"Brother, I, I haven’t gotten any useful information these days!"In the Phoenix’s base in the human world, the Western-style princess Rebel stood in front of Lesser with helplessness!

""Sister, don't blame yourself. The enemy is not an easy person to deal with. If you knew his ability all of a sudden, he would not be the guy who called himself the 'Lord of the Human World'!"

This is also very strange. During the days that Lesser was in the human world, he found a problem. Qingyu said that he was the Lord of the Human World, but in the eyes of the demons, angels, and fallen angels, no force has recognized Qingyu, right?

Except for Rias's demon group, Qingyu and Rias are together, which does not count!

In other words, Qingyu, the Lord of the Human World, is not recognized by many forces!

"You, the ruler of the human world, are really ridiculous. Do you really think that being the ruler of the human world is just talk?"

"In a place full of strong people, you can convince others with just a few cool words? Don't laugh your head off!"

Leisa smiled disapprovingly, stood up and snapped his fingers, and Queen Yubelluna came up and said,"My master, you told me to keep an eye on the actions of Rias's demon group, and I didn't forget it. These few days!

I found that Qingyu, Rias, and Himejima Akeno would go out to practice after school!"

"Practice? It seems that they don't have much confidence either!" Lesa sneered in his heart. This master is well prepared and brought all the beautiful girls and relatives with him. He will definitely win this competition!

"It was strange, too, that from time to time there were earthquakes and turbulence, and the power that shook the human world was fluctuating over there! I didn't dare to get close to watch."Yubelluna's next words startled Lesser. The queen looked slightly worried, and she always felt that the boy had a terrible power that was unknown to others!

"The power of turbulence? Are you sure you sensed it?" Lesa asked.

"Yes, Master, you are right! Luna really sensed it, it is a power that is hard to understand!"

Lei Beier hugged her brother's hand, pouted and said:"Come to think of it, Qingyu, that handsome guy, can't use magic at all! Why does he have extraordinary abilities that we can't see?"

"Uh! Sister, what did you just say? Handsome guy...you!" Lessar's forehead was bulging with blue veins. What kind of sister is this? Is there something wrong with her head? She said the enemy is handsome in front of her own brother? How embarrassed are you as a brother?

"No, no, brother, I just think so. Of course, you are the most handsome one! Lei Beier said with her head down, but she felt a little conflicted. Qingyu's flashing power was really so handsome that she was fascinated every time she saw it! It was the first time she saw a human being so handsome.

It overturned Lei Beier's perception of humans!

"Ahem, in short, before the sacred competition begins, my queen, you continue to observe the actions of Rias and others. We must be foolproof and finally defeat Qingyu and take Rias away. I will not lose and I will definitely get the woman I want!"

""Yes, Master!"

The Phoenix family began to make fun of Qingyu for calling himself the Lord of the Human World, and completely treated Qingyu's words as a joke!

Regarding this matter, in fact, there is no need for Lesser to speak, many bigwigs active in Kuoh Academy also felt that this matter was absurd!

Whether it was the representative of the heaven, Michael.

Or the Governor Azazel.

Even Rias's brother, one of the current demon kings, Sirzechs, he chose to remain silent!

Another demon king of the underworld diplomacy, Seraphlu, was also speechless about this, the boy who bullied her sister Sona!

"Hey, hey, hey! Mr. Governor, what do you think about Qingyu's situation as the Lord of the Human World?"Seraphlu waved her magic wand and said with a cute smile.

"The Lord of the Human World? That's just his stupid words. I won't admit it. He has no hope of becoming the ruler of the Human World! Do you really think that the Human World is a world where he can make everything happen?"

In the backyard of the Fallen Angels' headquarters, Azazel put his legs on a round table next to the swimming pool. With his back against the bench, he raised his head and glanced at the blue sky. He denied that Qingyu was the Lord of the Human World!

"That's right! That's right, young people are a little impulsive, but he is a curious boy!"

Seraphlu blinked her big eyes and asked,"By the way, Mr. Governor, what powerful artifacts have you developed recently? Sell me a few of them?"

"Artifacts? How many? Do you think I'm an artifact production line?" Azazel said unhappily, then frowned, his face full of dissatisfaction:"The best God-killing Tool was snatched away by Qingyu, I'm so pissed!"

"Wow, I also heard about this matter, the Red Dragon Emperor's Divine Destruction Tool, one of the two heavenly dragons! I didn't expect that you actually found this Divine Destruction Tool, and it was snatched away by others. How did you do it as a governor?"

"It’s a long story. Oh! By the way, can you please not mention this matter? Believe it or not, we’ve fallen out."

"YES! Let's go, and don't tell me where you're hurting!"Seraphlu transformed and disappeared!

After she left, a man walked out from behind Azazel, the father of Akeno Himejima, the fallen angel Barakiel

"Governor! You summoned me?" Barakiel asked

"Well! Right now, the problem of fallen angels and demons is a little out of control. I am going to gather the power of fallen angels from all over the world to return to Juwang! To avoid unexpected events." Azazel hesitated for several days. He wanted to face the power of demons, and the fallen angels had to gather all the personnel!

