After lunch, Xingyan waved his hand to Shuji Tanejima and Jujiro Ki who sent him to the parking lot, got into Saito Toshi's car, and left the U17 training camp.

"How do you feel? Is the atmosphere in the training camp good?"

On the way, Saito Toshi glanced at Xingyan who was staring out the window in a daze, and asked him how he felt about the U17 training camp.

"It's okay, but most of them are not very good. Those in other venues are obviously just messing around, and the training seems to be a particularly unwilling task..."

Xingyan didn't think much of the overall concept of U17. Except for a few familiar coaches and those who played in the game, the others were still too weak.

"The reorganization of the second army is currently underway. Some of them were sent to coach Mifune, and a few asked for leave..."

Saito Shi heard that Xingyan didn't think much of U17, and thought about explaining it roughly.

Those students who didn't have any characteristics and hard-working atmosphere in training really can't represent the U17 training camp.

Fortunately, Oni Jujiro and others are here, otherwise Xingyan might really feel that there is no need to come to this place anymore.

"I heard some things from Tanejima Shuji, but I don't know how much the other people in the first army can be compared with Byodoin Phoenix and Oni Jujiro..."

Xingyan thought of Byodoin Phoenix and did have some expectations for the first army.


I heard that Ochi Moonlight is No. 9, and if we remove the ones he already knows, there are 5 stronger than Ochi Moonlight, and the No. 10 who should not be much weaker...

These six people seem to be able to give him some points and gain more practical experience in tennis matches.

I just don't know how long it will take for this expedition group to come back. When we were chatting before, Tanejima Shuji said it would take at least half a year.

Half a year is enough for him to finish the national competition and then start a new mission.

'System, you don't have to answer me, but I have guessed what the next mission is. It's to let me pick all the teams in the U17 team, or to make it to the World Cup, right? '

Closing his eyes, Xingyan leaned back in his chair to rest, and in his heart he was bragging to the system about his reasoning.

[The subsequent plot will be passed on after the national competition, the host does not need to worry]

The system probably knew that it could not hide it anymore, and for the first time clearly told Xingyan when he would let him know all the subsequent plots.

However, after the national competition...

'I guessed it all right, system, you take a break, I will continue to train them when I go back, we will win all the championships this time! '

Not expecting the system to pay attention to him anymore, Xingyan finished showing off to the system and really took a good rest for a while.

Until he returned home, he said hello to Taro Sakaki who was resting at home, and then ran back to his room.

He didn't want to listen to Uncle Saito talking about what good and bad things he did in U17.

"Senior Oshitsuki, I just got home... tomorrow morning..."

After going back to the room to clean up, Xingyan received a call from Yuushi Oshitsuki while lying on the bed.

Because he said he couldn't see the direction of Oshitsuki, he made Oshitsuki very entangled in this matter.

After Atobe took the lead, the regulars of the tennis club also gave Oshitsuki special training one by one.

Although not everyone can beat Yuushi Oshitsuki, he couldn't help but be worried and concerned by his teammates.

After agreeing to solve the problem at the club work time tomorrow morning, Xingyan hung up the phone and went downstairs. Under the amazed gaze of the housekeeper and the chef, he made a simple Chinese dinner.

However, he thought it was very simple, but Saito Shi mentioned it frequently during the meal, saying that the little boy had really grown up.

When he was about to leave, he still lamented why he couldn't have such an all-round good son.

In response, Sakaki Taro raised his eyebrows and gave Saito Shi one word.

Get out!

"Dad, what's wrong with Uncle Saito?"

Xingyan was not at the door just now, and Saito Shi would not let the child hear such a teasing.

So after seeing Sakaki Taro actually raising his foot without any image and making a kicking gesture, Xingyan suddenly had the illusion that he was confused by an illusion.

"It's okay, that guy's brain is a little bit off, you have to ignore him when you are busy with the tennis club recently."

Sakaki Taro put his hand on Xingyan's shoulder and signaled Saito Shi, who was already sitting in the driver's seat, with his eyes to grab

Hurry up.

These bad friends of theirs have many children at home. They are always thinking about other people's sons, and they are not afraid that their own boys or girls will have opinions.

"I don't have time to go to U17 in the short term. Oshitsuka is still a little confused about tennis. I have to go to school tomorrow morning to discuss this issue with him. Atobe and others need to adjust their training volume. The regional qualifiers are about to start. I'm so busy..."

Xingyan waved at the car that Saito was leaving, and then told Sakaki Taro about a series of things he needed to do next.

In addition to these, he also has to go to Echizen Nanjiro to play tennis. It feels that every day after that will be very busy.

"Don't be too tired. Before the Kanto Tournament, there is no opponent that Hyotei can worry about."

Sakaki Taro doesn't think there is anything to worry about the first two competitions.

As a school that has been in the national competition in recent years, Hyotei's strength itself is beyond doubt.

If you want to talk about danger, Rikkai University, which will be encountered in the Kanto Tournament, is one of them. The others are not threatening at all.

"There's no problem with the regional qualifiers, but it's hard to say about the big tournaments. That Seigaku..."

Xingyan thought of Seigaku's protagonist group and didn't think Hyotei could win for sure.

He could win one game, but Seigaku would definitely make some arrangements against him.

The luck and aura of a protagonist group cannot be underestimated. After letting Atobe and Echizen Ryoma play that game and watching Echizen Ryoma evolve in leaps and bounds, he knew how hard it would be to break the protagonist's aura.

"Seigakuen? That's the school where Echizen Ryoma is. Will they break the rules and let the first-year students play?"

Sakaki Taro still knew about Seigaku, because they were in the same region, and some occasional tennis activities would bring the two schools together.

But that coach never let the first-year students play. The genius Tezuka two years ago was so famous, but he was still suppressed at the bottom.

"The son of Echizen Nanjiro has already informed the coach before going to school, and later he was recommended by Tezuka Kunimitsu, but... only Echizen Ryoma, other first-year students are still not eligible."

Xingyan looked down on this rule of Qingxue, but these problems can only be attributed to the coach, and have little to do with the regulars of Qingxue Tennis Club.

In the minds of those regulars, it is estimated that they have to compete on the tennis court, and those with strength have the right to speak.

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