The power has been improved, which makes Kuang San overjoyed.

In fact, in a sense, it is precisely because of the appearance of Gurefia that Kuang San can no longer sit still.

Because this woman was originally a super demon king-level strongman, if she really becomes a follower, she may really become a transcendent.

In this case, Kuang San is naturally a little worried.

Although Gurefia will not really attack her after becoming Su Yang’s follower.

But ah!

I always feel that I am inferior to the other party, and Kuang San is a little unhappy.


You never know where she will compete.

Don’t say she is stubborn, otherwise she will have one more thing to compete!

Feeling the improvement of her own strength, Kuang San can no longer sit still, and then began to try her improved strength.

But she did not see what happened in the chat room.

Chat room.

Xiao Jingling:”Tsk, there was such a commotion last night.”

Tuanzi:”Commotion? What happened last night?”

Hai Meng:”Last night? Wasn’t it yesterday afternoon? It seems someone is looking for trouble with Su Yangjun?”

Xia Shizi:”She said it was last night. What else do you think could have happened last night??”

Teacher Xia Shizi’s words, coupled with the three bright question marks, instantly quieted the chat room.

Those who hadn’t reacted, finally understood.

Last night!

Yukinoshita Haruno:”Why are you all silent? Let’s start a conversation. I’m very interested in this topic!”

Trash Elf:”I’m interested too. The insider has come out.”

Hayasaka Ai:”The eldest lady is still sleeping.”

Miku:”Really? She’s still sleeping? Doesn’t she only have more than half an hour?”

Kasumi Shiko:”Miku, don’t have too high expectations for a rookie!” Trash Elf

:”Hehe, and he’s a rookie who will challenge Su Yang!”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”You know all this? Were you there helping last night?”

Trash Elf:”No,”Five Nine Zero”, it was a one-on-one duel!”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”Oh, I forgot, you are a peeping Tom!”

Trash Elf:”……”

Kasumi Shiko:”Wait, did I see something wrong? Single challenge?”

Kasumi Shiko:”Are you serious, Kaguya-chan? Her fighting ability is only slightly better than that loser Eriri, and she dares to challenge the harem?”

Bomu Eri:”Hey, hey, hey, you black-hearted Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who do you say is the loser?”

Kasumi Shiko:”At 3 minutes and 23 seconds, you have no right to insert yourself into this high-profile topic. Didn’t you see that Zi didn’t respond?”

Miko who didn’t want to see:”……”

Jianzi who didn’t want to see:”Actually, I have secretly read those books. I’m… okay?”

Saint Hui:”Jianzi, are you wrong?”

Jianzi who didn’t want to see:”???”

Hayasaka Ai:”Xiaohui means that, normally, more than ten minutes for the man is considered normal.”

Miko, who doesn’t want to see it, says:”Huh? Is Yang-jun abnormal?”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”What he did is outrageous, how can it be considered normal?” Yukinoshita

Haruno:”I asked Xiaojing, she said that a few minutes for a man is normal, more than ten minutes is very good, and those who last for one or two hours are simply not human!”

Trash Elf:”Su Yang is not a human being!”

Trash Elf:”But, Xiaoyangno, you are too stupid. Are you going to discuss this with Shizuka Hiratsuka? I’m afraid she is not as experienced as you?”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”Uh, it seems so!”

Trash Elf:”So, for this matter, you should talk to me, your confidant sister!” Hakumu Eri

:”Get lost, you dirty uncle, your H is more than ten times higher than Su Yang, isn’t it a trap to ask you?”

Kasumi Shiko:”Well, this time I stand on Eriri’s side, everyone should be careful of a certain trash elf.”

Saint Hui:”Su Yang-jun I was told before that, except for serious matters, don’t have too much contact with Miss Erya, otherwise she will easily think wrongly.”

The scumbag elf:”What, how can there be such a thing, Su Yang wronged me.”

The one who doesn’t want to see:”When we were together before, Miss Erya’s hands were not honest at all.”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”Oh, didn’t she team up with Su Yang that time?”

The scumbag elf:”No, I didn’t!” Kasumi Shiko

:”You don’t understand, with Erya around, first team up with the harem to take her down, and then she will have nothing to do.”

The one who doesn’t want to see:”That makes sense!”

Haimeng:”Oh, that’s right, why didn’t I think of it?”

Yumiko:”I see, it can be done this way.” Hayasaka

Ai:”When I saw this answer, I understood that there are already many people who have been taken advantage of by Erya.”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”Tsk tsk, amazing.”

Kasumi Shiko:”I always feel that the harem opened by the harem has finally benefited this scumbag elf!”

The scumbag elf:”……”

Scraps Elf:”Ahem, um, let’s get back to the previous topic. Let me tell you, besides Kaguya-chan, the rookie who challenged Su Yang last night, there was another person!”


