"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Thunder rumbled continuously, and a thin black shadow shuttled quickly.

The clouds were torn apart by it, leaving a long trace.

It was like an arrow piercing the sky, attracting countless people to watch curiously.

When Su Fan stopped, he was already a hundred kilometers away from the red copper black cross.

Below were the rolling mountains.

He landed on the ground and began to wait for Tony's arrival.

At the same time, Su Fan noticed that

Erica in the chat group had opened a live broadcast room.

【[Saint Seiya and God Slayer]

In the picture, the blonde girl is shuttling across the ground at a very fast speed.

Coming towards this side.

Shizuka Hiratsuka:"Aren't you going to fight the Monkey God? How come you became the God Slayer?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka showed a curious look.

After all, the two of them had discussed before to deal with the God of Disobedience.

Why haven't they started fighting the God of Disobedience yet?

Instead, they are fighting the God Slayer first.

Youyou:"Ms. Erica, be careful, don't get too deep."

Through a simple understanding, she already knows that some battles can be dangerous even if you just watch.

Fuwa Aika:"You really have to be careful."

Nan Mengmei:"I'm looking forward to it."

The girl who had already returned home from school looked at the live broadcast room and immediately returned to the room quickly.

With an expectant look on her face.

The situation of the two people in the duel field yesterday.

She was already extremely shocked.

Now I don't know how shocking this will be

"I have to go back to my room first."

Ais, who was sparring with Lefiya, suddenly stopped, left a word and walked away.

The whole action was smooth and flowing.

There was no time for the elf girl to speak.

"Have you noticed that Ai Si has been acting a little strange these past two days?"

Diona crossed one arm over her chest, stroking her chin with the other, and squinted her eyes at Ai Si's back.

"It's a bit strange, she's always in a daze."

Recalling Aisi's condition over the past two days, Tione nodded in agreement."Nine six, nine six three, three"

"Could it be that...Is Aisi in love?"

Diona suddenly widened her eyes and said as if she had suddenly realized something.


Lefiya suddenly made a shocking sound, causing the two Amazon girls to look at her in surprise.

"that...I mean, Miss Aisi is not that frivolous!"

The elf girl who was suddenly pulled here to exercise, bearing the gazes of the two seniors, her previous tone suddenly became weak.

"That's right."

Without paying attention to the elf girl's voice, Tione nodded.

"What on earth is going on?"

Diona showed a curious look and whispered softly.

Aisi, who was unaware of the three people's discussion behind her, shuttled through the base like the wind.

"Hello, Ace..."

A werewolf youth with silver hair and a fluffy tail looked at Ai Si and shouted loudly.

But before he could finish, he saw the girl leave without looking back.

"Tsk~ What's going on?"

Bert smacked his lips unhappily, revealing a puzzled expression.

He returned to the house as light as the wind.

Ai Si quickly opened the live broadcast room.

But found that the live broadcast had been switched from Erica to Su Fan.

Opposite Su Fan, a young man with short golden hair appeared.

He casually carried a long sword on his shoulder.

His smile was wanton and free.

Just looking at the screen,

Ai Si could still be sure that this was a swordsman with superb sword skills. She was definitely not comparable to him.

The girl had a hunch that if she finished watching, it would be of great help to her sword skills.

Thinking of this, the girl's body and mind were immediately immersed.

Her golden pupils watched carefully.

"You are not my kind, nor are you disobedient, so how can you be so fast?"

Tony tilted his head and looked at the boy opposite him with curiosity.

He thought he was just a good opponent. He didn't expect that the speed he showed was beyond his reach.

Even without the power of speed, he could easily surpass the sound by relying on the power of spell and his own physical fitness. However, even so, he couldn't keep up at all. Moreover, the energy fluctuations on the other party were not any of the ones he was familiar with. It was a strange and powerful system. Even though Tony was not interested in many things, he couldn't help but feel curious at this time. He took off the holy clothes and used telekinesis to transmit it in front of Erica.

"Let's fight first, and then ask all the questions while we're fighting."

His eyes fell on Tony, and a strong fighting spirit rose within him.

His heart beat faster, his blood flowed faster, and his body temperature began to rise.

"Hahaha!!! You really suit my taste, little brother!!!"

Tony is also a person obsessed with fighting. These words immediately made him ignore the question he wanted to ask before.

"In this case, then...."Swear here!!!"

Tony's smile became more and more enthusiastic, and he chanted the words loudly.

He did not interrupt the other party's thoughts.

Su Fan stared at the other party with his dark pupils shining.

