Su Yang knew very well that his idea was impossible to realize at this stage.

Moreover, he wanted to fuse the Four Souls Jade with the perfect Collapse Jade.

The real perfect Collapse Jade would take a hundred years to come, and it was still too early now!

This time, Su Yang had made a long-term plan for the simulation.

“I just don’t know if staying in the simulation world for hundreds of years will help improve my evaluation level.”

Su Yang had this thought in his mind, maybe it’s possible?

【Six years later, you have mastered the ghost path in your memory.】

【Not only that, you have even further improved your knowledge of the ghost way on the basis of the original foundation.】

【Now you can abandon the chant and release any ghost, the power will not be reduced】

【And in the case of full chanting, even the black coffin No. 90 can increase its power by 30%.

Not bad! Not bad! Not bad!

Su Yang nodded repeatedly. Why did he give up other rewards and take away all the ghost ways last time?

It was just for this time to practice.

Now it seems that he has succeeded.

Only now can he improve in every simulation.

Then this time, the talent plus the ghost way realm, and perhaps the four souls after the jade and the jade are fused?

Three rewards.

At least SS-level evaluation is required.

Su Yang thinks this is not difficult.

【Two months later, a piece of news spread from Seireitei to Rukongai.】

【The captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 was replaced by a Shinigami named Urahara Kisuke.】

【You know this is Hikifune Kiryu has been successfully promoted to the Zero Division, Urahara Kisuke took over as the captain of the Second Division】

【At the same time, you also guess that Urahara Kisuke has probably already started research on the Hogyoku, and perhaps the Hogyoku will be born soon.】

【However, the current Hogyoku, whether made by Urahara Kisuke or Aizen Sosuke, is not the most perfect, not even a complete Hogyoku.】

【As early as you knew that you had the Four Souls Jade in your body, you had an idea in your mind, that is, to fuse the Four Souls Jade with the Collapse Jade, which might give you a more powerful Collapse Jade.】

【So, you are still waiting secretly, and at the same time you are also researching a powerful ability of yours.】

【Several years ago, you discovered that you could split your soul, but because your soul and body are a perfect fusion】

【Therefore, such a division will not harm your essence】

【The separated soul can be transformed into a special incarnation, integrated into other souls, and even enhance the soul’s potential and talents.】

【In your dimension, you have now used the other spirit’s possession ability to create three powerful souls.】

【These souls were originally about to die, but with the help of your spirit possession ability, you not only kept them alive, but also made them extremely powerful.】

【Especially since you used the Four Souls Jade to make these three powerful souls have very strong spiritual pressure.】

【This kind of spiritual pressure completely exceeds that of ordinary captains, but they don’t have Zanpakutō and can’t fully exert this huge spiritual pressure.】

【You use the characteristics of spirit possession to refine these three powerful souls into special incarnations, specializing in the practice of ghost ways. 】

Sure enough!

The Four Soul Jade can even improve the spirit body.

Su Yang’s eyes flashed, it is worthy of being an S-level item produced by the system, the effect is strong!

And the ability of this spirit possession is a bit unexpected.

This possession can enhance the talent and potential of the soul?

Then it should be possible to change it to humans, right?

Not only humans, most elves and demons can do it.


“Why does it feel like it has been directly refined into the incarnation of my soul?”

Su Yang frowned. If it was just like this, it would not be perfect.

However, if it was not refined, it should be better.

【You value the spiritual possession you possess, and you intend to research and develop it.】

【Because you think that this simple method of refining souls as incarnations is probably just the simplest way to use them.】

【Three years have passed, and you have made considerable progress in your research on Spirit Possession.】

【You even used the ability of spirit possession to separate the nine-tailed beasts and the eight-tailed beasts from yourself.】

【Although it has been separated, the two parts of the Nine-Tail and Eight-Tail that were lost in your body have been quickly restored.】

【But this differentiation is not perfect in your opinion, it seems that something is missing】

【During these three years, you have not given up cultivation. You have already cultivated all the ghost ways you know.】

【But in fact, your strength has not improved much in the past three years.】

【You now understand that it is difficult to improve your strength in a short period of time.】

【In fact, even if you practice the Kidō to level 90 or above, it only increases your means of attack, and your overall strength is not greatly improved. 】

Su Yang was not surprised to see this scene.

His current strength is not something that can be improved by leaps and bounds simply by practicing in the simulation for a few years.

The Kidō has indeed only increased his means. No matter how strong the Kidō is, no matter how destructive it is, can it be compared with the Tailed Beast Jade?

