"Hey, what if I say, I like You?"

In the forest, the evening breeze blew, disturbing the dense trees rustling.

Although Nino's face was red, her expression was determined, and she had the momentum to confront Nakano You.

But the boy looked at Nino silently, without saying a word for a long time, and did not give Nino a response.

"You, answer me!...What should I do if I like You?"

"If I say, I want to stand beside You as a lover, not...Family."

Seeing that Nakano Yuu was slow to answer, Nino couldn't help it, and took two steps forward, approaching Nakano Yuu, and her hands were so excited that she tightly grasped the boy's clothes

"Nino, are you serious?"

Looking at Nino, Nakano Yuu looked surprisingly calm. Facing Nino's shocking self-explosion, she just asked calmly.

That look made Nino feel strange. It was totally unlike the gentle Nakano Yuu who usually got along with her.

Looking at such a young man, Nino didn't flinch at all. The momentum that was like a runaway train that was unstoppable and didn't brake at all burst out from the girl:

"You, I will let you know that I am the girl who likes you the most!"

"Even if I won't only have Nino?"

Looking at Nino, Nakano You just watched quietly, looking at Nino, and also looking at Nino's true thoughts.

Nakano You is not a pure person, and he can't make a big lie about loving only one person in his life. He is just a lucky time traveler with a heaven-defying system and the power to crush the world.

Nakano You doesn't have much ambition, but he can't just have feelings for one person. Looking at the world, there are probably not many men who can say that they only love one person in this life and will not change their minds at all.

Hearing this, Nino was stunned and couldn't help but take a half step back.

Seeing this, Nakano You's eyes dimmed and a smile appeared on his face:

"Of course, I can think that Nino is joking with me....."

Just when he was thinking of giving Nino a way out, Nino suddenly grabbed the boy's collar and tiptoed closer.

The evening breeze blew, ruffling the girl's hair, and Nakano Yu looked at the girl so close, his eyes full of disbelief.

The girl didn't dare to look, her long eyelashes moved slightly, as if she wanted to open her eyes, but she was afraid to look at Nakano Yu.

Nino was like this, so Nakano Yu didn't need to say anything, he closed his eyes and gently hugged Nino with both hands.

After an unknown amount of time, Nino finally struggled to get out of Nakano Yu's arms, touched the corner of her lips, and said with some complaints:

"You are so strong, it hurts a little, it's obviously the first time"

"However, this is also Yu's first time, so let's call it a draw."Changing the subject, Nino smiled sweetly and turned her head to Nakano Yuu.

Hearing this, the boy, who was still savoring the sweetness just now, reacted and thought of how he had used the protection to help Katsura Kotonoha get rid of [Sarumu] before, but...That shouldn't count, right? I was trying to save Kotonoha, so it doesn't count!

"Now, what is You going to do?"

Nino took two steps forward and helped Nakano You to tidy up the clothes that she had just messed up, and asked with some lack of confidence.

She was still a little afraid that Nakano You would not be able to overcome the hurdle of the secular world.

However, Nino was just worrying too much about this matter. Who was Nakano You? He was the only demon king in this world. How could the secular rules restrain him?

"Nino is like this, what else can I do? I will make a grand ceremony and marry Nino home."

Nakano Yu said, putting his hands on Nino's waist and pulling them together, and the two of them suddenly stuck together.

"You, this isn't possible...."

Feeling Nakano Yuu's dishonest hands, Nino blushed immediately, turned her head and whispered.

Although she was in love, Nino hoped that Nakano Yuu could be more formal, at least...Let's wait until they return to Tokyo. In the mountains, a couple might pop out from somewhere.

Hearing this, Nakano Yuuya reacted, took back his hand, touched Nino's head, and said:

"I was not thoughtful enough and too impatient."

Nino's combo just now almost caught Nakano Yuu in a black bass, and also made him angry for no reason.

Now Nakano Yuu just felt that he should go back to the hotel to soak in the hot spring, otherwise he might not be able to calm down!

"Well, then we...Let's go back first?"

Nino said cautiously. She was now in a different relationship with Nakano Yuu, and she was even a little uncomfortable with it.


Nakano Yuu nodded, and he didn't refuse. He urgently needed to take a bath to calm down. It was a bit dangerous to be alone with Nino. Of course, Nino was in danger. But they didn't meet anyone from other teams when they walked down the route. When they walked out of the woods and came to the backyard of the hotel, they were surprised to find that a large group of people had gathered in the backyard of the hotel.

