Not long after Suobu Yefeng left, a group of people jumped down from the tree.

"Zuo Men, what should we do now?"

The boy with short white hair turned and looked at the young man with long red hair.

"......Is this also the princess's good fortune?"

Suobu Zuomen did not respond, but his face was full of sorrow.

He originally wanted to make the princess get rid of the modern things on her body so that he could not cast magic to trap her in the time cage.

But he did not expect that Suobu Ye Feng suddenly changed direction before he entered the center of the trap.

This made Suobu Zuomen feel afraid of that good fortune.

"Let's follow her and see. The princess wouldn't change direction for no reason, and she would fly over."

Wearing a windbreaker and a hat, Suobu Xiacun, who looked like a detective, reminded the gloomy young man. After being reminded by Suobu Xiacun, Suobu Zuomen also restrained his emotions.

As the initiator of the plan, he didn't want to show that others could not be assured.

"It can only be done this way, and we'll find another opportunity later."

While speaking, he took the lead and rushed to the direction where Suobu Ye Feng disappeared.

The others quickly followed.

As a place of seclusion, they are very familiar with this place.

Therefore, although they cannot fly like Suobu Ye Feng, their speed is still not slow.

Outside the barrier of the Suobu clan, the girl in the white dress withdrew her magic power.

The abnormalities around her did not dissipate.

The purple eyes looked up.

Even though there was nothing unusual in front of her, through the approaching magic, Fuwa Aika knew that the person she wanted to see was coming.

She didn't wait too long.

The girl with long wine-red hair flew out of the barrier like a gust of wind.

Then she landed a little distance away from Fuwa Aika.

There was a hearty smile on her delicate face.

Her red eyes scanned the girl.

Even if she was just standing, she exuded a confident temperament.

Proud,"983" self-confidence, so dazzling that people dared not look directly at her.

"Nice to meet you~ Miss Ye Feng from the Lock Department, or......The protector of the tree of origin."

Fuwa Aika took off her hat, revealing her long hair, and greeted softly.

The corners of her mouth were drawn with a perfect arc.

She showed the elegant temperament of a young lady.

The two beautiful girls stood opposite each other.

Each showed a different style.

"Who are you?"

Looking closely at the pure white girl in front of him, Suobu Ye Feng asked in confusion.

Her familiar look and the fact that she knew his name and the Tree of Origin made Suobu Ye Feng a little curious.

As the daughter of the chief of the Suobu clan and the person chosen by the Tree of Origin, she had never left her name outside.

Moreover, it looked like she was coming for him. He even knew her appearance.

"Excuse me, I am Fuwa Aika, the magician of this term's Zetsuen."

Fuwa Aika bowed slightly, then stood up and showed a playful smile.


Hearing this, even Suobu Ye Feng showed a look of surprise.

Even though he was surprised at her identity, he was also surprised at her behavior of revealing her hostile identity.

And this is the base of the Suobu clan.


How dare you!?

"You said you are a magician of Jueyuan, but what about the magic just now! ?"

Suobu Ye Feng frowned, and did not attack immediately, but asked about the doubts in his heart.

The magic power gave her the feeling that it was not the power of Jueyuan.

Therefore, even if the girl in front of her revealed her identity, she still remained skeptical.

But in this world, the only people who can use magic are their Suobu clan and the chosen ones of the Jueyuan Tree. They are not magicians of Jueyuan, nor are they members of the Suobu clan.

How to explain that magic?

Suobu Ye Feng was full of confusion.

"I thought you would attack me after hearing my identity."

The purple eyes fell on the girl, and Fuwa Aihua said with a smile.

Whether it was the appearance, temperament or identity opposition.

It is indeed easy to think that Suobu Ye Feng was very impulsive.

"What do you take me for?"

"Rather, why do I feel like you know me very well?"

Suobu Ye Feng said unhappily, and then his red pupils flashed with thought.

The girl clearly felt the ridicule in the words just now.

She was confident that she would not take action directly, so she would reveal her identity directly.

But I have never communicated with her before.

How can she understand me? She knows me very well. But

I don't even know her name until she said it just now.

Suobu Ye Feng couldn't help but feel irritated.

But he quickly suppressed it.

He just stared at the pure white girl.

Suobu Ye Feng didn't think that this woman came here just to play tricks on him.

"This is related to why I came here."

The smile on Fuwa Aihua's face disappeared, and her face became serious.

