"Okay, that's it! Perfect! Arima-san did a great job! Great! Let's move on to the next part. I think it's..."

In the dance training room, a woman wearing half-frame glasses had an excited look on her face. She praised the girl on the stage in front of her who was wearing gorgeous clothes and surrounded by a group of peers, but her eyes were on the notebook in her hand.

The girl on the stage was named Kana Arima, a famous child star in Japan! But, it was only in the past.

As a child star, she could get any praise from her family and people in the industry at the beginning, but this also developed her conceited personality. As she grew up, her popularity decreased, and she was no longer as popular as before.

Now, she is just a free artist who can't even get the worst notices and no agency is willing to sign her.

Fortunately, she was lucky and received an audition notice yesterday, and the audition time happened to be today!

The other party is a big director in the industry! If she can seize this audition opportunity and get the role of the heroine, she will be able to regain her popularity! Then she can stand in the spotlight again, in the eyes of everyone's admiration!

Thinking in her heart, Kana Arima simply stopped the woman:

"Arnold, please stop for a moment. I have an audition today, so I have to leave now. Sorry, Mr. Fukada."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, the woman's happy face suddenly fell. She glanced at the girl on the stage, said nothing, and pursed her lips to signal the girl to leave.

Seeing this, Arima Kana bowed to the woman, then stepped down and walked out of the training room.

As soon as Arima Kana left, the woman couldn't help but curse:

"What a wishful thinking! You gave me a cold shoulder after I just praised you a few times! You really thought you could get the role just by auditioning!"

"That’s right, it’s ridiculous!"

"It's just a has-been child star, don't worry about it, let's continue to practice, come on, one, two, start!"

The people around seemed to be dissatisfied with Arima Kana and echoed her.

Outside the training room, Arima Kana leaned against the door. She heard clearly the harsh words people in the training room said to her. The word"has-been child star" was like a knife stabbing into Arima Kana's heart, making her breath stagnate.

Biting her lower lip, Arima Kana turned around and left without hesitation.

She wanted to prove herself, to prove that she was definitely not a has-been child star!...

"Oh! Ladies, welcome to the audition! Please come according to the number plate for the audition. Wait for a moment.

The director is in the room. The roles will be randomly selected for performance. Please leave through another door after the performance."

Inside the Tokyo TV Tower, a group of beautiful women were dressed in gorgeous clothes and had makeup on their faces.

They did not dislike the short and wretched man with shifty eyes in front of them.

Instead, they obeyed the wretched man and sat in the seats that had been prepared.

Ichika also changed into a newly bought casual dress at this time.

She was particularly conspicuous among a group of women in gorgeous clothes.

Her face without makeup revealed the youthfulness of a girl, suppressing the delicate and gorgeous women around her with heavy makeup.

Sitting in the seat, Ichika was a little nervous and held the number plate in her hand. She was lucky and drew number three. It would be her turn to audition soon.

However, Ichika, who was auditioning for the first time, couldn't stop feeling flustered. Even deep breathing was useless.

"No! Ichika, you are so nervous, what are you going to do later?!"

Rubbing her face, Ichika thought to herself.

At this moment, a very gentle question came into her ears:

"You look nervous?"

Hearing the voice, Yihua turned around and saw a girl sitting next to her wearing a white skirt, a purple jacket, and a beret on her wine-red short hair.

Looking at the girl's appearance, fair skin, small nose and cherry mouth, big and round eyes with tender eyes like red wine, you can tell at a glance that she is a very lovable girl.

Moreover, looking at her age, it seems that she is not much different from her.

Facing people of the same age, Yihua also relaxed a little, showing a bitter smile, and said:

"Yes, it was my first audition, and I was a little nervous."

"It's my first time. I was chosen by a famous director for the first time. I'm so lucky!"

When the girl heard this, she was surprised at first, and then she was impressed by Ichika's luck.

"Fortunately, it was the agent who helped."

Ichika smiled and said.

After hearing Ichika's explanation, the girl was stunned at first, looked Ichika up and down, and asked:

"My name is Kana Arima, what should I call you?"

"I am Nakano Ichika.

Ichika said her name without hesitation.

Arima Kana nodded and asked:

"Judging from Ms. Nakano's appearance, she must have just signed with an agency, right?"

"Well, I just joined the agency, I didn't expect to get such a good opportunity."

Seeing Arima Kana asking, Ichika nodded heavily. She didn't expect that she, a newcomer who just joined the agency, could easily get the opportunity to interview with a big director. If she hadn't kept it a secret from her family at home, she would have laughed out loud when she received the news.

Arima Kana's eyes flickered when she got a positive answer.

As early as when she saw Ichika so nervous, Arima Kana was sure that the other party was a newcomer. However, it was really amazing that a newcomer who had just signed a contract could get such a good opportunity....So envious!

"It's good. With the help of the agency, your career will be smooth."

Arima Kana smiled and waved her hands. While she envied Ichika, she also felt sad for herself.

She once had many opportunities like Ichika, but...Now, he is forgotten by people, released by the agency and becomes a free artist. Even his family members...Now she is alone...

Thinking so desolately, Kana Arima no longer wanted to continue the conversation.

Ichika noticed that Kana Arima's mood had fluctuated. The girl, who didn't know what was going on, just nodded and didn't continue to talk, waiting quietly for the audition.

Soon, it was Ichika's turn to audition. Under Kana Arima's encouraging gaze, Ichika walked into the audition venue.

Standing on the stage, Ichika looked at the only director with a big belly in the room. She took a deep breath and was about to introduce herself, but saw the director raised his hand.

Ichika, who was still a little confused, was stunned for a moment. Just as she was about to speak, suddenly, rats came from all directions.

Before Ichika could scream, the rats had surrounded her, and then a group of black mist emanated from the rats and poured into Ichika's nasal cavity. Ichika felt dizzy and dizzy after inhaling the black mist. She opened her mouth and was about to shout for help, but she fell to the ground unconscious. She only heard a few words in a daze:

"Hehe, Old Rat will definitely be satisfied! Take her away and lock her up."

"Next up, there’s Magana!"......

Last chapter today! I'll go to bed after finishing it.

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