"Aren’t we leaving yet?"

Looking at Carl who was looking down with a telescope, Shihua said helplessly:"This is the deep sea area, I remember you said that the deep sea area is where some Titan-level beasts live, right?"

As he was talking, he took out another telescope and started observing with Carl.

"They are in trouble, this is that guy's territory." Looking at the battleships bombarding with torpedoes below, Carl gloated

"That guy?" Touka Kotori asked in confusion.

"Codenamed Hundred Ghosts - 048 Breath of the Deep Sea."Carl explained,"That guy was a failed product of mine in the early days. I threw it into the sea. As a result, because of the will to survive, it became a Titan-level monster in this mysterious sea."

Shihua has no doubt that all the big chaebols have their own laboratories, which makes sense.

Looking at the pile of tentacles that were blown up and the huge mouth at the front that kept opening and closing, Shihua suddenly got goose bumps all over his body.

This thing is too anti-human.

"What is his true form? An octopus?"

"this……"As we all know, Carl will not remember unimportant things.

"Looks like a jellyfish, right? You'll know if you read on."


"No, Mr. Bang, these monsters seem to be endless. Even if we install anti-biological sonic devices, we can't drive them away."

The captain was pacing back and forth anxiously, wishing he could go down and meet these monsters in person.

"Get ready for battle." Bangu had nothing to say. Since modern weapons couldn't stop them, he would have to fight with his own hands.

The Drive Knight said at this time:"This 450 must be a conspiracy of the Metal Knight. Didn't he swear that the monsters under the sea couldn't detect this ship? What's going on now? Hum"

"You seem to be biased against Metal Knight?"

"Every time the Hero Council is held, he is either absent or does not show his true face. Who knows what conspiracy he is brewing? Anyway, with his level of technology, it is difficult for us to detect it."

Bang looked at the Drive Knight deeply.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Get ready for battle."


The soldiers on the battleship quickly entered combat mode, with all kinds of weapons far superior to those of the ancient continent, aiming at the outside of the splint.

Some robots and advanced weapons on the battleship were all aimed at the sea surface.

Their only mission is to collect data.

As time passed, the atmosphere became more tense.

The soldier's cold sweat ran down his eyes, but he still stared at the periphery.

"Here we come!"

Following the captain's roar, dozens of huge tentacles rushed out of the sea, creating huge waves.

Instantly surrounded this huge strategic ship

Seeing these monsters that seemed to emerge from the deep cold, the management gave psychological hints.

But the soldiers still felt cold hands and feet, and a sense of being controlled.

"Shoot!" the captain yelled

The soldiers, with their nerves tense, subconsciously pulled the trigger when they heard the roar!

The huge turret is firing more than 5,000 rounds per minute (bhbb), teaching these tentacles a lesson.

However, the monsters seemed unafraid and continued to attack the battleship frantically.


Shihua and Carl continued to observe the situation from above

After watching for a while, Carl joked:"Things without brains are just brainless. These things are only as powerful as tiger-level monsters. They are useless.""

Juhua expressed sadness about the situation below.

"With such a strong smell of blood, are you sure it won’t attract other Titans or Overlord-level monsters?"

"Of course, this is a mysterious sea. Even a Titan-level monster will become bloody food if you are not careful!"

Even Carl didn't know how many potions he had put into the sea.

Plus, some extraordinary species can give birth to some followers, or bring their own pollution, which is scary to think about.


"Mr. Bangu, we have to find a way to get out of here." The captain said, breaking the tentacle with a backhanded stick.

Before he joined the army, he was at least an A-level hero.

But don't underestimate him!

?Bangu frowned and thought about countermeasures

"It's probably too late to leave now. These monsters are likely to catch up with us. We must kill them here."

Just when they were in trouble, the figure of the Drive Knight appeared in the deep sea, looking at the huge shadow whose specific appearance could not be seen clearly below.

It exudes a powerful aura, even a modified human like him can feel it.

Without hesitation, he returned to the battleship at an extremely fast speed.

He said to Bang Gu who was fighting:"There is a big guy below, we have to leave his territory quickly."

"No, our ship is entangled, and the power system was just destroyed and has not been repaired yet!"

"Damn it!" The driver raised his hand cannon and said to a robot,"I know you are watching, hurry up and start the backup plan, I know you will definitely be prepared."

The robot's eyes flickered and said,"No hurry, let's collect some more data."

"Since we have a backup plan, let's start it quickly. These ordinary people can't hold out for long." Bang said as he attacked the monsters that were climbing up.

Fortunately, these monsters are very weak, but they are worried that the battleship will be destroyed, and then they can only wait for death.

"Don't worry, the big guys haven't arrived yet."

"What does it mean?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Humph, you really make me angry.��"

The Drive Knight looked at the robot and asked,"When will we activate the backup plan?"

Metal Knight still responded calmly:"Wait a little longer, now is not the best time.""

Bang Gu struggled to resist the monster's attack and said,"We can't wait any longer. There are more and more monsters. We must leave as soon as possible."

The captain also shouted anxiously:"Yes, Mr. Metal Knight, if this continues, we will all die here when this battleship is destroyed."

However, Metal Knight remained unmoved and continued to observe the situation.

At this moment, a huge whirlpool suddenly emerged on the sea surface, and the sea water rolled up.

A larger shadow slowly rises from the vortex

?Its shadow even blocked out the sun, and its huge round jelly-like head was stretched across the front of the battleship.

Countless tentacles emerged from the sea as it rose[]

The battleship is like a child's toy in front of it.

Fear hangs over everyone

"What is this? The soldiers looked at the huge figure in horror, and their weapons were shaking.


The two people on King Ghidorah's back were also attracted by this huge figure.

"It seems that the big guy has appeared."Karl said with narrowed eyes

Shihua held the telescope tightly, his expression solemn:"If he suddenly attacks us, how confident are you that you can escape?"


I can turn this thing into a little jellyfish


Everyone on the battleship felt an unprecedented sense of oppression

This huge figure exudes a terrifying aura, which makes people shudder.

Just this body that is so huge that you can't see the end of it at a glance, even a single move can cause a tsunami.

The Drive Knight didn't expect this guy to be so big, and shouted at the robot again:"If you don't activate your backup plan, we're all doomed!"

?Metal Knight finally spoke:"Now activate the backup plan."

As the robot gave the order, a device on the battleship suddenly started up, emitting a strong light.

Then, a powerful sound wave shook away all the tentacles wrapped around the warship.

Then, steel plates rose up around the battleship, forming a circle around it.

A group of robots also walked behind the soldiers, attached their feet to the deck, and hugged them tightly.

A huge gun head began to appear at the bottom, and with an explosion, the battleship flew directly into the sky!

In just a dozen seconds, they escaped from the giant jellyfish's territory.


"Go!" Bangu shouted as the battleship crashed heavily into the sea.

The captain immediately ordered the battleship's backup power system to be activated and fled the area at full speed.

Driven by powerful force, the warship quickly left the danger zone

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the huge figure gradually recede into the distance.

"This time it was really dangerous. Fortunately, the monster just watched and didn't chase after me."

Bangu patted his waist

This old man can't stand such torture.

The driver looked at the robot with doubt in his eyes:"If this happens again, it's best to activate the backup plan as soon as possible."

The robot did not respond, but just silently looked at the giant jellyfish in the distance.

It’s far from over

Over there... there's a big guy coming!

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