That look made Suobu Yefeng also become serious.

Her intuition told her that what happened next would not be easy.

"I want to destroy the Jueyuan Tree with you, Miss Suobu."

The ruddy lips opened slightly, and the crisp voice echoed in the forest.

Suobu Yefeng widened his eyes.

His mouth opened, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

As a priestess who believed in the original tree, she had never thought of destroying the god who gave her power.

Even if it was Jueyuan, she shouldn't say such words easily.

Fuwa Aika was ready to wait.

She looked at Suobu Yefeng with a faint smile.

The forest was quiet for a while.

"What! The magician of Jueyuan wants to destroy the Jueyuan tree!! ?"

The boy with short silver-white hair showed a look of astonishment, and couldn't help but look at the red-haired young man beside him.

""What should we do now!! ?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

For someone who was given power by the Origin Tree, but doubted the Origin Tree and wanted to awaken the Absolute Garden Tree to destroy it, it was like hearing that the emperor was going to rebel.

It was an outrageous statement.

"The princess is already very powerful, and with the help of the magician......"

Suobu Xiacun said softly, and his calm face twitched.

The others heard it and showed a look of despair.

They didn't think that the person chosen by the Jueyuan Tree would be so weak.

Even if he couldn't compare to Suobu Yefeng, he would definitely be far superior to them.

The combination of these two would have no chance of victory.

Suobu Zuomen also showed a look of doubt about life.

In order to prevent the princess from being imprisoned in the cage of time, even the Jueyuan magician, who was supposed to be the nemesis, showed up to join forces.

This is simply a joke

"Princess, this person is definitely trying to let you down on your guard!"

Suobu Zuomen stepped out of the barrier with a long sword in his hand, his eyes showing a nervous look.

No matter what, they must interrupt the discussion between the two.

As long as they don't discuss, any result will be better than the result of a joint effort.

Even if the two people are both injured, things may become smoother. The others were stunned when they saw Suobu Zuomen's appearance. But they soon reacted and understood his idea. They walked out of the barrier one after another.

"Princess, since Jueyuan is here, we can't let her leave!"

"That's right!!!"

"How dare you come here alone? You are simply looking down on our Suo tribe!!!"

"We can’t let her go like this!!!"

A group of people walked out of the barrier, speaking in high voices.

Their eyes fell on the girl opposite them.

They showed a surprised expression at first, but soon suppressed it.

In the eyes of beautiful women, fulfilling their long-cherished wish is more important.

"Zuomen? And why are all of you here! ?"(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The tribe members came out one after another, which made Suobu Ye Feng look surprised.

He had no idea why these people were here.


"Ice-shaped ice wall!!!"

Before Suobu Zuomen finished speaking, an ice-blue light suddenly appeared under his feet.

The next moment, the air became extremely cold, and an ice wall broke through the ground and separated Suobu Ye Feng, Suobu Zuomen and others.


"There's no need to pay a price?!"

"It's not the scent of a magic item!!!"

"Is this the magician of Zetsuen!!?"

"Princess, be careful or she might attack you!!!"

The sudden magic made the members of the Suobu clan noisy.[]

But they clearly didn't separate them from Fuwa Aika.

They just shouted and had no intention of moving forward.

"This strange magic again."

Ye Fang frowned and watched closely.

She could sense the nature of this magic more clearly.

It was something that was not recorded at all.

The sudden magic only blocked the���and the tribesmen.

But no casualties were caused.

In addition, what the girl said before made Suobu Ye Feng choose not to take action.

"I forgot to mention that in addition to destroying the Absolute Garden Tree, I also plan to destroy the Beginning"

"From this point of view, you and I are also companions."

Fuwa Aihua raised the corner of her mouth and said lightly while looking at Suobu Zuomen and others.

Suobu Zhema and others who were originally noisy suddenly choked.

They looked at the girl in astonishment.

They couldn't understand!

How did she know what they were going to think?

What was even more incomprehensible was!

Just destroying the Jueyuan Tree, and she could say that she didn't like the Jueyuan Tree.

But even the Initial Tree was going to be destroyed.

What hatred did this person have with these two trees!?

Not only Suobu Zuomen and others.

Even Suobu Ye Feng couldn't understand the girl's thoughts.

"You guys!!"

Hearing this, Suobu Ye Feng subconsciously looked at Suobu Zuomen and others.

She saw that they were also shocked.

But they did not refute it immediately.

