The ball was too weak. It was obvious that someone who could be tasked with random tasks by the system should not be so weak. Is this guy really using tennis matches as a place to hone his acting skills? "I was actually disliked. It's really sad..." Irie Kanata picked up the tennis ball, glanced at the other side, and continued to serve with concentration. The second ball, he did not try as before. "No, senior is still too slow. This kind of tennis is really unpleasant!"

Xing Yan still hit back lightly, sending the ball to the baseline at super high speed, and it bounced and fell outside the court.

"No, it's impossible. The ball just now couldn't appear in that position..."

Irie Kanata's eyes struggled, looking at the tennis ball still rolling on the ground, and he was completely stunned.

This ball speed reminded him of Ochi Gekko's Mach serve.

But in comparison, the speed just now was faster, and the angle and rotation force were so weird that he couldn't judge at all.

"Senior, can you be serious now?"

Without answering why the ball appeared there, Xing Yan just looked at Irie Kanata calmly and asked him if he could give up his acting skills for the time being.

His strength is not really weak, it's boring to continue acting like this!

"Sorry, I will be serious next time."

Picking up the tennis ball and holding it in his hand, Irie Kanata pushed his glasses, and his whole momentum changed instantly.

Being despised time and time again, he now has to give up the practice of his acting skills.

Tennis is more interesting if you play with someone who has strength!

"The speed of the ball just now was very fast?"

Kazuya Tokugawa leaned against the wall, watching Irie Kanata's serve being hit back and Irie Kanata's reaction of being completely unable to receive the ball. He always felt that something weird was happening.

The return ball just now was indeed not slow, but the speed was about the same as his, how could Irie Kanata not be able to receive it?

"Maybe, in his position, he felt that the ball speed was too fast."

Shuji Tanejima stopped laughing, looked at the two people in the tennis court, shook his head, stood up, went to the farthest position in the rest area and sat down to continue watching.

He roughly guessed what was going on, but now he didn't need to tell others about this.

Compared to his teammates, he wanted to watch the little guy show his power here, so that these guys could also experience what despair was.

Illusion tennis...

Although he had not experienced it himself, he had watched the little guy's tennis matches abroad many times and knew how brutal this kid's illusion tennis would be.

This is why he still doesn't want to play against the little guy even though he can be the No. 2 of the first army.

Before he can find a way to break the illusion tennis, he will not let his direction be disrupted again.

"Tokugawa, watch Irie's changes carefully. Don't lose too badly to this kid tonight."

Oni Jujiro just looked at Irie Kanata's performance and knew that there would be no changes in the afternoon game.

They didn't understand how such a result came about, but they knew very well that all of this was controlled by that kid.

Irie Kanata, who is good at acting, was forcibly given a role setting at the beginning, experiencing a script that he didn't want but couldn't get rid of.

"How is the illusion tennis ball formed? Is it mental power?"

Tokugawa Kazuya thought of the game with Byodoin Phoenix. At that time, he was beaten without any ability to fight back.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was sure that this kid was really strong.

This ability to control people silently was not something he could understand at all.

"Although I don't understand how it was formed, this kid's mental power must be too strong."

Ki Jujiro didn't know, but he could judge the strength.

From the perspective of the onlookers, they continued to watch Xingyan score points with a fast, but not ridiculously fast tennis ball.

Swinging the racket again and again, hitting the ball, serving, changing courts, until Irie Kanata burst into tears.

"Uchiha Xingyan won, the score was 6:0!"

The referee shouted the final score and the game stopped.

Kneeling on

Kanata Irie was still crying on the ground, his tears dripping onto the racket in front of him, and his crying became more hysterical.

"Kid, is he okay?"

Kijujiro couldn't stand it anymore, so he jumped into the court, wanting to take Kanata Irie for a checkup.

But when he passed by Xingyan, he was stopped by the suddenly raised racket.

"Don't disturb him now, he will wake up in a while."

Xingyan's eyes were locked on Kanata Irie's expression, and he was also waiting, waiting for this guy possessed by the spirit of drama to wake up.

Although he was controlled by the illusion, his opponent this time was still performing in the illusion.

He won this game, a complete victory.

But he was not happy playing.

"Little one, in recent years, Moonlight's mental power has improved again. When he comes back, I will bring him to you. Then you can abuse him again. I haven't seen him lose in mental power for a long time..."

Tajima Shuji also walked in, put his hand on Xingyan's shoulder, and smiled and talked about Yuezhi Moonlight who couldn't come back for the time being.

"He won't hide from me. When he comes back, we can play a few more games. What about you? You have been preparing for so many years, but you are not ready yet?"

Xingyan shook his shoulders that were pressed down. After seeing that this guy was stubborn and refused to let go, he let him go.

But he didn't want to know when Yuezhi Moonlight would come back. He just wanted to ask the guy next to him if he didn't plan to stand opposite him in this life.

"I don't want to play tennis with you. There are billiards and bowling here. Now that you have finished your game, which one do you want to play, I will take you to play..."

Tajima Shuji shook his head directly. He could play other games with Little One, but tennis was absolutely not allowed.

"Let's play bowling. We haven't played for a long time. How do you want to play this time?"

Xing Yan gave up reluctantly. He knew it would be like this.

However, it doesn't matter if he doesn't play tennis. He is not a ball-serving machine. He doesn't have to be tied to tennis all the time.

"Let's play blindfolded this time. I promise I won't cheat again!"

Speaking of bowling, Tanejima Shuji thought of more than three years ago.

That was the last time he and Xing Yan went out to play. At that time, he secretly took off the blindfold, and the boy was so angry that he didn't even invite him to dinner.

Later, the brat went abroad, and there was no chance to play together.

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