At night, above the sea, the sky suddenly changed, and dark clouds gathered, as if a violent storm was about to come.

Suddenly, a huge tornado arose on the sea, like a giant dragon, winding and circling in the air.

The seawater is swept into the air, forming a series of water columns

The center of the tornado is a huge vortex, in which the sea water spins wildly, making a deafening roar.

The surrounding seawater was drawn into the whirlpool, forming huge waves that hit the rocks on the shore, making waves.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the tornado is getting bigger and bigger

Its diameter continued to expand, drawing more seawater into it, causing the originally calm sea surface to become turbulent, as if it had been torn to pieces by a giant dragon.

"What's going on? Is this you again?"

Looking at the natural disaster in the distance, Tornado looked at the man beside him with a puzzled look.

In her impression, there are only a few people who can do this, and the man in front of her is definitely one of them.


Carl smiled and said,"I don't have the ability to cause natural disasters. This is just a madman."

As Carl's voice fell, the storm on the sea became more violent, and a roar that seemed to come from an ancient creature came from the center!

"You see, he's anxious."

Karl laughed even louder, his mouth even stretched to his ears, and his blue eyes became narrow.

Everything around him began to decay and wither.

Will die!

The strange change made Tornado's hair stand on end. There was a voice in her heart urging her to run away!

Before Tornado could take any action, Carl returned to normal.

After adjusting his tie, Karl muttered to himself in the air:"Hmm, that's too unreasonable, I'm just telling the truth"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just after Carl finished speaking, Tornado could clearly see that the surroundings were distorted.

Then Carl continued to respond to the air

"Hmm, the wailing of a loser, do you feel that the gamble is not in your favor, so you start to fight back like a stink bug?"

The distortion around me is more obvious.

Spiral patterns began to appear on the shattered land.

"According to the agreement of the bet, I will not leave. They will find you and fight against you. When that time comes, hehe, hahahahaha!!!"

The distortion around him suddenly increased, and a vortex formed on the ground beneath his feet, which began to swallow up everything around him.

"You are also looking forward to it, right?"

Carl gave a middle finger, then picked up the confused Tornado and left.


In this dark night, the red light of the one-eyed man dances in Fangcun Aite's eyes like a ghost fire.

Lying quietly on an old tree, holding a glass bottle filled with blue liquid

"I'm so envious……"

After a long time, a sigh sounded in the quiet night

I really want to drink this potion……

The things prepared for that upright young lady must be very powerful.……

If I drink it, maybe I can use it to change the situation of humans and ghouls!

What a pity

"I'm so envious……"

"If I could get her to help me……"

The ghoul's one eye turned, and Fangcun Et suddenly came up with a good idea.

After so many days of observation, she has almost understood Yukinoshita Yukino's personality. If she designs it a little bit……

A cold wind blew, bringing a hint of coolness

Fangcun Aite shuddered and tightly grasped the glass bottle in his hand.

Watching the increasingly severe typhoon, she knew

It's time to take action!


Shortly after Fangcun Aite left, Itori jumped down from the tree next to him.

She had been keeping an eye on Fangcun Ate, and when she took out the potion, she knew that all her efforts were in vain.

She knew better than anyone how precious the potion was. In Itori's mind, only a few people could get the potion, and each of them was at the pinnacle of power and strength.

It just so happens that Carl Yukinoshita is one of them.

After thinking about it, Yi Niao took out her phone and called Bei.


"OK~I understand"

The other side

Bei, who was secretly protecting Xueno, hung up the phone

He touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Could it be that the leader was planning to let Yukino become a user of special abilities? There was no way Mrs. Yukinoshita would agree to that, right?"

Thinking of their complicated family relationship, I feel happy.

Because it's so fun

As a fun-loving person, is there anything more exciting than having fun with your boss?

Besides, he knows Yukino's personality too well.

Once I have the power to change the world, I will definitely take action.

There will be a good show to watch then, haha



"What happened to Xiaoxue?"

Yuigahama Yui asked with concern

From the beginning, Xiaoxue's condition was a little off, and she looked out the window from time to time.

‘It's like he's on guard against something.

He had been observing Yukinoshita Yukino, or more precisely everyone in this house, for a long time.

The person he couldn't understand the most, besides Kaguya Shinomiya, was Yukinoshita

I had been observing them from a safe place for a long time, but suddenly I ran into them.

I can't figure it out

And there must be someone in the dark protecting her. There is no doubt about the gaze.

"I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but I always feel like this typhoon is calling someone’s name."


Yuigahama Yui leaned against the window and listened carefully. The darkness made it difficult for her to see the distant

But judging from the situation, it is no different from an ordinary typhoon.

"Yukinoshita, you are too nervous. How could the typhoon call out someone's name?"Miura Yumiko said

"Anything can happen in this small town!" Xue Noi retorted bluntly:"Isn't the lesson you've learned in these few days enough? Or is your IQ... forget it."

Realizing that what she said might be a bit too much, Xueno swallowed the rest of her words.

"Hey, what's wrong with you! You're really taking my kindness for granted!" Miura Yumiko said dissatisfiedly

He really doesn't get along with this annoying guy!

"We must be more rational, instead of comforting ourselves in our hearts"

Yukinoshita Yukino is still calm and unfeeling

Just when Miura Yumiko was about to refute, she was stopped by Hayama Hayato

"Okay, Yumiko, what Yukinoshita said is right, but we can't always be so tense, it will hurt our spirits, right?"

"Indeed, I was negligent. I apologize."

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were watching them from the side.

"Can you hear me clearly?"

Hayasaka Ai retracted her head from the window and shook her head.

"I can't hear it clearly, it's probably an illusion"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded. She didn't hear any strange sounds.

But Yukinoshita Yukino is not the kind of person who will let go without thinking, so you better pay attention.

Looking at these small groups, Hikigaya Hachiman sighed.

Sure enough, even if there are only three people at the end of the world, they can be divided into three small groups.

Just as he was complaining in his heart, he suddenly felt something unnatural.




【Some people vote for us for the monthly version, which proves that there are still people who like it. It’s exciting, brothers!】

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