Hearing the train broadcast, Gui Yanye suddenly looked up, her eyes full of fear.

Usually, she would have woken up at this time, but now, she had no intention of waking up at all!

Looking at the monkey not far away, she saw that the monkey had already stuffed his eyeballs into his eye sockets, and an electric circular saw appeared in his hands!

The monkey rushed towards Gui Yanye, looking at the girl with a woman's eyes, as if those eyes should have belonged to a monkey.

Desire for life, Gui Yanye began to struggle again, trying hard to get up and escape, but just like at the beginning, it was just a futile struggle.


The monkey turned on the circular saw and walked towards Gui Yanye with a smile.

The cold and familiar words rang in Gui Yanye's mind:

"No, I won't let you escape again...."

"The final destination of this journey is death!"


The teeth of the circular saw cut through the air, making a buzzing sound, which was like the death knell of hell.

Looking at the monkey that kept approaching him, Gui Yanye panicked:

"No, don't come over here! Don't come over here!"

"Please, no, no...."

The girl begged, she didn't want to die in such an unclear place, she still had her own home, her mother and her heart waiting for her to go back!

She still had friends! Obviously, she had just made friends not long ago. Why, why did the world treat her like this?!

Gui Yanye didn't understand, she didn't know why it was like this.

But the monkey ignored the girl's plea, the woman's eyes glowed red, and her skinny hands raised the circular saw, ready to chop at Gui Yanye's legs!

""Hehehe! Stay here!!!"

The monkey laughed strangely and shouted, wanting to keep Gui Yanye in his dream forever.

The girl closed her eyes weakly and stopped struggling, as if she had accepted her fate of death.

Just as the circular saw was about to cut off Gui Yanye's legs and crush the girl's flesh and blood, a voice suddenly interrupted the monkey's

"Huh?! It's coming in!"

Hearing the voice, the monkey was stunned.

Another new passenger?

But, that's not right! The monkey car will only add one passenger at a time. How could this person who is not yet integrated with the monkey car suddenly pull in a new passenger?

Could it be an intruder?!

Thinking of this, the wanton smile on the monkey's face disappeared, replaced by boundless anger!

Unexpectedly, someone dared to break into the monkey car?!

Unforgivable! Unforgivable!

The monkey car does not welcome intruders!

Slice! Saw bones! Gouge out eyes! Mince meat!

Stay in the monkey car forever!

The monkey thought, turned around abruptly, and quickly found the intruder.

It was a teenager sitting in the front row, easy to identify. All humans assimilated by the monkey car are just shells, repeating the appearance of death every day, but the teenager was scanning the surroundings, obviously a living person!

Looking at the teenager, the monkey clenched the circular saw in his hand, and the teenager also looked over at this time.

When he saw the monkey and Gui Yanye with closed eyes and tears on her face, the teenager smiled and immediately shouted to Gui Yanye:

""Teacher Gui!"

Hearing the voice, Gui Yanye trembled, but did not open his eyes, just thinking silently in his heart:

"Is this a passing glance before death? I am already dead...."

"But why did Nakano appear first? Could it be that Nakano is very important to him?"

"That's right. After all, Nakano-san is the first person who cares about her besides Kokoro and Kasan...."

Katsura Yanye was thinking this in her heart, she could never have imagined that at this moment, Nakano Yuu was also on the monkey car, and was here to save her!


Seeing the intruder so arrogant, the monkey let out a shrill cry, leaped up, and rushed towards Nakano Yu with a circular saw.

Seeing an ugly one-eyed monkey rushing towards him, Nakano Yu frowned.

Then, under the monkey's angry gaze, he slowly stood up.

The monkey that was still in the air and pounced on Nakano Yu looked at the boy standing up, and the bloodthirstiness in his eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by overflowing disbelief.

Without waiting for the monkey to react, Nakano Yu took two steps forward, grabbed the monkey's head, and threw the monkey out.


Holding the circular saw, the monkey flew backwards before he could react and hit the fence at the end of the train.

Wiping his hands with some disgust, Nakano Yuu walked to the side of Kaede Kotonoha, who had her eyes closed and her body trembling slightly, and whispered the girl's name:

"Gui-san? Are you okay?"

"Good, so real, the regret before death, could it be so real? It was as if the real Nakano-san appeared beside her."