Yukinoshita Haruno:”I want to know who is so powerful!” Kasumi Shiko

:”This is not a matter of being powerful or not.” Scraps Elf

:”That’s our little Kuang Kuang. She is really powerful. She created a large number of clones back and forth, trying to take down Su Yang, but was killed by……”

Umi:”??? That’s it?”

Miko who didn’t want to see:”What happened next?”

Yukinoshita Haruno:”Where are they? Are you keeping us on suspense?”

Miku:”Uh, that, Kuang San sister suddenly appeared and dragged Nia sister over to fight.”

Hayasaka Ai:”Oh, it’s your own fault!”

Sheng Renhui:”Okay, we can end this now.”

Yumiko:”That’s boring”


Su Yang:…

Look���The chat room was so chaotic, so he chose to hide.

Because he knew that if he showed up at this time, he would definitely be attacked by the crowd.

Keep a low profile!

Keep a low profile!


Suddenly, Su Yang felt something, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then, he opened his personal attribute interface to check

【Wanjie Simulator】

【Host: Su Yang】

【Occupation: Ninja, Demon Slayer, Grim Reaper】

【Talents: God’s Possession (World Class), Perfect Body (Special), Dream Come True (Red), Ten Consecutive Times (Red), Magical Genius (Red), Simulated Target (Red), Inspiration (Red), Reward Enhancement (Orange), Combat Power Enhancement (Orange), Accumulation (Orange)】

【Skills: Fairy Magic (God-level), Bloodline Net, Dimensional Space, Ghost Way, Ninjutsu, God’s Power (LV53 God Tree Blessing LV55)】

【Simulation points: 378,725,000】

【Simulation times: 1 (available once a day)】

【Real simulation times: 0 (Once after passing the SSS level perfectly)]

The power of God has been upgraded by one level?

To be honest, Su Yang was a little surprised.

But he knew that this was not caused by Kuang San. What really caused his power of God to be upgraded was the neighboring realm.

The neighboring realm is improving every moment, whether it is the quality of space or the world.

Maybe the growth of the God Tree will not be very fast, at least it should remain at this level in the short term.

But before it grows to the upper limit of the God Tree, the growth rate of the neighboring realm will remain at this state.

This makes Su Yang very satisfied.

Because the improvement of the neighboring realm can drive the growth of his power of God.

There is no problem before growing to LV55.

Since obtaining the position of God, even if he has not become a true god, Su Yang has also learned something about this world of comprehensive comics.

At least in this world of comprehensive comics, there are a large number of power systems, but in fact they all have a unified level division.

And it is very simple.

From low to high, they are low-level, medium-level, high-level and super-level.

It looks very ordinary, even a little tacky.

But if you really understand the meaning of these levels, it will be different.

Because the low level in the world of anime is not just an ordinary low level, most of the life forms in the extraordinary realm belong to the low level.

To put it more simply, everything below the upper demon realm belongs to the low level!

Even the mid-level demons belong to the low level realm.

Therefore, in the ten levels of the low level realm, the gap between each level is actually very obvious.

The mid-level is below the demon king level, even the quasi-demon king-level dragon kings in the underworld are only in the mid-level realm.

At most, it is the mid-level 10 level, which is not the high level.

The high level is the realm of the demon king level, and there are not many divisions in this realm.

All those below the transcendent are high-level.

And among the 10 high-level levels, only the last 3 levels belong to the super demon king level. In

Gurefia’s case, it should belong to the high-level 9 level. With this evolution of Kuang San, she has actually entered the high-level 10 level in terms of pure spiritual power.

But the specific combat power is still in the 9th level range,���It is still a little short of level 10, but not far away.

Even at the current speed, it won’t take long to reach the super class.

The super class is a class of transcendence.

This transcendence is actually in the sense of transcending mortal life.

Don’t look at demons and angels, whether it is the underworld or the heaven, Su Yang thinks it is just like that. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ninety-nine percent of them belong to the mortal creatures.

To get out of this level, you must break the upper limit of your own race and get the baptism of the world.

The transcendents of the underworld are this kind of high-level life.

Don’t look at the fact that the transcendents of the underworld have been recognized by the will of the underworld world and baptized.

But in fact, the underworld has long been completely swallowed up by the consciousness of the world, and the world consciousness of the underworld is just an existence similar to an incarnation of the main world.

Therefore, any super-class master in this world has actually been recognized by the will of the world and given the baptism of life sublimation.

The super class belongs to the transcendent, and this realm also includes those sub-dragon god-level existences in the underworld.

As for the dragon god-level Great Red and Orpheus.

This is a higher level.

After the super level is the sub-god level, and then the demigod, but the Great Red is above this.

