The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Saturday morning.

After breakfast, Xingyan sat in the car that Saito Zhi came to pick him up. The car drove more and more remote, and later went directly up the mountain.

"We're here. You haven't been here for a few years. The facilities here have been updated many times. You can play with anyone later, but the guy called Oni Jujiro is not good. His dimensional tennis is too brutal. If you haven't developed the dimension yet, don't play with him first..."

The car arrived at the gate, and the two large iron doors opened. Saito Zhi drove slowly and told Xingyan about the situation here.

For the time being, there is nothing to worry about, but if Oni Jujiro really opens the dimension, he can't bear to let the child he has watched grow up get hurt.

"Tennis of another dimension..."

Xingyan sat in the passenger seat, looking at the trees around him, his eyes were dazed for a moment.

He really hadn't developed tennis of another dimension, so he wouldn't have to start it this time, right?

Uncle Nanjiro said two days ago that he would teach him to comprehend the perfect fit, and now there is tennis of another dimension here, which is really getting more and more confusing.

What will the tennis of this world develop into in the end? Can it fly into the sky and hide in the ground, or even destroy the world?

"Okay, get out of the car, Kurobe and Takushi are waiting, they have been curious about your physical data for a long time."

After the car stopped, Saito Shi got out of the car and waited for Xingyan. Seeing that he seemed to be still curious about the other dimension, he could only change the subject and talk about Kurobe.

Originally, Kurobe was not familiar with them, but after seeing Xingyan's tennis, Kurobe entered that small circle with a clear purpose.

For such a person, everyone was polite at first, but Kurobe was a black-hearted guy!

After a few years, he became familiar with everyone, but he gradually let go of the idea of ​​letting Xingyan be trained by him to become a professional tennis player.

This is not because Kurobe has a change of heart, but as Xingyan grows up, Kurobe has to admit that he can't teach this child...

But even if he can't teach, it doesn't prevent Kurobe from being curious about Xingyan's data.

He is less than ten years old and has data comparable to national level. So far, they haven't seen the second one.

Of course, the subsequent junior group grand slam also made them sure that it is not only the data that is unique, but also the most real game results.

"I hope Uncle Kurobe won't go crazy. My current data has long surpassed that of adults."

Xingyan is very clear about his data. Although there will be some differences with the instrument test here, the basic concept will not deviate.

Wait a minute, I guess Uncle Kurobe will want to dismantle the instrument to check if it is broken.

"No, even if your data is higher than the world-class data of the adult group, he will not doubt that it is a problem with the machine. It is embarrassing enough to do such a stupid thing once."

Saito paused for a moment. He still thought it was too funny when he thought about the fact that Kurobe had seriously questioned the credibility of the machine.

However, looking at Xingyan's state, his data is probably already to some outrageous level, right?

But this time he will definitely not be doubted.

Because in order to show off his son, Taro Sakaki said a few days ago that his son could steadily take one point from the samurai Nanjiro.

"It's not your style to say bad things behind your back, Xingyan, I heard that you have been running to the Echizen family recently. Have you learned any samurai skills?"

Kurobe Yukio stood by the elevator and knew that Saito was laughing at him by looking at his expression.

He was not the only one who was scared at the time. Saito and Takushi were also equally confused. Do you have the nerve to talk about this now?

He is not as calm as a child. He was just a kid back then, but now he can challenge the samurai Nanjiro after only a few years. He has grown up so fast!

"Hello, Uncle Kurobe. Not only did I not learn the samurai skills, but I was also abused terribly. This is the first time I lost without any chance to fight back since I was a child..."

Xingyan sighed with a sad face. He didn't think it was shameful to be abused by Echizen Nanjiro, but it didn't stop him from expressing his sadness.

"Isn't it possible to get a point?"

Kurobe Yukio was stunned for a moment. He remembered that Sakaki Taro said it seriously and didn't seem to be joking.

"Yes, I can only get one point, and I can't get more. Isn't this miserable? Do the uncles think that I shouldn't get any points?"

Xingyan walked into the elevator, his eyes

God looked at the two uncles pitifully. They looked down on me too much.

After all, they watched me grow up for several years. How could I think I was so weak?

"Did Echizen Nanjiro use all his strength?"

Although Kurobe Yukio wanted to comfort the boy, he changed his mind and decided not to say those empty words.

"No, but when I got that point, he was really serious. But at that point, no matter how serious he was, he could only be suppressed. This is the only thing I can be satisfied with at present."

Yawning lazily, Xingyan looked at the two people whose eyes widened because of his words. Finally, he won a game in front of these two uncles.

They all said you would be surprised.

See, even if you received some news in advance, you would still be scared.

Sure enough, watching their faces change is still as interesting as when they were children.

"Say hello to Takushi. I'll take this kid to test his mental power first. He can completely crush his opponent in one game. This kid's mental power may have completely surpassed the opponent."

After exiting the elevator, Kurobe Yukio said hello to Saito Shi, and then turned around with Xingyan and walked in another direction.

After various tests in the room full of instruments, Xingyan sat on the sofa, drinking juice, looking at Kurobe with a serious expression, waiting for him to get the final data.

"Have you measured the five-dimensional data in the past few years?"

When Kurobe saw the final result, he looked in the direction of Xingyan, and his eyes still flashed with curiosity and helplessness.

He knew that this kid's mental power was ridiculously strong since he was a child, but he never thought that he could reach an unpredictable level at this time.

You know, in their calculations, the highest value that can be measured is actually 8, and this value of 8 is definitely beyond the world-class professional level.

Moreover, it is the standard for adults.

"No, I don't like to measure these, and there is no place to rest assured outside. Uncle Kurobe, just tell me, what is the extent."

Xingyan put down half a cup of juice and looked in Kurobe's direction, asking him to tell him the final result directly.

"The mental power exceeds the measurement range, exceeds the world-class professional players. If you can guess based on your ability to suppress the samurai Nanjiro in a single game, the value that exceeds it may be a lot..."

Kurobe Yukio can no longer measure Xingyan in terms of mental power, so he, who has always been rigorous, can only use comparative guesses.

"This is not surprising. Let's measure other data. Other items will not be too outrageous. It will probably barely reach the world level."

Xingyan nodded, not surprised by the result.

With this measurement, it is estimated that the mental power measurement will be exempted when coming here again in the future.

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