With her eyes closed, Katsura Kotonoha thought.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Nakano Yuu pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly, stretched out his hand and poked Katsura Kotonoha's cheek, and spoke again:

""Teacher Gui, I'm here to save you, open your eyes and take a look."

Feeling the warm touch, Gui Yanye was startled, and tentatively opened his eyes, and saw the familiar face of the boy.

"中, Nakano-san...Really, it's really you?!"

Looking at Nakano Yuu who was so close, Gui Yanye still couldn't believe it. She reached out to touch Nakano Yuu, but was afraid that Nakano Yuu would disappear like an illusion.

Seeing this, Nakano Yuu sighed, reached out and held Gui Yanye's hand, and said:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Feeling the boy's broad palm, Gui Yanye finally couldn't help it.

During this period, every time she went to sleep, she fell asleep with fear, and every time she rode the monkey car, she was alone!

But now...No! She, someone saved her!

Thinking of this, Gui Yanye's eyes were gradually infected with mist, and the anxiety and fear of the past two days burst out with tears at this moment.

""Nakano-san! It's you! It's really you! You came to save me!"

Katsura Kotono cried, holding onto Nakano Yuu tightly, fearing that the boy would disappear. If she hadn't been unable to get up, Katsura Kotono would have held onto Nakano Yuu tightly.

"Don't worry, I will take you out."

Knowing the helplessness and grievance of Gui Yanye, Nakano Yu didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only speak softly and stroke the girl's hair.

Hearing this, Gui Yanye looked up and was about to say something, but suddenly her eyes shrank and she exclaimed:

""Mr. Nakano, behind me!"

Behind Nakano Yuu, the monkey that was knocked out was clinging to the roof of the monkey shed. Beside it, there were two or three monkeys holding circular saws.


The monkey yelled and pounced on Nakano Yuu at the same time, turning the circular saw in his hand and slashing at the boy's neck.

Nakano Yuu also turned back at this time, but facing a group of monkeys holding weapons, his expression was indifferent.

He had already become a demon king and had a terrifying defense. The circular saws held by these monkeys could not cut his skin at all.

Facing a group of monkeys, Nakano Yuu just raised his hand, and a golden long sword appeared in the boy's hand.


Nakano Yuu swung his sword, and the sound of the sword rang out. With just one sword, all the monkeys were cut in half.

The monkey's body with a circular saw fell in front of Nakano Yuu, and turned into black water and sank into the monkey car.

Noticing this scene, Nakano Yuu frowned. It seemed that the monkey was just a manifestation of the monkey car. I'm afraid that the monkey car was the real body.

Thinking in his heart, Nakano Yuu turned to face Gui Yanye, but saw that the girl was looking at him with shock and admiration on her face.

""Mr. Gui, your mother is very worried about you. I will take you home first."

After putting away the Guivayus, Nakano Yuu squatted down slightly and said

"Can I go back?"

Hearing this, Gui Yanye was surprised and asked with some expectation.

"Of course, as long as Katsura-san doesn't mind."

Nakano Yu nodded and said with a smile

"No...But what about Nakano-san?"

Kui Yanye was about to say that she didn't mind, but suddenly realized that Nakano Yuu just said that he also wanted to go back.

"Me? I have to take care of some things. I can't move freely with Gui here."

Nakano Yuu shook his head slightly and made up an excuse that the other party was a burden.

"All right....Nakano-san, you have to be careful."

Kuei Kotonoha bit her lower lip when she heard this, knowing that it was useless for her to stay here, so she nodded.

"That's an offense."

Seeing Gui Yanye nod, Nakano Yuu said softly, then raised his head in the shocked eyes of Gui Yanye and pressed against her.

The moment the two touched, Nakano Yuu radiated a brilliant golden light, quickly wrapping up Gui Yanye.

After a moment, their lips parted, the young man looked at Gui Yanye, smiled and waved his hand:

"See you later then."

At this time, Gui Yanye obviously hadn't reacted yet. She put one hand on her lips and looked at Nakano Yuu. Just as she was about to say something, a golden light flashed and she disappeared into the monkey car.......

Today is the first chapter. As for the heroine, except for some supporting characters, people like Miura will have it, but the pace will be slower. The author doesn't want them to be together inexplicably.���Feeling weird

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