It can only be said that the Tailed Beast Jade is an unreasonable attack. As long as Su Yang is given time, he can condense a Tailed Beast Jade that can directly blow up the island country under his feet.


Not at all.

Tailed Beast-level chakra is LV30!

LV40 belongs to the Demon King level.

Su Yang now has six times the chakra of the Demon King level, but it is only at the energy level. The

Tailed Beast Jade injected with so much chakra is more exaggerated than letting a Demon King-level strongman self-destruct.

The destructive power is definitely far beyond that of an ordinary main god-level strongman.

But if you insist on saying that Su Yang fights a main god-level strongman, it’s really hard.

The upper limit of destructive power does not represent the upper limit of combat power.

Indeed, as long as Su Yang is prepared, even if Sirzechs, the demon transcendent, is hit by a Tailed Beast Ball, he will be seriously injured if not killed.

But do you think Sirzechs is a fool?

Will he just wait to be beaten?

This is the real reason why Su Yang intends to create the Four Souls Collapse Ball in this simulation.

Because this thing will definitely improve his strength.

【Eight years later, in the seventeenth year since you came to the world of the God of Death, the Hollow Death Incident finally broke out.】

【You didn’t intervene in advance, everything is the same as the original】

【Hirako Mako and other Shinigami defected to Soul Society and became the Masked Corps】

【Urahara Kisuke and Goryu Tessai were captured, Shifengyuan Yoruichi rescued them, and eventually the three of them also defected from Soul Society and escaped to the living world】

【You know that everything was done by Aizen Sosuke, but this is your first chance.】

【Because the Seireitei is now unprecedentedly weak, the captains are missing several】

【As you expected, this year the Central Forty-Sixth Chamber of the Soul Society approved Gotei Jusan’s request and started recruiting students for the Shinō Academy in advance.】

【Moreover, the scope of enrollment this time is very large, and the requirements are also lowered accordingly.】

【Even souls from the evil areas of Rukongai are included in the enrollment range.】

【You also took the opportunity to enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, and even the three soul incarnations you refined also joined】

【After joining the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts, your performance was mediocre, but your three soul incarnations were outstanding!】

【Because the three soul incarnations are attached to the three souls by the spirit, even if they are refined into incarnations by you, they still maintain a very secret relationship with your original body.】

【It is impossible for others to see the relationship between you. The only thing that can prove this is your Zanpakutō.】

【If the three soul incarnations have made great progress in their Zanpakutō training, but the Zanpakutōs owned by each soul are not the same】

【In a sense, you have four Zanpakuto.】


Four Zanpakuto? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Yang was stunned.

He really didn’t expect such a situation.

This was a big surprise.


“”Can I bring out four Zanpakuto this time?”

Su Yang thought of this and felt that it seemed possible.

However, in this case, his original body in the simulation should not focus on practicing Zanpakuto.

Since the three soul incarnations can practice Zanpakuto, his original body does not need to practice.

In this way, a certain big head will not be able to know his Zanpakuto.

I just don’t know if the Bankai of the three soul incarnations’ Zanpakuto can be more powerful.

“Wait, these three souls seem to be in a state of extinction. Generally, such souls have no potential, otherwise they would not die. Even if such souls are strengthened by my talent, they may not be able to perform Bankai, right?”

Thinking of this, Su Yang frowned.

Forget it, I can only see how far I can go.

【Six years later, you graduate.】

【After graduation, you joined the 4th Division】[]

【This is the choice you made after much consideration, although staying with the first generation Kenpachi has certain risks.】

【But it is precisely because of the reputation of the first generation Kenpachi that you will avoid the sight of Aizen Sosuke】

【Therefore, you performed mediocrely in other aspects, but you had a certain talent in Kaido, which allowed you to join the Fourth Division smoothly.】

【Your three soul incarnations joined the third, fifth and tenth squads respectively.】

【Obviously, you know that your three soul incarnations have entered the sight of Aizen Sosuke. It seems that you have only joined the fifth team, but the third team is actually under the control of Aizen Sosuke.】

【In fact, Tosen Kaname took the initiative to invite one of your soul incarnations, but you refused and chose to accept Shiba Isshin’s invitation to join the 10th Division.】

【This situation is also something you can control. At least one of your soul incarnations is not indirectly controlled by Aizen Sosuke.】

【As time goes by, you are still playing the role of an ordinary member of the fourth squad.】

【But you are three soul incarnations, which is different and wonderful.】

【Eight years later, your soul incarnation in the 10th Division performed the Shikai. In fact, at this time, this incarnation had already been able to perform the Shikai three years ago.】

【Not only that, after showing the first release, your soul incarnation also showed excellent ghost way, and has become the top ten officer of the tenth division.】