The sub-god level is the realm of tempering divine power. Because of Su Yang’s special situation, he can barely be considered to be at this level.

Because the divine power he possesses is actually the divine power that can be tempered by the sub-god level. It is not the real divine power, but it is far beyond magic power and spiritual power.

And the reason why this realm is called a level is because any strong person who reaches this level occupies a position in the world will…….

The chance to become a true god!

Although the chance is slim, even negligible[]

But it is still much better than nothing!

Even if it is only 0.00…1%, it is still greater than 0!

After refining the power of God, you can start to condense the Godhead, and this realm is demigod.

Above demigod is the true God!

Great Red is the true God!

Because she has the Godhead of the True Dragon God, which is granted by the will of the world.

One of the Godheads that Erya saw before was Great Red.

Now this person is being sent by the will of the world to wander around the edge of the world.


The Godhead of the true God is not so easy to get.

Look, even a strong existence like Great Red is still a chosen worker!

After knowing this, Su Yang was also glad that his system could negotiate with the will of the world.

Although the real combat power may be a little worse than that of a real sub-god-level strongman, Su Yang knew very well that as long as the neighboring realm completes the first transformation.

Then he, the master of the neighboring realm, can obtain enough foundation to reach the realm of the true sub-god level!

Even if he comes to the simulation of the Naruto world a few times, which is actually integrating into the Pure Land a few times, and finally directly integrates his dimensional world into the neighboring world, this step can be accelerated. It is completely possible to reach the 10th level of the sub-god rank in one fell swoop. Although there are already���The number of simulations was one, but Su Yang did not simulate.

The reason was simple, Rias was urging him.

Was it because of what happened yesterday?

Su Yang’s heart moved. The Extraordinary Administration Bureau was very special. Even the covenant between the human world and the underworld was actually signed by the Extraordinary Administration Bureau.

Su Yang even suspected that the existence behind the Extraordinary Administration Bureau was the owner of one of the god positions that appeared in the Whispering Chapter.

Most likely, it was established under the influence of the world’s will.


Looking at the increasingly lively chat room, Su Yang felt that it would be better to leave for a while.


Tokyo Branch Building.

Not here yet?

Rias, who sent the seventh urging text message, had an impatient look on her face.

What on earth is Su Yang doing?

He had clearly agreed to come yesterday, but she had sent several messages since this morning, and not only did he not come, he didn’t even reply.



Akeno said softly,”You are too angry.”

As she spoke, she pointed at Rias’s right hand.

Until this moment, Rias realized that her right hand had revealed the Sekiryuutei’s gauntlet without her knowing when.

Sure enough, as a pure-blooded demon, even with the help of her brother, it was still too difficult for her to control the Divine Annihilation Tool.

Rias frowned and put away the Sekiryuutei’s gauntlet.


At this moment, a figure flashed. After seeing who it was, Rias couldn’t help herself.

“Su Yang, you are too slow!”


Su Yang smiled disapprovingly,”You will know whether it is fast or slow when the time comes.”

This man…

Akeno was also speechless, but she still stopped Rias who was a little out of control:”Okay, Rias, don’t forget the mission.”

This sentence finally made Rias calm down, and she took a deep breath.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this now, Akeno!”

Rias glanced at Akeno, who nodded and then activated a teleportation magic circle.

“Mission? What mission?”

Su Yang was surprised.

“I can’t explain it clearly right now, I’ll tell you when we get there.”

Rias said as she stepped into the teleportation array, but when she looked back, she found that Su Yang hadn’t moved.

“Let’s go!”

“Why are you leaving? I didn’t promise to help you with any tasks.”

Su Yang shrugged and had no intention of going, which made Rias a little dumbfounded.


Akeno sighed, and then leaned close to Su Yang’s ear:”How about being a maid for a day, Rias?”

Akeno seemed to have discovered that this man was very keen on maids.

Sure enough, she guessed right.

“Three days!”

Su Yang raised the price instantly.

“Only one day, do you think her personality is acceptable for three days?”

Zhene said helplessly.

“That’s fine!”

Su Yang hesitated for a moment, then added:”Three days for you, one day for her!”

Zhu Nai:…

Is this considered sacrificing yourself?

“What are you two whispering about?”

Rias instantly got angry,”Su Yang, come in, you are a member of our branch, you are obliged to take this mission.���


Before Rias could say anything, Akeno whispered and pulled Su Yang into the magic circle.

“What did you just say?”

“Zhu Nai said that the reward for this mission is that you will be my maid for one day, and she will be my maid for three days!”

Su Yang betrayed Zhu Nai as soon as he was transferred, which made her completely stupid.

You bastard, I helped you get the reward, and you actually betrayed me?


Rias couldn’t believe it:”Azuno, is what he said true?”

Akeno didn’t answer and directly activated the magic circle


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