This made her realize something.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could we possibly want to destroy the Tree of Origin!"

Suobu Ye Feng was right in front of him. Zuomen came to his senses and subconsciously refuted.......

He subconsciously looked at Suobu Ye Feng.

He found that she was indeed frowning at him and the others.

He was about to take action and interrupt the girl, but was stopped by the next sentence.

"I know the origins of those two trees, so I want to destroy them."

"That's not a god at all, but a weapon that threatens the earth!"

Fuwa Aika's eyes were cold, and the magic of ice leaked out with her will, and the temperature around her dropped rapidly.

The elegant lady disappeared at this time.

In her place was a snow girl who seemed to be independent on the snow mountain.

"We are just test subjects!!!"

The girl looked directly at Suobu Ye Feng with a cold gaze and said word by word


Suobu Ye Feng fiercely retorted. This was a thought that would never occur to her mind.

But the unwillingness and anger in the purple eyes of the girl opposite her did not seem to be lying.

"Humph! Otherwise, why would your father be afraid of the Tree of Origin!"

Bupo Aihua knew that Suobu Yefeng's will was also very firm, and her voice tone also rose accordingly.

"Why would your people want to destroy the Origin Tree even if it meant exiling you!!!"

As she spoke,

Fuwa Aihua pointed her slender finger at the member of the Suobu clan standing beside her.

""Eh!! ?"

Suobu Yefeng made a surprised sound, and subconsciously shifted her gaze to the tribe members.

Except for Suobu Zuomen and Suobu Xiacun , the younger members all avoided her gaze involuntarily.

Even though she didn't say anything, the girl understood at this time. What Fuwa Aika said later was indeed true.


With mixed emotions in his heart, Suobu Ye Feng was completely speechless.

If what they said was true, then what about his father ?......

"That's right! When Lord Ya was alive, he was afraid of the Tree of Beginning."

"You need to contribute modern weapons to use magic, it's like observing the progress of Earth civilization!"

At this point, Suobu Zuomen no longer concealed it, staring at Suobu Yefeng and said loudly.

It was also under his influence that

Suobu Zuomen and others came up with the idea of destroying the original tree.


Although she had expected it, Suobu Ye Feng was still shocked when she heard this.

Perhaps what her father said about the previous generation of the clan leader was not false.

In the entire clan, how many people still believe in God! ?

Suobu Ye Feng did not dare to think about it.

They were obviously members of the same clan, but now she realized that she seemed to be an outsider.

The ice wall separating them was like a fact that had been declared long ago.

However, Suobu Zuomen's words about observing the evolution of civilization also made Suobu Ye Feng fall into silence.

This was something she had never thought about.

If you want to get something, you have to pay for it.

This idea made Suobu Ye Feng take it as a natural behavior.

Now that Suobu Zuomen said this, she, who was not the kind of person who would only dwell on trivial matters , was also touched.

"Just before, we were planning to expel the princess."

"It just happened that your arrival avoided this outcome, otherwise we would have succeeded."

The left door of the lock department shook his head and sighed.

He did not blame Fuwa Aihua's idea.

He just sighed at the princess's luck.

Let her avoid this future.

"Your plan may indeed succeed, but you still don't know enough about her strength and luck."

"Otherwise, I would not be here, but would cooperate with you."

Fuba Aika shook her head. Their plan was actually perfect.

But none of them could have imagined that

Suobu Yefeng could actually make a communication doll without any modern items as contributions.

It was thrown into the sea, and it could be pushed back to Neon and picked up by someone.

And it contacted her who had not died two years ago. If she had not read the file , Fuba Aika could not have imagined the strong luck brought by these coincidences.


As soon as these words came out, Suobu Zuomen immediately understood.

The other party did know his and others' plan.

Things have come to this point. He did not think that Fuwa Aika would deceive him and others over such a small matter.

"Where did you hear about the origin of the tree you mentioned?

Before Suobu Zuomen could say anything more, Suobu Yefeng came back to her senses from her contemplation and looked at Fupo Aika and asked seriously.

She believed in the Tree of Origin.

But she was not pedantic.

Even though her heart was full of mixed emotions, she still forced herself to calm down.

She planned to listen to what the girl had said before.

"That's right, and how do you know so much about us?"

The princess' words made Suobu Zuomen come back to his senses and asked Fuwa Aika.

The look of understanding was like someone leaked the secret or was monitoring them.

It was chilling.

"These things...Are you going to say it here?"

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