They looked dusty and had leaves on their hair, so it was clear that they were students who came back before Nakano Yuu and his friends.

"What are they doing? Are there any special activities?

Seeing the crowd gathering, Nino looked curious.

"I don't know, I haven't heard about any more activities."

Nakano Yu shook his head. Logically, Miura Yumiko and Hayama Hayato, who were planning the activities, should be in the same group. After all, they were all real people. But Miura Yumiko didn't tell him that there would be activities after the Test of Courage.

Or was it a sudden idea and Miura Yumiko didn't know about it?

Just when Nakano Yu was wondering, Yotsuba came over and waved to Nakano Yu:

"You! You are finally here. Do you want to participate in the next test of courage?"

"The next test of courage?"

Hearing this, Nakano Yuu frowned slightly. No way? Are these guys going to commit suicide? He just praised today that there are not so many people in the world who commit suicide!

"Yes, I don’t know where to go. I’ve already gone back in May, and I don’t plan to go."

""Eh? Nino's face is so red! Did you catch a cold from the mountain breeze?!"

Yotsuba nodded and looked at Nino, but was surprised to find that Nino's face was red. She asked worriedly.

Feeling Yotsuba's concerned eyes, Nino was a little uncomfortable. She didn't know why, after confirming her relationship with Nakano Yuu, she felt an inexplicable sense of guilt when facing such a simple Yotsuba.

"No, that's not it! There are too many people here, it's too hot, no, I won't say anything, I have to go back to my room." Fearing that she would be exposed, Nino hurriedly explained, and said goodbye to Nakano Yuu:

"Yuu, see you tomorrow."

As soon as the voice fell, Nino left quickly without waiting for Nakano Yuu to answer.

Looking at Nino's back as she left, Yotsuba scratched his head, feeling that Nino was a little weird just now, as if...I did something to make them feel sorry for me, eh? Why do I feel like it was them?

"What is Yotsuba doing here?"

Looking at Nino's back, Nakano Yuu chuckled in his heart. Nino was not good at lying, especially to her family, so he just covered up for Nino. Nakano Yuu started talking to Yotsuba.

"Oh! I'm waiting for Kotonoha, Kotonoha said she was waiting for someone."

When Yotsuba came back to her senses, she just finished speaking and found Kotonoha walking towards her.

""Kotonoha! Here, here!"

Seeing Kotonoha, Yotsuba immediately waved and greeted her.

When Kotonoha saw Nakano Yuu, her dim eyes suddenly lit up and she hurried over:

"You! Yotsuba"

"Hmm, the person Kotonoha said she was waiting for couldn't be Yuu, right?"

Yotoha nodded, and suddenly realized why Kotonoha looked so happy, so she asked tentatively

"You is my friend. I didn’t attend the test of courage competition because I was not feeling well. I was worried that something might have happened to You, so I came to see him."

Kura Kotonoha explained, her eyes never leaving Nakano Yuu, even staring at Nakano Yuu a little uncomfortable.

She said this just to find an excuse for herself. Although she guessed that the girl who participated in the test of courage with Nakano Yuu might be one of the five Nakano sisters, she still wanted to confirm it.

After seeing Nakano Yuu and Nino set out together and came back together, Kaura Kotonoha was relieved.

Looking at Kaura Kotonoha with strange eyes, Nakano Yuu felt that not only Nino was well-behaved today, but Kaura Kotonoha was also quite strange. It's not like she didn't know that his physique was far superior to that of ordinary people, but she was still worried that he would have an accident in the mountains?

I'm afraid he was under the banner of worrying to see who he was participating in the test of courage with?

Guessing Kaura Kotonoha's little thoughts, Nakano Yuu didn't intend to expose it. After saying goodbye to the two girls, he left in a hurry. After waiting for Kaura Kotonoha

, Yotsuba had no reason to stay here, and the two girls returned to the room together.

After several people left, the voice of Tobe Sho rang out in the crowd:

"Okay! Everyone, be quiet for a moment. Next, I will announce the secret project of the courage test competition, which is...Hotel Ghost Stories! The Weird Murder Room!!"...

Today's first chapter ~ Please give me flowers ~ votes

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