He wanted to test whether he could learn the power held by the gods and Buddhas in this world....

In the following battles, you can't even use the atom-destroying attack method.

"I won't allow anything to exist that I can't cut!"

"And this sword is an invincible blade that can cut and slice everything on the ground!"

As the words became louder, Tony's right hand holding the long sword glowed with a metallic luster.

A huge amount of magic power was wrapped around the long sword in his hand.

The already sharp long sword.

At this time, it turned into a magic sword that could cut through any steel, earth, and even the sky.

The power from the Celtic God King"Nuada" to not cut anything

——The torn silver hand.

It was shown again!

It was a long story, but it happened in a split second.

Tony's aura had already surged.

The sharp aura was pressing towards the sky.

The clouds above the sky could not even withstand the impact.

They were split in half.

"Be careful, if you get killed by a sword, I will be sad."

Tony was surrounded by a huge curse power that humans could not possess, and said dangerous words with a smile on his face.

Although he didn't know what kind of training system the boy in front of him was, the dangerous aura that was vaguely revealed made Tony subconsciously use his power.

The moment the voice fell,

Tony stomped on the ground fiercely.


The ground within a few dozen meters suddenly cracked, as if the sky was turned upside down.

Countless mud flew up into the sky. However, at the moment when the mud flew up,

Tony's figure had already crossed the space and appeared in front of Su Fan, who was hundreds of meters away.

The long sword slashed down with terrifying power. The magic power on the sword body surged, even making the air distorted.

At the moment when Tony raised his foot, the natural energy that Su Fan had absorbed for half a year rushed into his body.

A light green light emerged on his body surface.

Facing the long sword that was slashing down, his waist and abdomen twisted.

His body was like a bow and arrow.

His fist contracted like an arrow.

At the moment of swinging, the light green and white light appeared alternately.

It was not weaker than the long sword. Terrifying energy surged.

It was an explosive fist that blended the energy of nature and billions of volts of energy!

The fist swung at the sword blade without dodging. This reckless behavior even surprised the thick-skinned Tony.

The words of power are not just talk.

They represent the effectiveness of power.

The sword held by the torn silver hand is the sharpest magic sword in the world.

Apart from the divine tool, even the hard body of the God Slayer has to avoid its edge.

But soon he showed an even more arrogant smile again.

The cursed power flowed into the long sword like a tide.

He didn't think that someone with such strength would be a fool.

Since he dared to face the power with his bare hands, he was ready to deal with it.

And he only needed to...Just cut it down with all your strength!

The Sword King's thoughts are faster than lightning.

When he focuses on what is in front of him, his fist and sword collide in the next instant.


The collision of the two huge energies did not produce a loud sound.

It just generated a strong attraction.

It sucked in the atmosphere, magic power, and even light like a black hole.

Aisi and others could even see through the live broadcast room.

The space looked distorted because the light was folded.

In an instant, hundreds or thousands of meters of air and magic power were all sucked out.

The next moment, it seemed to shrink to the limit.


The loud noise that spread to the sky and the earth extended for dozens of kilometers, attracting countless curious eyes.

The members of the Red Copper Black Cross who were rushing here using magic showed an expression of disbelief. They had not yet arrived at the battle site, but they heard this terrifying momentum.

How fierce was the fight between the two?

And even though they were so far apart, the magic power here became agitated, making it difficult for them to perform magic.

For a while, they did not dare to move forward.

Seeing this, Paul frowned immediately.

He looked at his niece who seemed to be looking at something and was silent for a moment.

Then he directly performed magic and projected the situation in the distance.

With his ability to face six heads , he could not move forward. The divine beasts all have the ability to fight.

It is difficult to perform such long-range magic from a distance of more than ten kilometers.

Not to mention the magic power around, which has already lost control at this time.

When the distant scene was displayed, everyone immediately saw the ground surging like waves.

A nearby mountain peak even made a loud noise of collapse.

The smoke and dust had not yet dissipated.

It was blown away by the surging energy.

The situation in the field was revealed.

A huge pit appeared in everyone's sight.

Compared with the huge pit, the figures of the two people seemed less eye-catching.

But no one would ignore them.

After all, this pit was created by them.

And it was just the aftermath.

"good..."So strong!!!"

The girl from the Crimson Demon clan made an irrepressible sound.

She attracted curious glances from Aqua, Huihui and others.

After six months of getting along with each other, they all knew that Yunyun had a magical thing.

Fuwa Aika and Hiratsuka Shizuka who appeared from time to time were from that thing.

"Damn it! Why can’t I see it!!!"