"Got it! All is subject to the Governor's arrangements!"

"By the way, regarding your daughter Himejima Akeno, you really don’t plan to bring her back? She is the daughter of you and the miko Himejima Juri! If she admits that she has the blood of a fallen angel, I believe she will grow up quickly in the future!!"

"This girl is extremely talented!"

The fallen angel cadre Barakiel smiled bitterly and said,"Governor, you don't know that it's not that I don't want to recognize my daughter, but that my daughter doesn't want to recognize me as her father. Because of my wife's death, my daughter dislikes and even hates me!"

"Uh! Okay, okay! We'll talk about this later! Starting today, I'll assign you to protect Renalei. Don't let her get attacked by other forces. She is now the talent I focus on training. She may take over my position in the future. Renalei is a very good and excellent fallen angel. She will never let me down and is very sensible!"

""I understand, Governor-General!" Barakiel smiled and nodded.

The next day!

In the academy! In front of the academy gate.

Father and daughter met, but did not say a word.

Himejima Akeno did not even look at her father a second time and walked into the academy!

"Akeno, that's your father!" Qingyu noticed the hateful look in Himejima Akeno's eyes and thought about it. Having read the plot, he knew the current family situation of the two.

"Ah, Qingyu, what are you talking about! I don't have a father."Himejima Akeno acted as if she didn't see her father, and Qingyu didn't say anything else, walking in the academy with Himejima Akeno!

Barakiel smiled bitterly, full of helplessness, he obeyed the governor's arrangement to protect Renale, always on guard against others taking action!

Renale knew the governor's arrangement, and finally felt touched! Renale was still dressed in a"pure and innocent" way. With her observation for many days, she could vaguely see some of Qingyu's habits, personality and hobbies.

"Renare, have you discovered the ability of the Qingyu boy?"Barakiel asked

"Not yet, but I also feel something. Qingyu's body is an elemental body! Natural things!"Renalei smiled and continued,"The power of magic has no effect on him! I think not only the fallen angels, but also the angels and demons want to figure out his abilities, right?"

"Well, a body that can be transformed into elements, the power of nature, what a strange and helpless ability!"Balakiel looked at the backs of his daughter and Qingyu walking away.

Renale smiled and ran up! Following behind the two of them, like a marshmallow! Anyway, she was entangled with Qingyu.

"I say, fallen angel sister, how many times have you been dumped by Qingyu-kun, and you still don't give up? How many times do you want him to dump you before you are satisfied?"Himejima Akeno has a bad impression of Renalei. It's a rare day to be with Qingyu today, but she was disturbed by the fallen angel!

"It doesn't matter how many times he is dumped, even if it's ten thousand times, as long as he succeeds once, Qingyu will come back to me, Renalei! Hey, Qingyu, let's go on a date after school tonight!" Renalei's cunning smile showed a little more desire!

""Get lost!" Qingyu refused. It was so annoying! Could you please stop pestering him? How clingy was this fallen angel?

"Hehehe! You look so cool even when you are rejected!" Raynalei looked like she was rejected but was willing to be abused!

"You are shameless! If a fallen angel treats you like this, you will really embarrass the governor!"

Himejima Akeno played with her long black hair, and Renalei's eyes darkened, revealing her hostility towards Himejima Akeno!

"Ah! What a scary look, are you going to eat me? It's so scary!" Himejima Akeno's lips curled up, with a hint of mischief.

"Himejima Akeno, a woman with the blood of a fallen angel flowing in her body, you are truly the most sadistic queen of the King of Horses."Rainalei said angrily

"Really? Thank you for the compliment! Do you want to feel the lightning?" A trace of lightning appeared in the palm of Jidao Zhuno's hand.

"No! I don't have that kind of hobby, so I'll leave it to your enemies!" Renalei shrank her head, snatched Qingyu's schoolbag, and treated it as her 'boyfriend's' bag!

"You stinky fallen angel woman, I advise you not to get too close to Qingyu Jun, I will be very angry!"

"If you are in charge, you should take action, right? This is the academy, and the Fallen Angel Governor is a senior member of the academy!"

"Really? I'll beat you up after school tonight!"

The two women started arguing!

It was endless!

This was already giving Qingyu a headache, but what made Qingyu even more speechless was yet to come.

Rebecca from the Phoenix family also came over to get involved, and was about to act tsundere.


The surroundings were shrouded in ice magic. Although there was no hostility, it affected Qingyu's daily classes!

In the corridor leading to the classroom where gods and demons were in chaos, a pink magic girl appeared in front of Qingyu!

The demon king Seraphlu, who was dressed"too cute", transformed and landed in front of him, causing Qingyu to be attacked by the pink style!

""Sister, how can you use magic recklessly in the academy? This will affect other people's classes!" Sona caught up and saw her sister, and tried to persuade her speechlessly.

Serafla, a magical girl in a tight outfit, held a magic wand in her hand, swung her long black and shiny ponytail, ignored Sona's words and looked at Qingyu:"He is really handsome, no wonder Sona was bullied but still behaved, is she confused by his handsomeness? Has she lost her soul?"

