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"Okay, okay, I was just kidding! I just wanted to talk to you about what happened last time!" Covering his swollen left face, Jiaji immediately begged for mercy and told the truth

""Why didn't you just say no nicely at the beginning? You really deserve a beating!" Seeing Kaji covering his face with a pitiful look, Ye You felt relieved and then agreed to Kaji's request.

As for Kaji who was covering his face at this moment, his eyes flashed with a hint of pride that his plan had succeeded,"Sure enough, I still have to use some tricks, but this slap really hurts!"

Then Kaji Ryoji drove his sports car that had been parked at NERV and took Ye You to a melon field far away from the city.

"The environment is nice!"Ye You looked at the blue sky and the vibrant melon field beside him, and couldn't help but sigh. In this world close to doomsday, there is actually such a pure land!

Then Ye You looked at Jia Zhi who was working alone there. The more he looked at him, the more he looked like Runtu.

Then Ye You also squatted down and touched the green watermelon in the field.

"It's decided, I'm going to eat you today!"

Ye You immediately secretly put a watermelon into the storage space, then stood up while whistling.

"If you have anything to ask, please ask it now, don't hesitate!" Ye You stood up and said with a smile as Jia Chi beside him

"Ye Youjun, you must know a lot about the truth of this world. I don’t ask for much. I want to know the real reason why the Second Impact occurred!"

At this moment, Jiachi patted his sore back, stood up and asked Ye You calmly.

Ye You thought for a while and said,"I do know that the Second Impact was actually the human beings in this world who wanted to control Adam, but he was awakened by humans, so it triggered the Second Impact. As a result, you know the result. Antarctica was destroyed by N2 mines and Adam's awakening!"

Jiachi looked at the sky and laughed at himself:"After all, this is caused by us humans ourselves. How ironic!"

"As the debt owed to you for Xigua, I will tell you one more piece of news, live well, the third impact is coming, and then everything will return to peace!"After saying that, Ye You turned around and left.

Looking at Ye You's receding figure, Jia Chi murmured:"Will the third impact be triggered by you? Ye Youjun, it seems that I have to work hard to live!"

After saying that, Jiaji squatted down again and took care of his melon field. This time he had the belief to live, and he didn't need to imagine blooming like fireworks and conveying his ideals.

Then time came to the next morning. Today there was another depth test of the insertion plug. Except for Asuka who was very excited, no one else was excited.

Ritsuko didn't even want to come. The gem that Ye Youjun gave her needed to be polished. The amount of work on that gem was not ordinary, especially to achieve what Ye You said, which was extremely difficult!

She has been busy with this in recent days. If it weren't for the requirements from above, she wouldn't want to come.

An hour later, looking at this report form that was the same as usual, Ritsuko threw it aside, said something to Maya, and went back to her laboratory to work on this gem.

Everyone was used to Ritsuko's situation. Maya shook her head helplessly and looked at Ye Youjun who was wiping his hair.

"I actually made Ritsuko-senpai so hard, but because of Yuu, Ritsuko-senpai and I……"Thinking of this, Maya shyly covered her face and began to think wildly.

As for Asuka, she looked at the report with great interest. She was in the first place! Asuka knew very well that Ye You let her, but it was her man's duty to let her!

In this way, she was the real first. Thinking of this, Asuka was very happy. She directly dragged Ye You and Li to the restaurant for a big meal.

After all, with more and more times of driving Unit 2, Asuka's health is getting better and better, and her appetite is three times that of an ordinary person!

At this time, in a secluded street in a district of the Third New Tokyo City, the shadow of a black car parked there suddenly expanded, and kept making strange noises.

In an instant, the shadow instantly formed a huge circular black shadow. Above the black shadow, a huge zebra-striped sphere appeared, floating above the city in a calm posture, slowly approaching the NERV headquarters...

At the moment the sphere appeared, the birds and animals immediately sensed the danger warnings constantly issued in their minds, and immediately moved away from the area. The humans who saw the huge sphere appeared also panicked for a moment and fled from here.

However, some bold people, looking at this sphere that was not threatening at all, did not make any attacks but was just floating calmly, actually took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures...

At this moment, Asuka, Ye You, and Li, who had finished eating and chatting together, who were feasting in the restaurant, suddenly heard the alarm of the attack of the apostles in the NERV headquarters.

Everyone stood up directly, walked to the locker room, changed into combat uniforms, and immediately went to the EVA launch pad.

"It will take five more minutes for West District residents to evacuate!"

"The target is attacking slowly ~ 2.5 kilometers per hour!"

In the central command room, reports from Aoba Shigeru and various people were heard continuously. At the same time, the large screen in the command room also displayed the dynamic map of the Third New Tokyo City for the first time!

Misato hurried to the command room after hearing the alarm. Ritsuko, who had been waiting there, scolded her softly:"You are too slow!"

After Misato stood up breathlessly, she immediately asked excitedly:"I'm sorry, how is the situation, where is the Fuji Electric Observatory! ?"

"Without detection, the apostle suddenly appeared right above"

"The mode is orange, and there is no reaction to the AT force field!"

Aoba Shigeru and Hinata Makoto reported the situation in turn, and they were also very confused about this.

"What's going on?" Misato was also confused. There was such a big black and white ball on the screen, and you told me it wasn't an apostle?

"Is it a new type of Apostle?"Ritsuko immediately thought of another result.

Maya on the side immediately reported:"MAGI has reservations about this."

"It just so happens that Commander Ikari is not here at this time. It's such a headache!" Misato was also very distressed at this time. Looking at the huge"Poisonous Alps Lollipop" in front of the screen, she felt uneasy.

"So how about EVA?"Miri turned to Maya and asked

"All have been launched and are now in position in front of this new apostle, observing from the spot!"Maya immediately reported the news._Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

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