Looking at Yunyun’s scarlet pupils, Huihui said with envy and resentment..........

Scarlet color in front of pupil.........

This proved how excited Youyou was at the moment. She was very curious about what had caused Youyou to lose control like this!

"Tsk~ You are making a fuss out of nothing. You have never seen the world and you actually stay at home instead of going on missions."

Aqua pouted and casually leaned on the table and said disdainfully.

But her beautiful blue eyes looked at Youyou from time to time to express her dissatisfaction.

"It must be something exciting, right? Like this or that...Hehe~"

Darkness didn't know what strange delusion she was in. Her delicate face was flushed. She twisted her body with her hands around her.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But the two people next to her were already used to her posture.

They completely ignored her existence.

Anyway, this was the house she and others bought.

They were not afraid of being seen by outsiders.

Nan Mengya:"Is this true?..."

Ordinary JK has never seen such a scene before, and immediately showed an expression of shock that was difficult to control

"Very strong...If I were so strong, I could bring my parents back."

Ais tightly clamped her legs together, her golden pupils widened, and she murmured.

The powerful force made her white legs blush.

On the contrary, it seemed a little tempting.

Fortunately, this is Ais's room alone.

There is no one else here.

Fuwa Aika:"It's amazing, it can even change the terrain." Hiratsuka Shizuka

:"As expected of someone who has obtained the power of God, your strength is not weak at all."

Hiratsuka Shizuka:"But this light...Did Su just use the natural energy?"

Because Su Fan had broadcast live before.

So Shizuka Hiratsuka recognized his current state.

Fuwa Aika:"After all, it is a new power system. Fan also wants to experience it.

Fuwa :"If you can learn the power, I guess you won't mind." Nan Mengya:"Learn the power?" According to her understanding, the power is the ability that the gods hold privately. It can even be said to be a unique existence. It is impossible to learn it. Youyou:"Yes, Su's most powerful ability is learning ability!"

The red demon girl responded with a little pride.

The three girls who came later couldn't help but feel curious.

Can Su Fan really learn the power? Erica:"Sooner or later, I will be able to do the same!

" Feeling the vibration from the air in the distance, the girl's blue eyes flashed with a fiery look.

These words made the hearts of several girls and older female teachers in the group become hot.

There was also excitement in the beautiful eyes.

This can be called the power to change the structure of the earth.

Even those who are not interested in power find it difficult to calm down their excitement.

Not paying attention to the status of the chat group, the two people in the field fell into a brief pause at this time.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows slightly when he felt the tearing feeling on his fist.

The sharp feeling even made him feel stinging.

It was a strange power.

It was different from the microcosm and natural energy.

It was more like a power with some special concept.

Fortunately, the natural energy was sufficient.

It was overwhelming.

Even without the condensation of the ink clothes, it had a very amazing defense.

That 's why it was not cut by 1.


But if you wear the holy clothes, even the bronze holy clothes are enough to resist.

But the stinging feeling from the fist made Su Fan's blood boil more and more.

Emotions began to rise gradually.

A hot smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although Tony had expected it, he still couldn't help showing surprise when he saw that his sword didn't cut the opponent's fist.

Seeing Su Fan's excited smile, Tony suppressed his shock.

A crazy smile also appeared on his face.

The adrenaline in his body, which was a hundred times higher than that of an ordinary person, began to surge.

The power of the curse began to rise wildly with the high emotions.

Since one sword can't cut through it, then ten swords, a hundred swords, a thousand swords!!!

The two people's thoughts flowed in a flash.

The next moment...

""Bang, bang, bang!!!"

A series of explosions suddenly sounded in the air.

Tony swung his sword quickly.

The seemingly rough slash was actually very tricky and strange.

Every time he slashed at the same place, he implemented the principle that if one sword could not tear it apart, he would cut it apart with thousands of swords.

Su Fan, on the other hand, fell into a defensive posture, concentrating on experiencing the power of authority.

With fists or palms, he swung violently, or stuck to it and transformed it.

He moved the offensive of the magic sword infused with huge mantra power to the side.

The land next to him was like being plowed by a huge plow.

Channels extending hundreds and thousands of meters appeared one after another.

The mountain peaks were directly cut off, slowly moving and collapsing, causing the ground to shake wildly.

Under the terrifying violence of the two, the earth could not stop crying.

Above the sky, the terrifying energy rushed into the sky.

The clouds had been torn to pieces.

Only the blue sky remained.

The power of the God Slayer and the power of the Saint Seiya collided wildly.

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