"That Miura guy is really weird."

Walking on the street, Nakano Yu muttered.

When he heard Miura Yumiko's words, Nakano Yumiko felt something was wrong, but he didn't have much contact with Miura Yumiko, and he was still a little reluctant to believe that she would like him.

Maybe it was just a momentary touch, so Nakano Yumiko didn't care too much.

As he was walking, Nakano Yumiko suddenly felt a strange gaze, and his brows furrowed.

That gaze was very strange, it was a very abrupt peek, and Nakano Yumiko was very sensitive to this kind of gaze.

The gaze didn't stay on Nakano Yumiko for long, and soon dissipated.

""Is it a monster?"

Nakano Yuu muttered, but he didn't take it seriously.

Tokyo, where he was, was the territory of monsters. On the surface, humans ruled this area, but in the shadows between the tall buildings, all kinds of monsters and ghosts were moving around.

Nakano Yuu didn't care about this kind of thing.

"Well, what should I cook tonight?"

Nakano Yuu shrugged, thinking to himself, and left.

Nakano Yuu was right, the gaze just now was indeed from a monster, but it was not from the Nura group monsters that ruled the Tokyo area, but from a ruined place where monsters were believed to have been extinct - the Shikoku monsters!

"Hey! Dog Phoenix, did that human just now notice us?"

High in the sky, a red bird wearing a striped kimono, like a big rooster, was flying with a short, round-headed and short-armed monster. The red bird is called Dog Phoenix, a famous monster in Japan. It is rumored that when the Dog Phoenix appears, the sky will rain fire and burn the earth. Of course, these are all exaggerated legends. The Dog Phoenix does have the ability to control fire, but it cannot rain fire.

The strange man caught by the Dog Phoenix is called Sleeve God, who is also a famous monster in Japan. His ability is to curse. As long as he pulls off a person's sleeve, he will curse that person to death.

But at this time, the Sleeve God looked puzzled and puzzled, and was asking the Dog Phoenix.

Just now, it saw a person below it and just looked at him curiously. At that moment, the Sleeve God felt that he was locked by some terrible existence.

It was so scared that its whole body was stiff and dared not move. It didn't feel better until the man was far away.

"Huh? We are now several hundred meters in the air. How can humans see us with their limited vision without glasses?"

Upon hearing this, the dog Phoenix said with disdain, his tone full of contempt for humans.

"But...I just did..."

The Sleeve God wanted to say something, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the Dog Phoenix:

"Stop talking nonsense, we have to go find Master Yuzhang and join him. Now, as long as we report the information we got to Master Yuzhang, we can sneak into Ukiyo-e Town the day after tomorrow!"

After saying that, the dog phoenix did not wait for the sleeve god to reply, and suddenly flapped its wings and flew towards the suburbs outside Tokyo....

Time passed quickly, and soon it was the day to go to the forest school building. Nakano Yuu didn't encounter anything in the past two days, of course, except that Miura Yumiko confessed to him. Yes, that's right, I thought Miura Yumiko would take a day off, after all, she was seriously injured, but I didn't expect that this girl had a good physique. Her injuries were almost healed overnight. Except for not being able to run and jump, she could still do basic actions.

However, Miura Yumiko's confession was not made in public, but teased him in a joking tone in private, and Nakano Yuu didn't take it seriously.

As for Miura Yumiko's two friends in the class, Nakano Yuu estimated that they had broken off the relationship. After all, the two of them greeted Miura Yumiko with a smile, and the other party didn't even look at them.

In addition, Katsura Kotonoha also returned to school, and it seemed that her spirit had recovered well, but when she was chatting with Katsura Kotonoha, her face inexplicably blushed, and she always looked at some strange places, and I didn't know why.

As for Ichika, it seems that the audition went very smoothly. Nakano Yuu could tell from her mood in the past two days. She was even smiling when she got on the bus.

Sitting by the window at the end of the bus, Nakano Yuu looked at the scenery outside the window bored.

The bus was divided according to class, so the five sisters and Nakano Yuu did not sit together. As for Katsura Kotonoha, she happened to share a seat with a girl, so Nakano Yuu was a little bored and didn't know who to talk to.

Taking out his mobile phone, Nakano Yuu looked at the map to see where Sobu High School was planning to take them.

The location of the forest hut in Sobu High School is different every year. While helping with learning, it can also promote communication between students and the mountains and rivers.

Of course, the above is all bullshit made up by the principal of Sobu High School. Nakano Yuu doesn't think so.

After all, compared to the forest hut, Nakano Yuu prefers to stay at home. If Nino hadn't wanted him to come, Nakano Yuu would probably still be lying in bed right now.

"Ah~ in front is...Plum Garden?"

After yawning, Nakano Yuu was startled when he saw the name of the mountain on the map on his phone.

If he remembered correctly, Plum Garden should be the territory of Niu Gui, right?

Hiss~ It looks like he won't be lonely during this period.

Thinking of this, Nakano Yuu looked out of the car window again, only to see the mountains in the distance, with patches of plum trees in full bloom!......

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