【[Eye of Sodom]: The power of the one-eyed military god [Horatios Cocles]. All living things that are looked at by the evil eye will be turned into pillars of salt. The powerful spell can remove the salting, but it is extremely difficult!

Source of power: According to the [Old Testament], Sodom is a city of sin, with constant filth. The [Lord] sees everything, the [Lord] hears everything, and cannot bear it, so he sends down divine punishment.

But the [Lord] is merciful. The [Lord] listened to Abraham's plea and decided to send angels to enlighten the ten righteous people and persuade them to escape.

On the day of divine punishment, the [Lord] rained down sulfur and fire, turning this sinful city into ruins and the sinners into pillars of salt.

Looking at the system's introduction to the [Eye of Sodom], Nakano Yuu showed a satisfied smile.

【The Eye of Sodom can be said to be a magical skill for clearing small monsters. Just one glance can turn all living things into pillars of salt.

Of course, this ability is not just that simple. The Eye of Sodom can also be used on the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience. Although it cannot instantly turn the powerful God of Disobedience into a pillar of salt, it can at least restrict the opponent's actions.

Moreover, the salt transformation of the Eye of Sodom is extremely difficult to unlock. Unless Nakano Yu voluntarily withdraws the power, he must gather the evil-breaking power of the Manifestation Talisman, the cursed power absorption of the Ame-no-Kume Sword, and the curse of exorcism. But where do these things come from in this world?!

Thinking of this, Nakano Yu can't wait to try this power.

After scanning the room, Nakano Yu had no choice but to come to the window when he didn't find any living things.

Standing in front of the window and observing for a while, Nakano Yu soon found a mouse on the rooftop of the opposite building.

"Oh? A raccoon cat?"

See that mouse, no, to be precise, it should be a raccoon cat. Although it used a monster's magic to make itself look like a mouse, that magic was ineffective against Nakano Yuu.

However, if it was a raccoon cat, it should not be a monster from the Nura group. It looked like someone from Yuzhang's side. But did they actually send a monster to keep an eye on him?


At this time, the raccoon cat who was dozing on the edge of the rooftop also noticed Nakano Yu's sight, and hurriedly stood up, making a mouse sound.

Seeing that Nakano Yu had been staring at it, the raccoon cat felt a throbbing in its heart, and turned its head to escape.

But, Nakano Yu had already seen it, how could he let it escape?

The boy's purple jade eyes flashed with a faint silver light, and the next second, the raccoon cat disguised as a mouse turned into a pinch of salt before it could run.

Seeing this scene, Nakano Yu nodded with satisfaction, and no longer cared about the raccoon cat outside the window. He played with his mobile phone for a while, chatted with Miura Yumiko and Katsura Kotonoha for a while, and then prepared to go to bed.

"Tick, Tick..."

In the living room, it was already late at night. The Snow Maiden Bingli, who was standing guard at the entrance, sat on the floor hugging her ice naginata. She was breathing slowly and had obviously fallen asleep.


Suddenly, a door on the second floor was cautiously opened.

The moonlight shone through the window and fell on the figure of a girl.

The girl tiptoed to close her door. In the dark night, her blue eyes passed through the five sisters' rooms and fell on the door of Nakano Yuu.

Pursing her lips, the girl stepped lightly on the floor, trying not to make any sound, and came to the door of Nakano Yuu's room.

She tried to open the door and found that it was not locked, so she gently pushed the door open and went in.

In the room, Nakano Yuu was facing the door with his eyes closed and breathing slowly. He looked like he had fallen asleep.


After the girl entered the room, she locked the door first, then tiptoed to the boy's bed.

In the moonlight, the girl's eyes reflected the boy's calm profile. Looking at Nakano Yuu, the girl smiled gently.

After watching for a while, seeing that Nakano Yuu had no intention of waking up, the girl looked around like a thief, then lifted the boy's quilt and lay down beside him.


The girl felt her breathing was so flustered, but lying behind Nakano Yuu, she felt inexplicably relieved.

She stretched out her hand tentatively, wanting to hug the boy.

""I'll be gone in a little while."

She thought to herself, but at this moment, she suddenly felt someone grab her hand.

In an instant, an indescribable tension surged in her heart.

"Miku, you don't sleep so late at night, aren't you afraid of dark circles under your eyes?"

Nakano Yuu didn't fall asleep. Not only is he a light sleeper, he also has the habit of being a night owl. The main reason is that the system tasks are completed in the early morning every day, and Nakano Yuu can't go to bed early.

But today, Nakano Yuu was a little surprised.

He originally thought that the person who sneaked into his room was Ichika or Nino. After all, Ichika had said at that time that they wanted to sleep together, and there was no need to say more about Nino, in the name of enhancing feelings.

But, the person who came today turned out to be Miku, who was the most taciturn at home on weekdays.

This made Nakano Yuu a little confused. Why did Miku come to his room in the middle of the night? Could she want to take him away?

Of course, the above are all jokes. What Miku thinks, after all, only Miku knows.

"long...You, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Hearing Nakano Yuu's voice, Miku hurriedly wanted to leave, but Nakano Yuu held her hand and couldn't break free for a while, so she had to stammer and talk to the boy.

"Should I ask Miku this question?"

Hearing this, Nakano Yu actually laughed. Miku sneaked into his room in the middle of the night and asked him why he was still awake so late. Didn't this silly girl think something was wrong?


Being caught by Nakano Yuu, Miku lowered her head, pinching the hem of her pajamas. Her long bangs covered her face, so her expression could not be seen clearly. All that could be heard was Miku's hesitant voice.

"If Miku wants to sleep together, come up, and don't even think about running away, you just locked the door."

Seeing that Miku couldn't answer for a long time, Nakano Yu had no choice but to let Miku sit next to him first.


