After helping Tachibana Iwa solve the problem of [Black Hair], Nakano Yu simply left. As for why he brought the ghost story to the rooftop to solve it, it was just to relieve some of the work pressure for Tachibana Iwa. After all, the Metropolitan Police Department was always covering up things, and it was tiring just to think about it.

However, Nakano Yu's daily tasks were a little uninteresting. Those ghost stories were too weak, so weak that Nakano Yu didn't even bother to look at the other party.

I don't know when he can draw a power that can crush those ghost stories without having to do anything. With the accumulation of this period of time, plus today's task rewards, Nakano Yu once again accumulated nine consecutive draws. As long as he completes one more task tomorrow, he can do ten consecutive draws. Although, ten consecutive draws may not bring good things.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, Nakano Yu's mobile phone sent a message reminder, which made the boy pause on his way home.

Taking out his mobile phone, Nakano Yu found that it was a message sent to him by Miura Yumiko:

【Youjun, are you home? (shy.JPG)】

Looking at the news about Miura Yumiko, the corner of Nakano Yu's mouth rose. Seeing this, Nakano Yu understood what Miura Yumiko wanted to do.

Nakano Yu did not hide anything from Miura Yumiko. Last time, he told Miura Yumiko that he could help Miura Yumiko surpass the peak of human beings, but the activation condition was that the two of them were united in mind and body, and had a deep exchange of emotions.

Although Nakano Yu said it very elegantly at the time, Miura Yumiko was not a fool and would definitely understand.

Miura Yumiko was not really interested in becoming stronger and becoming a superhuman like Nakano Yu. She felt that having Nakano Yu was enough, and she would be satisfied if she could rely on Nakano Yu to protect herself.

It was just that Nakano Yu told her that if the contract was successful, she could obtain a lifespan far beyond that of humans, and at the same time, it would have certain beauty and nourishing functions.

Of course, the beauty and nourishing functions were not something that the [Wing Contract] could do, but the combination of yin and yang had certain conditioning effects, so Nakano Yu was not lying.

【I'll be at your house soon.】

Tap the screen, and after Nakano Yuu replied to the message, Miura Yumiko immediately replied with an emoji of a hooked finger.

After a brief chat with Miura Yumiko, Nakano Yuu took out his phone, found Miku's LINE, and sent a message:

【Miku, let Nino make dinner tonight. I have something to do, so I won't be home tonight.

After sending the message, Nakano Yuu put away his phone and turned to the direction of Miura Yumiko's house.

Miura Yumiko's home is often empty, and her parents are too busy to spend time with her. This time, Nakano Yuu just went to comfort the lonely Miura Yumiko.

Well, on various levels.

At Nakano's house, Miku, who was watching a Warring States general anime on her phone, suddenly received a message.

When she clicked on it, she found that Nakano Yuu was not going to return home at night, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Intuition told Miku that something was going on, and it was a big deal!

"Ding Dong~"

It was getting darker on Nakano Yuu's side. He arrived at Miura Yumiko's house before it got completely dark. He just rang the doorbell and soon after, Miura Yumiko ran over in an apron to open the door.

"Yumiko, evening...."

Seeing the girl, Nakano Yu reached out his hand to say hello, but when Miura Yumiko saw him, her eyes instantly turned red, and she buried her head in Nakano Yu's arms, hugging the boy tightly.

"Good evening, Yuu."

Yumiko Miura hugged Yuu Nakano, and the scent of the girl's shampoo filled Yuu Nakano's nose, making the boy unable to help but hug Yumiko Miura.

"Yuu, I made dinner....Bath water also..."

Nestled in Nakano Yuu's warm embrace, Miura Yumiko blushed and her voice was as low as the flapping wings of a mosquito.

"Neither of these two is the best choice."

Nakano Yuu said with a smile, and walked into the room with the girl.

After a while, the lights in the room went out. No, it seemed that the light in the bathroom was not on.

"You isn't going home today?"

"Yes, you just sent me a message."

In the kitchen, Nino was cutting vegetables, and Miku was helping Nino by the side, picking vegetables by the sink.

"That guy, is there something going on?"

Nino put the cut vegetables into a bowl and said casually.

However, Miku did not respond to Nino immediately. After a while, Miku suddenly spoke up, but the question she asked made Nino's busy movements pause:

"Nino, you like Yuu, right?"

Nino stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Miku, only to see that Miku was also looking at her. She opened her mouth and answered after a while:

"Well...Sanjiu, please stop talking nonsense. Who among the five of us doesn't like You?"

"Well, I like You too."

Miku nodded in agreement and turned around to pass the selected dishes to Nino.


Water kept pouring out of the faucet in the sink, and the kitchen fell into an eerie silence.

"Miku, what did you just say?"

Looking at Miku right in front of her, Nino couldn't believe her ears. It must be because the sound of the water was too loud that she heard it wrong.