"Ah! What are you talking about, elder sister? Please don't make the atmosphere weird, okay?" Cang's calm and slightly cold face suddenly turned red!

"Um, what are you doing, Demon King Seraflor? Are you affecting my study in class?"

When Qingyu spoke, he looked at Seraflor. The demon king in front of him was a magical girl in tight clothes. She looked a bit like a two-dimensional painting style, too cute, and attracted people's attention. She didn't look like a demon king at all!

""Hey! Young man, you seem to know me?" Seraphlu asked unexpectedly.

"The devil of the Sidi family, one of the current devil kings, and the diplomatic representative of the underworld! How could I not recognize you! ?"

When I was watching the anime High School, Qingyu really admired the dress of this devil king in front of him!

"Hehehe! You are an interesting guy, you know a lot! But! You are guilty now!"

The other party raised the magic wand and pointed at Qingyu and said

"Guilty?"This made Qingyu stunned for a long time.

"That's right! You have committed a great sin in the underworld!"


It's incomprehensible!

Can you please make it clearer? I don't understand!

"You have committed a heinous crime by bullying my sister, Cangna, who is the next head of the Sidi family. I must punish you!" Seraphlu said seriously.


Did he come here to settle a score with his sister?

He thought it was some crime?

""Don't mention this matter, elder sister. It was actually my own fault!" Cang Na was too shameless to bring up the previous incident. She couldn't blame Qingyu for looking for trouble.

Who would have thought that elder sister would look for Qingyu for this matter!

"No, no, no, no! As the head of the Sidi family, sister, can you be a little strong?"

"Classmate Qingyu, you haven't been sentenced to death for offending me. Of course, if you appreciate my next disguise, I can spare you!"

"I don't plead guilty!"

Qingyu left after saying this. Is this enough for the demon girl in front of him?

Can she still be convicted like this?

"If you don’t plead guilty, you won’t be able to attend class today. I will tear down the classroom!"

"Then you can tear it down, I don't care! Lord Demon!" Qingyu smiled with a very interesting look.

This magical girl in front of him is so funny, although he knows that the other party's character is just a middle school girl.

After seeing it with his own eyes in the devil high school, Qingyu still felt a full sense of the second dimension style!

"Humph! As one of the current demon kings, I can't even handle a teenager. I won't tear it down! Anyway, you can enjoy my next transformation! Let's forget about the revenge on Cang Na, what do you think? It won't do you much harm, right?"

"That's not the case, but why do you insist on me admiring your cross-dressing? There are so many boys in the school, why don't you just find one to show him to?"Qingyu thought to himself that it would be better for him to stay away from the middle school girl devil, so as to avoid being led astray by her!

"That won’t do. I will only perform cross-dressing for handsome, cool and satisfying boys!"

"I meet your requirements? I'm not handsome!" Qingyu made a dead fish eye!

"No, no, no! You are so handsome, and Cana is fascinated by you. She can't even act like the president recently! Don't deny it!"

"So, let's get started! Enjoy Serafla's transformation: the popular school idol costume!"

She transformed herself with a wave of her magic wand and transformed in the next second, a popular idol girl's tight outfit was put on her 1.56 meter tall body!

Serafla made a YES gesture and asked,"Does it look good? Does it look like a popular idol?""

""Sister... please stop making trouble, okay? Are you blushing? I really want to find a place to hide!" Cang Na screamed with all her might. It was too hard for her to have such a sister!

"Hey! How can you talk like that? You should know that my sister dreams of becoming the most popular idol in the world. You should understand the atmosphere, and say"Sister, you are so awesome"...right?"

Sona's face almost turned black. Such a sister,���Why do I have the urge to beat him up?

"This cross-dressing is good, it has a sense of painting style!"Qingyu smiled appreciatively

"Really? Then, what about this one!"She continued to dress up and became a fresh sailor suit girl again!

"The sailor suit is also very good, how many more can you change into?"It would have been better if I hadn't seen it. After seeing it, Qingyu was really interested!

"There are many! For example, Gothic Lolita! Dark version of the elf, sunny sports girl! And……"

"Um, do you like looking at swimsuits?"

"Swimsuit? This is the academy, you don't have to be so exaggerated, right?"Qingyu was scared. This devil girl who loves cross-dressing, you can't stop her when she gets serious!

"It doesn’t matter! If you like swimsuits, change into them!"

Seraflor put on a blue swimsuit and turned around in front of Qingyu a few times!

The girls next to her were embarrassed!

""Sister, you are stupid, stupid... You are such a pity, how could you let Qingyu see you like this!"

Cang Na quickly covered Seraful's swimsuit figure.

"It doesn't matter. Girls don't show off in front of boys. What's the point of having good looks? What's the point of having a good figure?"

Qingyu was stunned when he heard this. He felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but he also felt that there was something wrong with this statement, right?

"Ah! Lord Demon, please stop disturbing other people's classes! You will really be punished by the teacher!"

Juneno Himejima said at this time

"Oh! That's right, young man, bye! No, it's the Lord of the Human World!"

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