The two of them were so confused.

"What kind of tennis ball is that, brat?"

After a game, Echizen Nanjiro lay on the chair, still full of doubts about the illusion tennis ball.

Originally thought that he could erase that point today, but the fact is that it was still just one point taken away.

However, it was not the first game of illusion tennis, but the real and fake tennis became more and more troublesome afterwards. After playing three games of "making something out of nothing", he was still trapped by this kid.

This time, the point lost was lost clearly and clearly, and it was no longer the previous way of suppressing his scoring in a limited time.

"First, create a few fake balls, then cover the fake balls with tennis illusions, and then use different rotations and strengths to hit these tennis balls in completely different directions."

Xingyan's explanation of this illusion ball is somewhat half-true and half-false, after all, he can't explain the existence of chakra.

The only thing he can say is the 'qi' ball he learned before.

Fortunately, he is the only one in this world who understands chakra, so if he says it is qigong, then it is qigong.

"You have learned all this?"

Echizen Nanjiro felt that he had thought this kid too simple before.

But is it really that simple?

What a joke, if it is just this principle, how could he lose that point again.

"You can always learn more by learning more. I have learned a lot of things before, and now I am integrating them into tennis little by little, but even so, I didn't get a few more points."

Sitting on the chair, Xingyan looked at Carubin who tilted his head to him and acted cute, and reached out to pick up this cute kitten.

In this world, any power can be integrated into tennis.

But in essence, one still needs to have strong basic strength.

"Continue next time. When you try to win two points, I will try to erase your point."

Echizen Nanjiro suddenly sat up. He was actually very satisfied with today's game.

Not only did he let this kid see the three doors of the selfless realm as he wished, but he also saw the fusion of the 'air' ball and 'illusion·nothingness'.

He also has to find time to try some things, maybe he can research some new ways to play tennis.

"I'm going home first. Has Ryoma's training increased today? Why haven't you come back yet?"

Xingyan put away his tennis bag, and returned Karubin to Echizen Nanjiro, and then prepared to go home for dinner.

Looking at the time, normally Ryoma would have gone home at this time, or he would have finished a practice match with Uncle Nanjiro.

"I don't know, maybe something delayed him, my brat will be fine."

Echizen Nanjiro hugged Carubin, touched his short hair and smiled to say that he didn't need to worry about Ryoma.

"When I go back, let the driver check along the way to Qingxue."

Xingyan still felt a little uneasy, after all, he is the protagonist, and there are plots where he often gets injured.

When leaving Echizen's house, he talked to Nanjiro, got in the car and asked the driver to look for him along the route to Qingxue.

"Ryoma, why are you not home so late today? Uncle is waiting and worried."

At the door of a tennis goods store on the side of the road, Xingyan got out of the car and walked to Ryoma Echizen.

"I was going to buy some things, but Senior Momoshiro chased a thief and ran away."

Ryoma was carrying a tennis bag on his back and holding another one in his hand, which should be Momoshiro Takeshi's tennis bag.

When looking at Xingyan, Ryoma's eyes lit up, and then he remembered that he was left behind, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Which direction? Let's go and take a look. If the thief is caught, he won't show mercy just because he's a student."

Xing Yan thought about the plot, but couldn't remember any plot where someone got hurt while catching a thief.

But at this time, it's still very dangerous for a junior high school student to chase a thief, so he should go and take a look to avoid any accidents.

He has always been an enthusiastic and good boy, although he has almost no chance to show it.

"Over there, he chased after him on a bicycle, and there's Kamio from Fudo Mine."

Ryoma pointed in the direction, but that was a bicycle chase, so even if they ran over, they wouldn't be able to catch up.

"Let them do the shopping, Ryoma, get in the car, let's go and take a look, don't let anything happen."

After hearing Fudo Mine, Xing Yan felt that the current situation seemed a little familiar.

Sure enough, playing tennis with Uncle Nanjiro was too exhausting, and his spirit was

I can't even concentrate.

Sure enough, let's go and have a look.

"Please take me with you. I'm Ibu Shinji from Fudomine."

Ibu Shinji saw Echizen Ryoma getting on the car and leaving, and he also wanted to catch up with him.

"Get in the car."

Xingyan didn't have any idea about Fudomine. Now that he had someone get on the car, the driver drove over after being pointed in the direction.

"Stop the car. I roughly know what's going on."

At the entrance of a park, Xingyan listened to the intermittent sound of hitting the ball and suddenly remembered what was going on.

A thief, a shopping trip by Seigaku, two people from Fudomine, a stolen bicycle, and a running Kaidou Kaoru.

The most important thing is that this is the first appearance of Atobe and Hyotei!

What a black history-like appearance. He really needs to take a good look!

"What's wrong, is this a park?"

After getting off the car, Ryoma looked around curiously. This place is the park he had been to before, and there is a tennis court inside.

"Let's go!"

Xingyan thought of his troublesome minister and walked up the stairs.

"Stop it, Karaji."

Atobe Keigo sat on the ground in an unglamorous manner, just stopping Karaji from running to catch the ball.

It was at this time that Xingyan and the others walked in.

"Who can tell me what's going on now?"

Xingyan's eyes swept over everyone present, including Atobe and Karaji, as well as Yulin's, Qingxue's, and Fudomine's people.

After looking around, he walked to the side and picked up the tennis ball that bounced near him after falling to the ground.

"It's them, they actually bullied a girl, and they said they would force the girl to date him!"

Momoshiro Takeshi stuffed the racket back into Yulin's hands, ran to Xingyan and began to talk about how Atobe bullied a little girl.

"Is it that girl? Tell me what happened."

Xing Yan stared at Ju Xing for a few times. This girl was not the type of Ji Bu. How could he be so depressed today that he forced a girl to date?

How could he do such a plain thing?

Did he take the wrong medicine?

Or was he killed by the plot?

"She said she wanted to compete with us, and she also said that she would date me if she lost, but after they lost, this little girl actually raised her hand to hit me in the face..."

Ji Bu's face was about to turn green. He was just out for a walk with Huadi and looking for Ji Lang who didn't know where he went.

As a result, he met these people. They were so weak that they were vulnerable and spoke arrogantly. When they were defeated, they called them weak chickens, which made the little girl angry and wanted to hit them...

"You tell me!"

Xing Yan turned his head and looked at the people from Yulin Middle School.

"He was the first to curse, saying that we who play street tennis are weak teams..."

Tachibana stood behind Takeshi Momoshiro and Kamio, pointed at Atobe's position and began to emphasize the reason for their dispute.

"You tell me."

Ignoring Tachibana, Xingyan stared at the two people from Yulin Middle School and asked them to explain the whole story honestly.

If Atobe was stupid, he wouldn't be like this, but if some people really deliberately made trouble, Hyotei wouldn't take the blame.

"This is what happened. We were playing tennis and talked about some topics about the comparison of school strengths, and then they came and defeated us..."

The two people from Yulin Middle School quickly explained the whole story.

They lost to Qingxue and felt uncomfortable, so when they were playing here, they discussed the situation of those schools and said some unpleasant words.

It happened that Atobe heard it again, and Atobe asked Kabaji to crush them and said that they were all weak.

Later, it was Tachibana's provocation.

They said they wanted to make a bet, if they won, Atobe would apologize, and if they lost, Atobe could date Anzuki.

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