Otherwise, how could she hear Miku say that she wanted to marry Nakano Yuu?

"I like Yuu, just like Nino."

But Miku didn't follow the steps Nino gave her, instead she expressed her feelings for Nakano Yuu seriously.

"Three, Sanjiu, we can't..."

Seeing that Miku didn't look like she was joking, Nino forced a smile. Just as she was about to righteously persuade Miku to give up, Miku's calm voice interrupted Nino:

"Then why is Nino okay?"


After hearing what Miku said, Nino was stunned. She knew that her affair with Nakano Yuu had been exposed, but when?

Nino wanted to persuade and appease Miku, but the next thing, Miku was like a bomb with a burned fuse. The dissatisfaction in her heart immediately turned into a protest:

"It's not fair!"

Miku's sudden outburst made Nino take a step back and look at Miku, only to find that Miku's eyes had turned red. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"May said that Yuu would choose one of the five of us, but before that, Nino was with Yuu, right?"

After calming down a little, Miku looked at Nino, her tone was not very calm, and she was somewhat questioning. Facing

Miku's question, Nino was silent.

She didn't know how Miku found out about her and Nakano Yuu, but....Miku was right. When May told the five sisters about that incident, she had already held hands with Nakano Yuu and confirmed their relationship.

This was unfair to the other four sisters.

But! It was obviously she who took the initiative to attack Nakano Yuu regardless of other things and the secular world. It was obviously her own courage that made her stand with Nakano Yuu, but why?...Why was she being questioned now?

"Yes, I was with You before May said that."

After a moment of silence, Nino, who had figured it out, no longer wanted to hide it, and looked up and admitted it generously.

Hearing this, Miku was stunned, obviously she didn't expect Nino to admit it so easily.

But what Nino said next made Miku not know what to say for a while.

"But, it was me who mustered up the courage and took the initiative to confess to You that led to our relationship. You liked You but kept it to yourself and didn’t have the courage to confess. Why are you questioning me now?!"

Looking at Miku, Nino's tone was full of grievance. She didn't think she had done anything to sneak away. She just faced her feelings for Nakano Yuu and pursued him.

That's all. For her, Nino didn't think she should be considered unfair!

Nino fell down and Miku was silent.

Yes, it was Nino who mustered up the courage to confess. If...If she could muster up the courage, she might have been with You years ago, and even got the support of the other four sisters.[]

Ultimately, this matter was because she was too cowardly, she didn't have the courage to confess to Nakano Yuu, and she came too late....

Biting her lips, Sanjiu tightly grasped the hem of her skirt.

However, it was obviously because of her that she lost, but Sanjiu only felt...I'm so unwilling!

Obviously, at the beginning, Yu and her relationship was the best....

Suddenly, Mijiu remembered herself a few years ago. When she realized that her feelings for Nakano Yuu had changed, she thought"..When she was about to"deteriorate", she suppressed her passion for the boy, and the relationship between the two gradually became closer.

Sure enough, it was all because of her....

If I had not been confused at that time, but had firmly chosen to be free, even if it was just a moment of bravery,...

"I...I won't give up. Nino and Yuu are not married yet...."

Sanjiu clenched her fists, blushed, and for the first time mustered up the courage to look at Nino and said.

Seeing Sanjiu like this, Nino wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, thousands of words turned into a sigh:

"Sanjiu, I hope you are happy, but...I will not give Yu to you either."

Hearing this, Sanjiu did not speak and quietly washed the vegetables.

"Sanjiu (Liaonuo Zhao), garlic does not need to be washed"


"How does Yumiko feel now?"

At the Miura family, Nakano Yuu lazily lay on the bed, looking at the girl beside him, and asked softly

"I feel good. I feel like I can beat Yuu now."

Clenching her fist, Yumiko Miura turned to the boy and said.

That's right, after a heated discussion between Yuu Nakano and Yumiko Miura that night, they successfully activated the [Wing Contract].

It's just that the activation premise of Yuu Nakano's [Wing Contract] is a bit outrageous. In addition to some deep communication, the contractor needs to have a certain emotional dependence on Yuu Nakano before it can be activated.

But these are nothing to Yuu Nakano. After all, he won't use the [Wing Contract] on someone he doesn't know well.】

"Really? Why don't you give it a try, Yumiko?"

Hearing this, Nakano Yuu hooked his finger at the girl, his tone full of provocation.

"Damn it, I'm going to make Yu Xin convinced today!"

Seeing that the boy was asking for a beating, Miura Yumiko immediately lifted the quilt and pounced on him with her teeth bared.

But before the girl could show off her arrogance for a while, the power given by the [Wing Contract] was still weak in front of Nakano Yu. After teasing Miura Yumiko, the white horse raised its head and neighed, its golden hooves trampled the ebony forest, waded through rivers and streams, climbed mountains, and rushed into the abyss with the scorching sun on its back......slave..

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