"Catwoman, you are not convinced, right? Come, come and hit me, please attack me quickly."Himejima Akeno said provocatively to Heige.

After saying that, Himejima Akeno made an S-shaped pose, looking like she was asking for something.

"Damn it! Don't be so cocky, meow, I'm angry meow!" Heige was also a bit irritable, and a pair of small hands flew out of the fairy light ball, quickly moving along Himejima Akeno, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Himejima Akeno.

"Bad woman, take my blow too! Magic: Black Ball"

""Kuroka, you idiot, how could you be easily attracted to hatred and run over impulsively?" Meihou's face was anxious. How could he not see that it was obviously Rias's queen who was deliberately attracting hatred. He was so angry that he ran to the enemy's nest alone. Isn't this asking for trouble?

As expected, Kuroka was a little impulsive. When he was about to attack Himejima Akeno, he was controlled by Rias's red magic and was trapped in the spot, unable to move.


Himejima Akeno's magic continued to fall, and Kuroka's eyes went dark. He was attacked and fell to the ground, and thick smoke came out of his body.

Kuroka was stunned and was knocked down by Himejima Akeno!

"That idiot!"Wali was so angry that he lost a member at the beginning.

"Heige and the others didn't work well together, which gave the enemy an opportunity."Ophis sat in the distance and watched, and said calmly

"Wally...it's all up to you meow, I, ah……"Kuroka was lying on the ground with a pitiful look on his face.

Vali's face was distorted, and he stared at Rias and Himejima Akeno helplessly. These two women really know how to play!

"Akeno, well done, now we have captured a fool. As expected, catwoman wants to piss off the opponent so that she can deliver a fatal blow."Rias said, pinching her waist

"I learned all this from you, Minister!"

"I'll teach you a lesson. Don't tell others that you are my queen when you go out."Rias was speechless. Was she so bad?

Qingyu looked at them and felt a lot of pressure. If he joined Rias, would there be problems in his future life?

The first person to be lost by the Misfortune Group was Vali, who had always been arrogant, but had to be a little cowardly and did not choose to attack any party.

"Humph! You defeated Catwoman, what are you so proud of? In my opinion, you two women are just playing tricks, I, Kokabil, don't take you seriously."

Suddenly, Kokabil, an eight-winged fallen angel cadre, looked over here with his head raised and made a disdainful sound.

"Hey! Kekabil, stop stirring up hatred! What are you doing?"Azazel's face changed instantly, and he cursed this mentally retarded subordinate. If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb.

Now it's a battle between three teams, not a fight between two teams, understand?

Whoever gets beaten first will be unlucky.

"Asia's divine weapon ability is definitely obtained by my fallen angels."But Kabil's words are a bit overbearing

"That won't work. We won't let you fall angels, Asia." Rias said coldly.

"Really? Well, let me see what you demons can do! I am an eight-winged fallen angel cadre, and beating you guys is as easy as playing."

As a cadre-level fallen angel, Kabeel has always been overbearing and his tone is also very arrogant.

Kabeel's words angered Rias.

Himejima Akeno was also a little unhappy!

""Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

A flash of dazzling golden light illuminated the playground, making everyone present close their eyes.

The use of the Shining Fruit was so gorgeous and cool.

Qingyuren had already flashed directly to the guy's position.

"Have you ever felt the horror of a light-speed kick?"

"Hmm? Lightspeed kick?"

The other party was a little confused,"You are just a human, and you are saying something that no one can understand?"

Although he said so, it was just...

What puzzled the enemy was that the boy in front of him looked like a human. What was going on? He suddenly came here when he was completely unable to understand. How did he do it?

"Hey, Kabeel, be careful, he is……"

Azazel was about to warn him, but it was too late. Qingyu's light-speed kick contained a powerful explosive force. With one kick, a clear footprint was engraved on the enemy's left face.

Then there was a huge shock.

But Kabil was stunned to find that he was actually destroyed by a terrible force.

"Ahhhhhh!! Is this...really a human boy?"

"I don't believe it, this is definitely not human……"

After being kicked, Kekabil's tall and strong body fell to the ground. The place below him was created by the terrible power wave, creating a terrifying crack. The eight-winged fallen angel cadre was spitting out large mouthfuls of blood.

""Sword of the Ten-Thousand Clouds!"

Qingyu attacked fiercely, not giving his opponent a chance to fight back, and condensed his power into a lightsaber.

The sword of the Ten-Thousand Clouds attacked and stabbed in front of the enemy!

"I, I was actually given……"

Even though he was a cadre-level fighter, after showing off for a while, he was faced with Qingyu's terrifying fighter.

But Kabil was also completely stunned and almost went crazy after being beaten!

"Hey, Qingyu-kun, don't be so anxious. If you kill our fallen angels now, we will suffer heavy losses."

Behind him, Renalei's magic spear appeared, infused with the power of fallen angels, and pierced Qingyu fiercely!

"Hahaha! Dead, dead? Great, Raynalei, you did a great job!"

"I was almost defeated by this guy. I was so scared."

When Kabele saw this, he laughed excitedly.

The best of the Fallen Angels was indeed Renalei. Even Kabele was very pleased with her!

"I say, Raynalei, how many holes are you going to make in my body?"Qingyu said with a headache

"I like it no matter how many times I open it, because this is Sister Nalei's"love" shot."Rainalei smiled sweetly.

But she smiled bitterly in her heart. Although it was not the first time that she had made a hole in Qingyu's body, it was useless in the end.

She was also very annoyed that she could not defeat him.

"Why didn't you fall down?" But Kabil couldn't understand. He had clearly pierced through the boy's body, right?

"I also want to fall down, but the problem is that I just can't fall down! What can I do?"Qingyu's words made the other party even more dumbfounded.


What the hell?

Is Renalei's magic gun fake?

Is Renalei playing me?

How could the other party know?

The ability of the Elementalization Fruit is a BUG in Demon High School.

"The eight-winged fallen angel is arrogant? The cadres are arrogant? Sorry, I just beat up people like you."

The sword of Ama-Kushu was not stopped at all, and it was controlled and slashed on Kokabil's body.

The next moment, Kokabil's body turned into a faint white light and disappeared!

The defeated people were teleported out!

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