""Huh?! You, you actually live with a girl?! And you're going to live with her for seven days?!"

In the room, after listening to Nakano Yuu's story, Yotsuba was shocked and dumbfounded. Her already big eyes were now even bigger.

Katsura Kotonoha, who was drinking red car on the side, was also holding a teacup with a trembling hand. Her eyes fell on Nakano Yuu. Although she didn't say anything, her heart was already in a mess.

"Calm down, if Yotsuba keeps making trouble, the hotel staff will come to you."

Having guessed that the two would react like this, Nakano Yuu appeared very calm, picked up May's potato chips and put them into his mouth, saying.

Because it was quite boring in the room, the TV in the room was quite old and could not compare to the smart TV at home. Miura Yumiko went to the hot spring again, and he ran to Yotsuba's room on the same floor out of boredom.

"How can I stay calm? You are going to live with a girl we don't know for a week! What if that girl has bad intentions and takes advantage of the night to do something to you?..."

But Yotsuba couldn't calm down at all. She stood up and waved her hand, speaking seriously. Her expression seemed to be really concerned about Nakano Yuu.

As Yotsuba spoke, Katsura Kotonoha's hands trembled more and more, and the wooden teacup creaked in the girl's hands.

Yotsuba was excited to make alarmist remarks here, but she didn't expect Nakano Yuu to quietly walk behind Yotsuba and raise his hand to hit her with a knife.


"Really, we are classmates, and you made me say that, Yotsuba, and you think too much, how could I be pushed back?"

Nakano Yu said unhappily. Yotsuba is carefree and studies very hard. Her grades are not very good, but her brain is really powerful when thinking about strange things.

Nakano Yu doesn't think that Miura Yumiko will push him back as Yotsuba said, that's unrealistic. Miura Yumiko only looks strong on the surface, but in fact...I cried like that on that rainy night, so there's no need to say more

"Ugh! You are so real, you should be on guard against others! You is a sweet and soft boy!"

Yu Nakano hit her head with a knife. Although it didn't hurt, Yotsuba still hugged her head like a treasure.

"If Siye jokes again, I'll make you some blanched green peppers when I get home."

Sitting down at the small table, Nakano Yuu took a sip of tea and said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Siye immediately sat down next to Nakano and stopped talking about it, but still glanced at Nakano Yuu from time to time.

"Gui, are you okay?..."

Without paying attention to Yotsuba, Nakano Yuu looked at Kotonoha Katsura, and was just trying to find a topic to talk about when he suddenly noticed that Kotonoha Katsura's hands were shaking so badly that the tea in the cup in her hand even spilled out.

"No, I'm fine, Nakano-san, don't worry about it, haha, hahaha..."

Shaking her head, Gui Yanye showed a stiff smile. After saying that, she placed the teacup, which had little water left, on the table and took out a handkerchief to wipe it.

"It doesn't look like she's alright." Looking at the teacup, Nakano Yuu had a complicated expression. The tea wasn't hot

, so he wasn't worried. He just didn't know if Katsura Kotonoha's current condition was due to some sequelae from [Monkey Dream]....No way.

When he used [Boy] to protect Kotonoha Katsura and let her escape from the dream world, he should have cleared the negative effects of [Sarume Dream] on her body, right?

"No, don't worry about it. Nakano-san, are you going to ask the teacher to change rooms?"

Gui Yanye shook her head, obviously she had recovered, picked up the teapot to add water to the teacup, and asked

"Mr. Hiratsuka said that there were no other vacancies in the hotel, so Yumiko and I had to stay together during this period."Nakano

Yu felt that there was nothing to hide, so he answered straightforwardly.


"Yumiko, it's Yumiko, Miura-san, right? She's even better than me...."

Katsura Kotonoha's hands were tightly gripping the handle of the teapot, her knuckles were even turning white, and the tone of her voice was inexplicably sarcastic. She was obviously Nakano Yuu's fiancée, and although Nakano Maruo had not yet decided, it was a foregone conclusion!

"Hey~ They're calling each other by name, the relationship is progressing really fast, snap."

After hearing what Nakano Yuu said, Yotsuba said with surprise, and she didn't forget to put potato chips in her mouth after finishing. She planned to eat more before May could react. After all, Yotsuba had been craving these snacks for a while, and May had always forbidden her to eat them, and she always felt that the ones she bought herself were not as good.

"I don't care much about surnames and given names. You know Yotsuba, if you like, you can call me You from now on. It always feels weird to call me Nakano-san."

Nakano-san You pouted and looked at Kotonoha. In the past, Kotonoha didn't know the five sisters, so it was okay to call him Nakano-san. But now that she knows the five sisters, it's a bit confusing to call him Nakano-san.

In addition, he also knows Kotonoha's feelings, so it's not good to be too unfamiliar. He still likes Kotonoha, a girl.

"Eh?! Okay, okay! Then,...You can also call me by my name, just call me Yan or Yanye..."

Katsura Kotonoha, who was brainstorming and constantly guessing what the relationship between Nakano Yuu and Miura Yumiko was, suddenly recovered when she heard this. She was even a little shy and her words became stammering.

"Um, does Kotonoha want some potato chips?"


"Open your mouth"

"No, no need to feed me! I can do it myself...Snap"...

"Hey! I say, with such a big mountain, where can we find the Umewakamaru Shrine?"

On the long bluestone steps on the other side of the Plum Garden, Nura Rikuo and his group were climbing the mountain in boredom. After almost an hour of climbing, they still couldn't find the so-called Umewakamaru Shrine. Maki Saori was very bored.���Qingshizi Qingji, who led the way, asked

"Well, this...I don't know much either."

Qingshiji Qingji, who was leading the way with great enthusiasm, scratched his head awkwardly when he heard the question. It was also his first time to come to Meiyuan Garden, so he didn't know much about it.

"Huh? Qingtsugu, you want to see what you are talking about!"

Hearing this, Juan Saori was speechless, but things had come to this point, and she didn't know what to say.

"Well, we can always find it by following the mountain road."

Qingshiji Qingji waved his hand and laughed. He turned around and wanted to continue leading the way, but found that the Yin-Yang master girl Hanakaiin Yuura in the team was looking at the mountains and forests. He didn't know what she was looking at. Without knowing what to do, Qingshiji Qingji also looked at the mountains and forests, but saw mottled light and shadows in the mountains and forests, and there was a small stone niche in the distance.

"There seems to be a small shrine dedicated to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva over there, but it's too far away and I can't see it clearly."

Squinting her eyes, Hanakaiin Yuura spoke.

As the girl spoke, everyone looked over, but the next second, Nura Rikuo's murmur came:



Hearing this, Hanakaiin Yuura turned to look at Nura Rikuo, her eyes full of confusion.

Her physique was much stronger than that of an ordinary person, but even she couldn't see what was written on it. Why ?...

"On the stone niche, it says"Umewakamaru."

Retracting his gaze, Nura Rikuo's words were extremely confident.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Nura Rikuo found that everyone around him was looking at him strangely, of course, excluding the admiring gaze of the snow woman. It was also at this time that Nura Rikuo also reacted. How could he see the words above from such a distance?


When the scene was silent for a while, suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the forest, which diverted people's attention. They saw the bushes in the forest shaking, as if a terrifying monster would jump out of it in the next second!

"Haha~ I didn't expect you could find this place. Wow, you really are worthy of being the Clear Cross Odd Detective Team!"......

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