【Another year later, your soul incarnation in the 5th Division completed its first release, and you became the seventh seat in the 5th Division!】

【Aizen Sosuke held a celebration for you that day, but you had a feeling that he was going to do something.】

【Three years later, in your twelfth year as a member of the Gotei 13, your spirit incarnation in the Third Division died.】

【The one who attacked was Tosen Kaname, but in fact it was Aizen Sosuke who seemed to have sensed something and was checking your soul incarnation.】

【Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed】

【Because the moment the soul incarnation died, the soul you separated with the spirit possession returned to you immediately, and even had a special power.】

【You were surprised to find that the power actually came from your dead incarnation Zanpakutō.】

【When the god of death dies, his Zanpakutō will revert to a shallow attack, and the power of the cultivated Zanpakutō will disappear.】

【But because of your special ability, the power of the Zanpakutō was brought back, and not only that, everything from the incarnation of the soul was also brought back.】

【It seems that all the power you gained from cultivating with that soul has been brought back, leaving only the essence of the soul that is about to die.】

【At most, it has been influenced by your spirit possession and has been cultivated for many years, and has improved a lot, but in fact it is a very ordinary soul.】

【Of course, the most important reason is that before you entered the Shin’o Academy of Spiritual Arts, you completely gave up the spiritual pressure that the three soul incarnations had increased with the Four Souls Jade. 】

Is it so?

Su Yang was a little surprised.

In fact, it seems that this is actually a weakness of the spirit possession.

Just like Su Yang now split his soul and merged it into Hoshino Ai with the spirit possession, and then with the help of the characteristics of the Four Souls Jade, Hoshino Ai can reach the demon king level in a very short time. At least in terms of spiritual power, it is the demon king level.

If you practice some ghost arts and ninjutsu casually, your strength can surpass that of ordinary upper-level demons.

But if Su Yang takes back the part of Hoshino Ai’s soul that was merged into the spirit possession, he can take away all the abilities that Hoshino Ai has gained and turn her into the original ordinary person again.

At most, the physical strength has been improved because of the nourishment of spiritual power.

In this case, can it be used to control your subordinates?

Su Yang touched his chin and pondered.

But in the end, he gave up thinking:”Let’s wait and see after bringing it out!”

【You knew everything about Aizen Sosuke’s behavior, and you were also sure that Aizen Sosuke didn’t come up with anything.】

【This also makes him feel that he thinks too much, but just like this, you are not completely relieved.】

【After some hesitation, you injected everything that happened to this soul incarnation into the soul incarnation of the 10th Squad, increasing the other party’s potential.】

【If before, the chance of this soul incarnation awakening Bankai was only 10%, then now it is at least 30%.】

【This gave you a plan in mind, but you didn’t implement it because it took a good time.】

【More than 20 years later, you have been in the sixtieth year of the death.)】

【This year, you finally found a suitable opportunity. During a rescue operation in the 5th Division, your soul incarnation in the 5th Division sacrificed himself to save his teammates.】

【This immediately caught the attention of Aizen Sosuke. He seemed to have sensed something and even used the Mirror Flower and Water Moon to take away your body, the incarnation of your soul.】

【You didn’t care about this at all, because he didn’t think Aizen Sosuke could find anything.】

【The fact is just as you thought, Aizen Sosuke did not find anything from this corpse, but you further felt the horror of Aizen Sosuke.】

【Because it was just this one corpse that he studied over and over again for seven or eight years.】

【Even if it is just a thought in his mind, or even an illusion, Aizen Sosuke will not let it go.】

【This kind of exaggerated caution makes you shudder!】

【You finally understand, Aizen Sosuke is far more terrifying than you thought. 】


Isn’t this a thought that the whole world is trying to harm me?

Obviously, they are unrelated people, and they clearly behave without any problems.

But Aizen Sosuke just stared at his soul incarnation, and Su Yang felt a little puzzled.

It can’t be Aizen Sosuke’s sixth sense, right?

“Perhaps as long as I sense something is wrong, I will be targeted by Aizen Sosuke, and will he conduct a series of investigations?”

Su Yang could only think so.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that it was quite correct for him to place his body in the fourth squad in the simulation.

Facts have proved that it is safest to be with my sister.

Well, as long as I am not exposed, I will not be chopped by Sister Hua.

However, this time is finally over, right?

I only have one soul incarnation left, and you, Aizen Sosuke, will not still be watching me, right? Moreover

, it is already this time, and there are only more than 50 years left before the plot begins.

Su Yang silently calculated that it should be 57 years.

It is less than 40 years before Ichigoku is born.


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