.

He could understand that the child was not an illegitimate child, but it was a bit too much to adopt him without changing his surname, right?

"This is the only information left by his biological parents. It is Xingyan's identity. I want to keep it for him."

Sakaki Taro looked down at the little guy, not knowing if he understood, but this was the little guy's own insistence, and he couldn't deprive him of it.

"I'm glad you're happy. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Play a game with me and let your son see how his dad was given a score of 0!"

The long-haired man took the racket next to him and shook it at Taro Sakaki, urging him to get down to business and stop gossiping about other people's children.

"Akutagawa, you go be the referee. I'll watch his baby son for Sakaki."

The man with short red hair came over and took the child away from Taro Sakaki.

Although he was quick, he knew better than Taro Sakaki how to hold a child comfortably.

"Xianghi, you go. I'll take the little guy to play tennis nearby. I taught Jiro a few days ago, but he stopped playing with me after he learned to swing the racket."

Akutagawa, with curly hair, reached out to grab the child. He was sad that his son had left his father aside after learning to swing the racket.

Now he finally caught another kid who has never played tennis and is younger than his son. This is another opportunity for him, who is useless at tennis, to show his skills.

"Don't lead my son astray... Xingyan, Dad is going to change clothes and play a game with Saito. This is your uncle Akutagawa, the red-haired one is your uncle Xianghi, and the one over there is uncle Saito..."

Sakaki Taro looked at Xingyan's well-behaved appearance, who was not afraid of strangers at all, touched his head, introduced the three people, and then changed into tennis clothes after Xingyan nodded.

"Xingyan, little guy, uncle will teach you to play tennis, okay?"

Akutagawa watched Sakaki Taro change clothes, picked up Xingyan and went to the training ground next to him, and asked someone to bring a racket that children can use.

After handing the racket to Xingyan, he took out a tennis ball and started to play with the child.


"Swing like this... Yes, yes, that's the height, don't use too much force, swing gently..."

Worried that he might get hurt the first time he held a tennis racket, Akutagawa stared at Xingyan's arm and adjusted the angle and force for him little by little.

After more than ten minutes...

[The host completes the basic swing for the first time, and gets 10 points as a reward]

The system judgment appears for the first time the swing is completed, which means that Xingyan's swing has reached the standard of a beginner.

However, this reward is only unlocked at the primary level, and the subsequent ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times...

And so on, it is always a one-time point reward.

He already knew about this system's point reward method when he was in the ninja world.

[The host completes the basic swing for the tenth time, and gets 10 points as a reward]

Another 10 points are earned. Although these points are not used for the time being, it is good to earn some, and Xingyan has long been calm.

"Akutagawa, although you are terrible at playing tennis, you seem to be quite effective in teaching children the basics. I will send my kid to your house in a few days, and you can help me take care of him for two days..."

Xiang Ri, who was supposed to be the referee, came here and looked at Xing Yan who was swinging the racket in a very professional manner. He doubted whether some people were gifted, otherwise how could they teach one after another.

Thinking of his son who had been getting more and more naughty recently, he decided to find an opportunity to send him to live at Akutagawa's house for a few days.

Whether he could learn or not, at least the house would be quiet for a while, and maybe there would be a chance to have another kid next year.

"If you are willing, send him there. Jiro has been addicted to tennis recently, so they can have a companion to play with."

Akutagawa looked at the little one who was already swinging the racket seriously beside him, and he was full of confidence. He felt that he could teach a few more.

When Sakaki Taro, who had finished playing tennis and changed his clothes, came over, Xing Yan was holding the tennis racket and staring at Uncle Akutagawa with a wronged look.

"What's wrong?"

Sakaki Taro was originally quite confident in Akutagawa. This guy has always been liked by children and has experience in raising sons.

But now, it seems that he is not what he thought.

"Dad, Uncle Akutagawa won't let me play."

Seeing Sakaki Taro coming back, Xingyan put down his racket, ran over and grabbed his


Although it was a bit embarrassing, he was about to get the points again, but now he was told not to practice swinging the racket, which was really uncomfortable.

Even if he was still young...

Since he was a child, he could have a little temper.

"A three-year-old child has swung the racket nearly a hundred times. If I don't stop him, he will lose his hands."

Akutagawa was so angry that he stared at him. He just chatted with Xiangri for a while, but he didn't expect to see this kid still swinging the racket when he turned around.

It's even more brutal than his son. He just started learning, how can he be so addicted!

Then, he went over to stop him.

As a result, he was stared at by the kid's pitiful big eyes. He knew he was not wrong, but he still felt a little guilty.

"Xingyan, do you like this?"

Sakaki Taro didn't expect his son to be able to swing the racket so seriously so many times.

Looking at Xingyan who was still looking at the tennis racket eagerly, and touching his little head, Sakaki Taro decided to have someone make a training schedule for the child after returning home.

Not to urge his son to train, but to let people watch him not to overtrain.


Xingyan did not directly express his love for tennis, and tried to make himself look like a child who found a favorite toy. It would be wrong for him to take swinging the racket seriously now.

"It's okay, after we go home, Dad will ask someone to prepare something suitable for you, and then you can play all the time..."

Picked up the person, Sakaki Taro waved to several friends, and under their different looks, he carried the child out.

If they hadn't brought the child out, they should have gone to the bar for a drink at this time.

But it's different now, his son is going to bed.

"Being a father is different. This guy has never left so early before."

The long-haired Saito Shi took the drink beside him, drank half of it and put it down. He was full of emotion about how some people changed so much after becoming a father.

They have been friends for many years and are sure that Taro Sakaki really doesn't want to be bound by family.

So when they knew that he brought a child back from abroad, they thought that he was secretly given birth to by a woman at some point, and now that he came to their house, they must raise him.

They made an appointment to get together tonight. In addition to wanting to see the child, they also wanted to see what Taro Sakaki thought.

But the facts proved that they were actually overthinking.

Not only is that guy not unhappy now, but he is enjoying this sudden father-son relationship.

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