The question is, who gave Xingyan the title?"

After asking the two guys to stay quiet, Jibe asked about the title again. Finally, they discussed it and determined that this title would not be the consultant's idea.

"I think I guessed a possibility..."

Xingyan thought about it and finally locked on one person.

Mifune Nyudo!

As a future coach, he can definitely do this!

Take an extremely arrogant title, so that even if he doesn't want to go out to play, someone will come to him.

At that time, there is no need to work hard, and the reputation will be directly brushed.

Although it is a bit unpleasant, I have to admit that this is a worry-free and labor-saving way.

There is only one premise, that is, you can't lose a single game!

If he fails in any game, he will become a joke.

"Hyotei vs. Yamabuki, doubles 2, please enter!"

While everyone in Hyotei was still gossiping about this, the referee announced the start of the game on time.

"Senior Oshitsuki, Gakuto, play well, I'm waiting for your good news."

Seeing the start of the game, Xingyan was the first to stand up.

However, he did not take the racket, but walked into the court and sat in the coach's seat, and then looked at Yuushi Oshitsuki and Gakuto Mukai, who were in doubles 2.

Yamabuki's doubles are said to be very powerful, but their doubles are not weak.

Players from both sides came on the court. Yamabuki's players were Nan and Dongfang, who had defeated the two players of the golden combination of Seigaku last year.

However, because the opponent was not Seigaku, Yamabuki sent them directly to doubles 2 this time.

Hyotei's players were Yuushi Oshitsuki and Gakuto Mukai. The two exchanged glances, gestured to Xingyan at the same time, and then walked into the court.

"Hey, kid, what does that gesture mean?"

A voice suddenly came from outside the guardrail.

"It means a complete victory. Uncle, you actually brought Karubin out. Be careful that Ryoma will be angry."

Xingyan turned around and stretched out his hand, asking Karubin, who was brought out by Echizen Nanjiro in his arms, to come over.

Although he had heard Ryoma say it before, he never thought that this uncle would bring the cat with him.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you still ashamed to say that? You haven't visited it these days. My door has been scratched. Remember to compensate for my door next time."

Echizen Nanjiro looked at the cat lying on Xingyan's legs, with a bitter face, and he was helpless that his cat had already had an affair.

However, he did have something to find this kid, but those things would have to wait until the game was over.

"Uncle, you have something to find me, wait a moment."

Xingyan looked at the game that had already started on the field and asked Echizen Nanjiro to wait a moment.

After Hyotei won the first game and the venue was changed, Xingyan asked Atobe to come and sit in the coaching seat. He stood up and walked out holding Carubin.

"Is this okay?"

After leaving the tennis court, Echizen Nanjiro looked back a few more times.

It was obvious that he needed to regulate the emotions of the players on the spot.

"It's okay. Hyotei's regular players are very strong in psychological quality. Uncle, if you have anything, you can call me. Aren't you afraid of being recognized and surrounded by people when you run out like this?"

Walking to a rest area in the tennis park, it was relatively quiet because everyone was watching the game.

Xingyan looked at Echizen Nanjiro wearing a hat and still felt that this matter was a bit strange.

It's not like he didn't have a phone number, and he would go to Echizen's house after he was busy with the metropolitan competition. What was the matter that required him to come so anxiously?

"Someone called me before and asked about you, and then told me about your future development and the club. Are you serious?"

Echizen Nanjiro was a little nervous today. Although he and Xingyan were very familiar with each other, they only talked about tennis and complained about each other during breaks.

He suddenly wanted to talk about something serious, and he needed Xingyan's help, which made Echizen Nanjiro feel awkward.

"Well, the club has been registered and my information has been submitted. Looking at some reports last night and this morning, it should be the beginning of information hype, but I didn't expect that old man would be so unreliable to cheat me..."

Xingyan probably guessed that the person who asked Echizen Nanjiro should be Mifune Nyudo.

However, this did not prevent him from complaining that Coach Mifune was a swindler.

"That guy is indeed unreliable in various ways, but it's not a bad thing,

At least in the short term, your reputation will accumulate quickly, but it will be good or bad. In the future, it will all depend on your own strength to suppress it. "

Echizen Nanjiro thought about the information he saw this morning. That title was really a bit too much.

However, as long as the strength is strong enough, this is definitely the fastest way to become famous.

"I hope so. Uncle, you haven't told me what it is yet. Are you worried that I can't bear the news, so you want to comfort me? "

Xingyan held Karubin, kneaded his paws and rubbed his belly, and had a lot of fun.

But he still couldn't figure out what Echizen Nanjiro was here for.

"I have something to trouble you about Longya..."

When asked again, Echizen Nanjiro no longer hesitated, lowered his head and talked about Echizen Longya.

In addition to Longma, he also has a son named Echizen Longya.

Longya is three years older than Longma. When Longya's mother died, he took the child home as a father.

The two sons get along very well. Longya often teases Longma, and Longma also likes to stick to Longya.

But the good times are not over. Long, one day, Long Ya's aunt came to take the child away.

He naturally did not agree, but Long Ya's aunt took away the custody after suing, and Long Ya had to be taken away.

After that, there was only occasional phone contact, and he almost never saw Long Ya again until Long Ya lost to Xing Yan.

Uchiha Xing Yan, who was only 11 years old at the time, made Echizen Long Ya know more about tennis.

Now, Echizen Nanjiro came to Xing Yan, just to ask Xing Yan for a favor as a father.

"He is a person who likes freedom. Becoming a contracted professional player will restrict him and it is not suitable. "

Xing Yan shook his head, not agreeing with Echizen Nanjiro's request that he sign Echizen Ryouga.

He himself had no objection, especially since this guy was a very strong tennis player, and it was a sure-win business.

But because he had always been taken care of by Echizen Nanjiro, he could not agree to such a thing.

Echizen Ryouga, a man who was like the wind, yearning for freedom and pursuing a higher realm.

"If you were the one who made the invitation, he might have agreed. I am his father, but I failed to give him a stable home. When I was a kid, I played with Ryoma. He always laughed so happily. Later, he was taken away by his aunt..."

When Echizen Nanjiro talked about this, he felt regretful and helpless.

When he was a kid, Ryoma longed for recognition, family and love, and a stable environment.

But later, as a father, he failed to protect him. After the child was taken away, he could only wander outside again.

Now he wants to ask Xingyan for help because he knows that only people who cannot surpass Ryoma can give Ryoma a chance to stop and take a breath.

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