【You think it’s time, so you apply for early graduation, which alarms many people in the ninja school. Even the third generation is surprised and comes to understand the situation.】

【Because according to the understanding of the third generation, you are still a little short of the ability to graduate.】

【When no one else was around, you showed the Sandaime the fact that you had opened your eyes, but you held back and only revealed a magatama.】

【But even so, Sandai was still surprised, and when he learned that you only told him about this, he was very satisfied.】

【You have graduated, and it was the Third Hokage who personally assessed you, and no one knows the specific content. 】

Very good!

Seeing this, Su Yang knew that the simulated me had joined the Hokage faction.

Opening the Sharingan at the age of 6 was enough for the Third Hokage to take notice.

But Su Yang knew in his heart that this was not enough.

It was just a one-magatama or even two-magatama Sharingan. Although the Third Hokage would take it seriously, the degree of attention would not be very high.

At least the night of genocide could not be avoided.

So what will I do in the simulation next?

Su Yang is looking forward to it.

【After successfully graduating, the Third Generation assigned a Jonin from the Sarutobi clan to guide you, and the members of the team were all Genin from the Sarutobi clan.】

【This situation caused dissatisfaction among many people in the clan, but because you no longer have parents, you are already an orphan in the Uchiha clan. Although others are dissatisfied, they cannot intervene.】

【A month later, word spread about your eye-opening, and the Uchiha clan was excited. Even the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, came to see you in person.】

【You know, this is the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen released in order to test you.】

【You rejected the kindness of the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku, which caused a great response in the clan, and some clan members even called you a traitor to your face.】

【From this day on, you were despised by many people in your tribe.】

【One night, you were attacked by a clan member. The other party was an experienced Chunin, but he did not open the Sharingan. Because of this, he was jealous and wanted to kill you.】

【You had no choice but to fight back and try to escape, but your way was blocked. You knew that there was more than one person who attacked you.】

【You exploded, you displayed the two magatama Sharingan and defeated the Chunin, but you didn’t kill him.】

【Sure enough, after doing all this, the third generation appeared. 】

Damn, you are really on time!

Seeing this scene, Su Yang couldn’t help but complain.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, this old shady guy is really insidious!

Why did he appear at this time instead of earlier or later?

“Could it be that the attack was also arranged by this old dog?”

Su Yang couldn’t help but guess.

【After this, the Third Generation stepped in and you moved out of the Uchiha clan, and the feud with the Uchiha ended.】

【You opened the two magatama Sharingan and shocked the Third Hokage again. Danzo appeared immediately and wanted to take you away.

Good guy!

How can this dog Danzo not do without you?

Would he really let the old dog succeed?

Su Yang couldn’t help but worry, but the simulated text that appeared next made him secretly relieved.

【The third generation rejected Danzo’s request, and Danzo was very angry. The two staged a classic scene of”I’m angry, you regret” in front of you.】

【The third generation took you with him and taught you personally, saying that you were still young.】

【In the following time, your daily life becomes a process of brainwashing in the name of teaching.】

【You spent the entire year of your 7th year like this, and your strength didn’t improve much.】

【But the act of refining chakra every day has made your chakra surpass most Chunins.】

【This year, you are 8 years old】

【You knew that the Night of the Genocide would happen in this year, but you still stayed with Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【On this day, your mentor, the Sarutobi clan jonin, came to you and said that the third generation had begun to assign missions.】

【You feel relieved about this situation, because this may be the reason for you to avoid the Uchiha clan’s genocide.】

【Sure enough, this time it was a long-term mission, requiring entering a small country and protecting the country’s daimyo for three months.】

“It seems that joining the Hokage can really help you avoid the night of extermination.”

Seeing this, Su Yang couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But he also knew that if he didn’t show enough talent and was still young and easily brainwashed, he would probably not be protected by the Third Generation.

【The first month of the three-month mission was passed safely】

【One day in the second month, your team was attacked. There were two jonin among the attackers. You betrayed and fought against one of them, but you were not strong enough to face an experienced jonin.】

【At the critical moment, your Sharingan evolved again, but even if you opened the three-magatama Sharingan and killed the jonin, you still suffered heavy damage.】

【When you woke up, only the Sarutobi clan jonin was still alive, and his injuries were more serious than yours.】

【You killed the Sarutobi clan jonin, and then set fire to everything, including the daimyo.】

【You start to flee!

Wait, what does this mean?

Su Yang was stunned. He didn’t expect this to happen.

“No way, what was I thinking in the simulation? Did I really think that a big fire could burn everything clean?”

Su Yang didn’t understand, but he knew it wouldn’t work.

Sure enough, the next simulation confirmed his guess.

【In the first month after your escape, you recovered from your injuries, but you encountered your first assassination attempt.】

【The Konoha Anbu launched an assassination attempt on you. At this time, you have already adapted to the three-magatama Sharingan and will kill everyone who comes.】

【In the following year, he suffered more than ten assassination attempts, and the assassins became stronger and stronger, and even elite ninjas appeared.】

【But under such a pursuit, your strength has improved rapidly, and you have reached the elite jonin level without the help of the Sharingan.】

【On this day, you, at the age of 10, encountered the most powerful pursuit.】

【The enemy is Uchiha Itachi! 】


Su Yang, who thought that he could survive in this way in the simulation, couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

Go straight to Uchiha Itachi?

He didn’t believe that Uchiha Itachi came to chat with him.

【Soon, you fight with Uchiha Itachi, but you are no match for him.】

【Under Uchiha Itachi’s Moon Reading, your heart was pierced】

【But at the moment your heart was pierced, you awakened your Mangekyō Sharingan. This scene shocked even Uchiha Itachi for a moment.】

【At this moment, you exploded】

【The last scene you saw was your kunai successfully piercing Uchiha Itachi’s heart.】

【Uchiha Itachi was killed by you!】

【Then, you died too!】

【Died at the age of 10】

【This simulation is over!】


New book, please collect it! Please collect it! Please collect it!

Please give me some data support!

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