The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"Good morning, Uncle Saito, Uncle Kurobe, Uncle Takushi!"

As a well-known relative, Xingyan greeted the three coaches of U17 respectively during breakfast.

"Good morning, Xingyan, how did you sleep last night? The environment here is a little worse than at home. If there is anything inappropriate, tell your uncle and let him adjust it later."

Saito Zhi waved Xingyan to come and sit together for dinner, and then expressed their special care very directly.

"Not bad, but the room is a little small, and many trainings cannot be carried out, but it's okay. The conditions here are limited, so let's just leave it like this, no need to change it."

Xingyan nodded, barely satisfied with the accommodation environment here.

As for the adjustment...

Forget it. Although he doesn't mind people being aware of his different treatment, there's no need to go too far.

"Then don't move. When you have time, come and stay for two days. There are still some good seedlings here. More practice can also find different ideas..."

Kurobe Yukio feels that as long as Xingyan can come, he will be very satisfied.

As for how long he will come...

After getting more familiar with him, there will always be a chance to keep him.

Of course, if Xingyan doesn't want to stay in the end, he won't force it.

In addition to being a promising tennis player, this kid also calls him uncle. Several years of attention have made him more humane.

"Well, I'll play another game with Oni Jujiro later, and then I should go back. I have to train the school team players recently. Let's see the situation later..."

Xingyan didn't say when he would come again, because he is indeed busy recently.

Although the training plan is not difficult for him, playing tennis matches is not just about doing good training.

He needs to supervise every player of Hyotei and let them improve on their original potential.

"Be careful."

Although they didn't want Xingyan to play against Oni Jujiro at the beginning, there were some things they couldn't stop, especially after knowing that Byodoin Phoenix had lost to Xingyan.

After breakfast, the few people who had rested for a while came to Court 1 again. Only Kurobe Yukio went to the monitoring room, and Saito Shi and Takushi Ryuji followed to the competition venue.

"The game begins, Uchiha Xingyan vs Oni Jujiro, Oni Jujiro serves!"

The referee shouted to start.

There was still no surprise, Oni Jujiro got the serve.

For this result, the few people in the rest area smiled almost the same.

The boy who always wins in tennis, but never gets the serve, which is also a unique feature.

"Boy, be careful!"

Oni Jujiro reminded before serving.


The racket swung, and the tennis ball flew at high speed, faster and heavier than Tokugawa Kazuya's tennis ball.

"Not enough."

Xingyan moved his feet, so fast that it seemed like a phantom, and increased the power and speed of the tennis ball a little bit, and then sent it back to the opposite side of the onlookers.

The yellow-green tennis ball kept flying on the court, and the back and forth made people dazzled.

For the onlookers, this game was a torture for dynamic vision.

"Is it going to be over again..."

Tanejima Shuji watched the game, and his fingers gradually tightened.

He had never played against Onijujiro, but he knew Onijujiro's strength.

It was just that this time, if he couldn't open the other dimension in the early stage, Onijujiro would be completely defeated.

The crushing and control of mental power, even without the illusion tennis ball, has been accumulated since the start of the game.

The longer the time drags on, the harder it is to break free, which is why he has never played tennis with Xingyan.

Because he knew very well that if his mental strength could not contend, there would be no hope at all.

"What did you see?"

Irie Kanata looked at Tanejima Shuji in disbelief. This was just the beginning, and it was not the time to use his skills.

"It's been five years. Except for that one match, I never stood on the tennis court with him after that..."

Tanejima Shuji did not explain too much. He just told the curious Irie and Tokugawa about his own affairs.

"Not that bad, right? Even if you can't win, you don't need to be scared so much. What do you want to say?"

Irie Kanata was in a bad mood. Could this guy be more clear? He came to

What are you afraid of!

"Watch the game. You can ask the ghost about his feelings later. The ghost won this round."

Taneshima Shuji shook his head. Some things cannot be explained clearly.

However, the momentum of the ghost Jujiro is good now. If he works hard, he may be able to fight for another point.

In the other dimension, ghosts and gods...

It must be used!

Otherwise, the kid will be disappointed. He can't predict what the result will be after disappointment.

"The ghost Jujiro won this round, the score is 1:0! The two sides exchange venues!"

After more than ten minutes, as Shuji Taneshima predicted, the ghost Jujiro won a point.

During this period, Xingyan scored two goals, but only two goals.

"Saito, what's wrong with Xingyan? He obviously didn't have enough strength to return the ball just now. It's impossible for him to do such a thing in his state."

Kurobe Yukio's voice came from the headset.

"I told him not to touch the other dimension, but you know that once that kid becomes interested in something, the more you stop him, the worse it gets. Let him play."

Saito Shi's tone was helpless.

As for Xingyan's personality, they, the uncles, knew everything. Kurobe was asking questions knowingly.

"Make some preparations at the medical department. If that kid suddenly opens an unknown other dimension, Oni Jujiro might be in trouble."

Kurobe Yukio was silent for a few seconds. After seeing Xingyan's serve, he simply made new arrangements for the staff next to him.

Although it may not be used, it is always better to be prepared.

"Damn... is that a light shot?"

Tanejima Shuji was stunned when he saw that the tennis ball in Xingyan's hand was glowing.

He reached out and grabbed Irie Kanata beside him. He now needed someone to accompany him to confirm how this kid could learn the tennis ball from the guy in Byodoin.

"It's really a light shot. If Byodoin knew, it would be furious!"

Irie Kanata was also a little confused. He thought that he had seen all the skills of that kid in the game last night.

But now with this scene, he suddenly confirmed that the two games between him and Tokugawa really didn't make this kid serious.

"Guess, has that guy from Byodoin seen this kid play this kind of light shot?"

Tanejima Shuji suddenly lowered his head and laughed. He seemed to sympathize with Byodoin Phoenix.

That guy is definitely not someone who uses the other dimension at the beginning. He can't use it later, and he has to watch this kid use his skills.

What's more, after Xingyan used the same light shot, the change of this ball was more brutal than the creator...

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