When Yuu Nakano returned home, he found that Nino and the others had already gone to bed, and only Ichika was left at home waiting for him to come home.

After chatting with Ichika for a few words, Yuu Nakano asked Ichika, who was very sleepy, to go back to the bedroom, while he made a bucket of instant noodles and sat alone in the living room.

After a while, the instant noodles were ready. Yuu Nakano sipped the noodles, and with a thought, the system panel opened.

Yuu Nakano's system is very simple, with only two functions, one is the daily task, and the other is the lottery roulette.

As for the system space, the panel will not display it, but it does exist. Yuu Nakano does not know how big it is, but he will use it anyway, and he will talk about it when it can't be filled up one day.

""System, draw a lottery."

Nakano Yuu muttered while chewing instant noodles.

The system panel changed from daily tasks to a circular roulette wheel divided into several parts by various colors.

The roulette wheel had a pointer with a number [10] on it, which meant that Nakano Yuu could draw the lottery ten times. The rule of the lottery was to consume the number of times. The reward was the one the pointer pointed to.

There were seven rewards on the roulette wheel, from worst to best: neon coins - random sundries - random holy relics - random artifacts - random divine powers.

So far, the only rewards Nakano Yuu had drawn were neon coins and random sundries. Needless to say, they were basically of no use to Nakano Yuu.

Looking at the numbers on the roulette wheel, Nakano Yuu put down the cup noodles and sighed.

He finally got ten consecutive draws! This system could only accumulate one chance a day, and he accumulated ten whole days to get ten consecutive draws!

For someone like him who believed in single draws to get gold, this was a great torture!

"System, ten consecutive draws, draw for me!"

Unable to bear the itch, Nakano Yuu immediately communicated with the system in his mind.

【Ding! Ten consecutive draws are started, please spin the roulette wheel!

After the system responded, Nakano Yu rubbed his hands, grabbed the roulette wheel, and exerted force. The roulette wheel immediately began to spin wildly.

Then, the system's prompt sound kept ringing in Nakano Yu's mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the reward: 2 million neon coins!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the reward: 8 neon coins!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a random sundry item: Yumiko Miura's milk tea cup! 】

Yuu Nakano, who was expecting to listen to the system broadcast, froze. The first two were normal, but what the hell was this third one?! Milk tea cup?! Gou system, did you go to be a lazy thief when you were diving?!

He was speechless, but Yuu Nakano had no choice. Since the item had been given, he could only keep it well. As for returning it, how could he return it? He was not familiar with Yumiko Miura, and what's more, if he took the milk tea cup to Yumiko Miura and said that he drew it in the lottery, Yumiko Miura's personality would probably regard him as a pervert and call the police.

Shaking his head, Yuu Nakano also planned how to deal with this thing, and quietly waited for the system to draw.

The next five reward broadcasts, three were neon coins of varying amounts, and two were sundries, nothing to say.

Just when Yuu Nakano thought that today's ten consecutive draws would fail, the next prompt made Yuu Nakano happy:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing a random god power: Get the power [Wolf of Ragnarok]】!——From Fenrir the Disobedient】

""Shit! Power?!"

Seeing the system prompt, Nakano Yu exclaimed, he didn't expect that he actually drew a power! Although it is a random power, Nakano Yu dares to say that none of the powers are weak!

Maybe some powers are not suitable for fighting, but they must have their own unique power!

What's more, the power he drew now is [Wolf of Ragnarok]!

According to legend, Loki, the god of lies and tricks, has three heirs: the world python - Jörmungandr, the goddess of death - Hela, and the giant wolf - Fenrir.

His mother is the frost giant Anberda. The Aesir have been hostile to the frost giants since ancient times, and the fire god Loki gave birth to three monsters with the frost giants. At the suggestion of the Aesir King Odin, Loki's three children were exiled.

This is also the fuse of the Ragnarok of the Aesir. What

Nakano Yu drew now is the power from the monster of Ragnarok - Fenrir the Disobedient!

Fenrir, as a monster born of gods and giants, has The power to swallow the sun and the moon! He even swallowed the sun into his stomach at the last moment. Because of this, Fenrir's power is very effective in dealing with the solar system that is not obedient to the gods!

It can transform or summon a giant wolf head of about sixty meters to devour the opponent, or it can be summoned from the air to fall, and its falling damage is equivalent to that of a meteorite!

It can be said that this is a large range of lethal abilities that Nakano You has in addition to wild boars and white horses!

Nakano You is already very satisfied with such a power. He originally thought that it would be good enough to get a holy relic, but he didn't expect that the system would be so powerful today and directly produce a god's power!

In the next few draws, Nakano You didn't get any good things. They were all neon coins of varying shares, nothing to say.

After finishing the cup noodles, the boy suppressed the urge to summon the giant wolf. He first took a shower, and then went back to the bedroom to sleep. He lay on the bed excitedly for two hours before falling into a deep sleep.......

"Ah~ Really, I was too excited yesterday and didn't sleep well. Although it doesn't matter if I don't sleep, I still feel weird."

The next day, in the classroom, Nakano Yu yawned. Yesterday, he got the new divine power, which can be said to have made Nakano Yu experience the pleasure of being the emperor of Europe, but it also made Nakano Yu a little insomniac.

Although Nakano Yu would not have dark circles under his eyes no matter how late he stayed up, he was a little uncomfortable after so many years of going to bed early.

"I don't know when I can use the [Wolf of Ragnarok], I really want to know which one has stronger destructive power, compared with the [White Horse]."

Nakano Yuu muttered.

【The Wolf of Ragnarok restrains the Sun God, but the White Horse is the power of the Sun. Compared with the impression of these two powers, Nakano Yu feels that in terms of destruction alone, the White Horse is probably stronger than the Wolf of Ragnarok.】

【[White Horse] But it has the high temperature of the sun's fire! Just by touching the ground, it can melt it instantly.

In the plot, the rare appearance of [White Horse] dissolved all the ports of Sicily. Such power can be said to be very terrifying.

However, it is useless to think about these things. The enemies he encountered now did not give him the opportunity to use [White Horse] and [Wolf]. They were all small fish and shrimps, pitifully weak.

If he gets the holy relic one day, he will have to try to summon the disobedient gods!

After all, hunting gods is the main job of the godslayer.

Just as Nakano Yu was thinking so, a figure approached Nakano Yu:

""Mr. Nakano, can I bother you for a moment?"

Hearing the voice, Nakano Yuu came back to his senses and looked up, only to see a girl who surprised him.

The girl was none other than the apparent leader of the Xianmatsu Group - Yumiko Miura!......

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