After responding quietly, Miku lay down beside the boy, and Nakano Yuu also let go of the girl's hand.

The room fell into silence for a while, and neither Nakano Yuu nor Mikuu spoke.

It's not that Nakano Yuu didn't want to say it, but he didn't know what to say.

Mikuu ran to his bedroom in the middle of the night and wanted to hold him to sleep. Nakano Yuu didn't need to tell her what her intention was. In addition, Miku was easily shy, and Nakano Yuu was afraid that if he mentioned it, Mikuu would cry.

Miku had her back to Nakano Yuu at this time, and her thoughts were like a mess. She was wondering why Nakano Yuu didn't sleep so late, what Nakano Yuu thought of her now, and how to end the farce she caused tonight.

Just silent, Miku couldn't figure out what to do even if she burned her brain. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Finally, Miku couldn't stand it anymore, turned around and called the boy's name.

"What's wrong?"

The boy still didn't sleep, just lying there quietly, his purple jade eyes looking at Sanjiu calmly like a pool of water.

"You...I, I want to say..."

With her hands clenched tightly into fists, Miku looked at Nakano Yuu, wanting to pour out her heart and the feelings she had suppressed for so long to the boy, but when the words came to her lips, Miku didn't know how to say it for a moment.

She was hesitating, hesitating about how to express her feelings to Nakano Yuu, and how Yuu would look at her after she expressed them.

It has to be said that Miku wanted to back off.

Just thinking that Nakano Yuu would be with Nino in the future, and that she would even have to go on stage as a relative and watch her beloved kiss other people, Miku felt uncomfortable like needles in her heart.

Sure enough, she was still unwilling to give up!

With hatred in her heart, in order not to leave any regrets, Miku stammered under the boy's puzzled gaze:

"I, I...Like..."You!"

The voice was intermittent, but just these few simple words exhausted all of Sanjiu's courage.

Listening to Sanjiu's incongruous confession, Nakano You's application gradually became strange.

Although Sanjiu's pronunciation was a bit strange, Nakano You was not deaf or stupid, and knew what Sanjiu meant....[]

But Nakano Yuu was a little curious, why did Miku suddenly confess to him? Even if she confessed, it should have been a few years ago when their relationship was the best, right?

"Sanjiu, do you know what you are saying?"

Wrapped in a quilt, Nakano Yuu sat up and asked

"I, I know! I fell in love with You a few years ago! Although I'm only saying it now,...But I will not be confused anymore!"

Looking at Nakano Yuu, Mijiu simply broke the jar and confessed her true feelings.

However, when Nakano Yuu heard these words, the boy was a little puzzled. He had liked him a few years ago, but...Why didn't he confess his feelings at that time?

Staring at Miku's blushing cheeks and not daring to look at him after the confession, Nakano Yuu figured it out.

It was about three years ago. He and Miku had a very good relationship. It can be said that they spent a lot of time together every day. But this kind of life did not last long. Miku became very distant from him, the kind of distantness that was very deliberate.

Nakano Yuu was very puzzled at the time. Even if he kept asking Miku why, Miku just said it was because of her own reasons. She even avoided him for a few days because of this matter.

In the end, Nakano Yuu had no choice but to accept it. Now it seems that Miku is probably worried that her feelings will be exposed, which will cause the relationship between him and the five sisters to fall apart.

"You...You, are you already with Nino? Sorry for suddenly saying this to You....Just pretend I never said that...."

While Nakano Yuu was thinking, Mikuu saw that Nakano Yuu had not responded, and her already unconfident heart became panicked. After saying that, she stood up and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Nakano Yuu hurriedly reached out and grabbed Mikuu.

Before Mikuu could react, the boy suddenly pulled her, and Mikuu was pulled backwards by Nakano Yuu's sudden action, and fell directly into Nakano Yuu's arms.


Looking at Nakano Yuu, Miku bit her lower lip. She didn't know if it was right for her to do this, even though she knew that Yuu and Nino were already together, she still expressed her feelings for Yuu.....If she didn't tell him, Mijiu knew she would regret it for the rest of her life. She didn't want to be confused because of this matter.

She wanted to firmly choose Nakano Yuu!

"Mijiu, is this really okay for you?"

Looking at the shy girl in his arms, Nakano Yuu asked

"I won't be confused anymore!"

But to this, Sanjiu gave a very firm answer.

"3.2 If I say that I may not only have Miku, but also Nino, there will be other girls, will Miku still be willing? The right to choose is in Miku's hands."

Seeing that Miku insisted on doing so, Nakano Yu simply confessed. He didn't want to hide it from the people around him. It is better to confess at the beginning than to hide it and be discovered later.

But what Miku said next made Nakano Yu stunned:

"Is it Miura from Yuu's class? Yuu went to see her last night, right? And Katsura, Yotsuba told me about that."

Looking at the girl in his arms, Nakano Yuu was confused. Miku actually knew all this?

"Yu, I said, I won't be confused anymore."

Without giving Nakano Yu a chance to react, Miku turned over and held the boy's stunned face with both hands.

"Na~ You, I like you, no matter what..."

Speaking softly, Sanjiu was no longer willing to suppress her feelings. Full of love flowed out from the window of her heart. Her blushing cheeks were illuminated by the moonlight. She slowly leaned down and approached the boy.

"I like you too, Sanjiu..."

In the dark night, the boy's whispers sounded


The immortal phoenix flew across the moonlit sky, overlooking the mountains, rivers, and the deep rift valley.

The phoenix circled over the rift valley, chirping. Finally, the phoenix was tired and wanted to rest.

The divine bird suddenly raised its head, turned sharply, and rushed into the abyss rift valley following the pace of the white horse.......

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