Shinomiya Kaguya and the other two returned to the town

And he's still walking around with a swagger

The people around them just treated them as people from other towns. Although they were hostile, they did not cause any trouble.

"Sure enough, although the people here are hostile to outsiders, they will not do such an extraordinary thing."

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the boy who had been silent all the time and said,"What do you think, Hikigaya Hachiman, where should we start the investigation?"

"Huh?"Hikigaya Hachiman, who was daydreaming, was stunned. He didn't expect that he would be asked

"Um...let me ask you something? Why do I feel like you're paying so much attention to me?"

"This is your illusion. Okay, answer my question. How do you think we should gain a foothold here?

Or to put it bluntly, according to your intuition, which direction should we go?"

This woman is so strong!

Hikigaya Hachiman complained in his heart and started to think seriously.

Indeed, when there is no certainty that rescue will arrive, what should we consider first to survive?

For example, fill his stomach first, he has been hungry until now!

After a brief thought, I tentatively gave some suggestions.

"How about we first find someone who looks easy to talk to and ask for shelter?

Or go to school, students should have a bit of stupidity...conscience, right?"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded

"Okay, let's do as you say. Let's go."

Just when Kaguya Shinomiya was about to take action, she was stopped by Hayasaka Ai.

"Miss, there is someone watching us over there."

The boy also realized that he was discovered, and instead of running away, he walked over with a swagger.


Saito Shuichi was born and raised in this small town.

Born here, went to elementary school... junior high school... high school……

Like most people in Heiwo Town, he has been living here. If nothing unexpected happens, he will inherit his father's pottery skills and live a stable life in this small town.

But recently, he has inexplicably discovered many strange places.

The sudden appearance of many outsiders made him yearn for the outside world.

Although he occasionally travels far away, this is different

And he has inexplicably started to hate this town recently.

I always have an inexplicable feeling that something will happen if I stay here.

This feeling was particularly strong when he came back from selling pottery products.

I feel dizzy every time I get off the train at the station.……

So he recently planned to escape, but all kinds of accidents always happened, as if the whole town was trying to stop him from getting out.

He began to observe the outsiders, wanting to see if they could get out.


"Here's the thing, I could feel a weird feeling coming from the whole town, like a whirlpool that was swallowing us up!

We must leave as soon as possible! Otherwise, something bad will definitely happen!"

The three of them looked at each other and saw Xiuyi talking nonsense. They were surprised to find that the man in front of them was not lying.

Shinomiya Kaguya:"Anyway, this is just your one-sided statement, Hayasaka, let's try to get out of town now."

Hayasaka Ai said expressionlessly:"Okay, Miss Kaguya, but should we go eat now?"

Shinomiya Kaguya:"……"

Hikigaya Hachiman:"……"

Finally, the three of them went to eat at Xiuyi's invitation, and packed some food back to the base.


"Ye Shan? You came back alone?"

After handing the packaged fried noodles to the three people, Shinomiya Kaguya asked casually

It would have been better if he hadn't asked this question. When he asked this question, Ye Shan Hayabusa's face darkened and he sighed heavily.

Miura Yumiko and Yuigahama Yui also looked unhappy and silently put down the fried noodles in their hands.

"Yamato and Ooka are dead."

His voice was a little trembling. He put down the fried noodles before he even took two bites, covered his mouth and ran to the side to vomit.

Sure enough, he shouldn't have thought about the scene at that time!

"Dead! ?"

"How did he die?!"

Kaguya Shinomiya asked

She didn't show any surprise, her expression was even surprisingly calm, as if she didn't care about the deaths of the two people.

Ye Shan resisted the urge to vomit and said in a deep voice,"Some were killed by roadside signs, and some were tripped by stones on the roadside and hit on the nails. They died in strange ways."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and continued to ask:"Have you ever encountered any strange things?"

"No." Ye Shanjun shook his head,"But...if there is something strange, it is that we originally planned to go outside the town to take a look, but before we went out, an accident happened."


Shinomiya Kaguya and the other two looked at each other and saw doubt in each other's eyes.

It seems that I have to find that guy named Xiuyi to verify it.

I feel like this town is getting more and more crowded.


As the group was taking action, Itori, who had been watching them, also formed a judgment about the town.

Apart from the strange residents here, there is no major danger for the time being.

It is safer to live in a small town than in the wild.

At least food is easier to get.

"There is also the idea that this town is preventing people from leaving. After my experiments, I have confirmed that this is true."

Itori smiled and raised the half-broken arm, and easily put it back.

A small accident could actually cause her to get hurt. This town is really interesting.

Yoshimura Aito narrowed his eyes and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino

Although she wanted to explore the town, it was up to the young lady to decide.

But she had a hunch that since Karl dared to throw this young lady here, there must be something she needed here.

Maybe it's just to pave the way for this young lady.


"Ah! That idiot is talking about me?"

Carl rubbed his nose and jumped off King Ghidorah's body.

Ghidorah is the three-headed dragon he rides. Before the other two heads grew, he was called Charizard.

By the way, the big lizard that appeared in the ocean was Godzilla

Hundred Demons 165 - Godzilla

Made from the Demon's Holy Amphora using Blue Whale + Lizard + Nuclear Reactor, it seems that its combat power is comparable to the known T1 version.

Among Titans, he is also a king.

This is getting off topic

After Carl landed smoothly, King Ghidorah roared, then flapped his wings and flew towards the primitive forest in the distance.

Carl also had a smile on his face.

It turned out to be the right decision to let Touka send Eriri back.

Without Shihua, there are too many ideas for fun.

I took a look at the roadside sign that said Heiwo Town.

Karl said softly:"Long time no see"

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