“You know me?”

“Of course, who wouldn’t know the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, the famous Hades Rayleigh.”

Li Yan put away the barrage rain on his hand and turned his head to look at Reilly guardedly.

He didn’t know whether the attitude of the man in front of him towards him was an enemy or a friend.

After all, not everyone is called Monchi · D. Luffy, not everyone has redhead identification, and there is also a grandfather of a naval hero.

“You killed Draco, aren’t you afraid of being pursued by the world government?”

Today’s young people are really bold.

You know, you attack Draco and kill Draco, which are completely different concepts.

If it is only to attack the Draco, in the case of absolute strength.

The Navy may also consider the pros and cons before deciding whether to round up at sea.

But killing Draco is a different concept.

As the world’s nobles, the controllers of the government will never allow their people to be slaughtered at will.

The murderer who killed the Draco will definitely face endless pursuit and killing by the world government.

“World government? After? If you have the courage, let the horse come. ”

It’s not that Li Yan is arrogant and arrogant, after having the file sharing function of the chat group.

The resources of the Arad world will continue to flow over.

Wait until you can’t take it to invade the imperial capital and seize the power of the celestial realm.

What quantum bombs, X-1 compressed quantum cannons, laser rays, heavy weapons such as the Raphe railgun, are not yet usable.

Compared with these celestial technologies, the three ancient weapons of the One Piece world are simply weak.

What’s more, as the group grows more and more, the devil knows if a super Saiyan will come out.

At that time, let alone the world government, Li Yan will not destroy the pirate world, even if it is thankful.

With the appearance of Hades Renly, the mermaid Amy is also rescued.

Everyone walked outside the auction house, but found that the place had long been surrounded by the navy.

“Surrender, you dare to attack the Draco, the admiral has already rushed over, and there is only one way to die.”

“These guys seem to be supernovas! Can we stop them with our group alone? ”

“No matter what, hold on until the yellow ape general rushes over!”

Facing the three supernovas Kidd, Luo, and Luffy, the ordinary navy is also trembling.

Not every navy has the will to stand in the way of supernova pirates without fear of life and death.

Of course, if the opponent is not a pirate supernova, but an unknown guy like Li Yan, their so-called courage will also be inspired.

“Lay down your arms, we have a naval detachment of a hundred people, and you alone cannot win.”

“That’s right, I see that you are still young, don’t go down the road of crime.”

Hearing this, Li Yan smiled disdainfully.

“Crime!? You don’t care if you take slaves at will, I rise up for freedom, you say I sin? What a joke! ”

“Die, slash horizontally!”

The first to attack was naturally an officer-level figure in the naval squad.

Taking advantage of Li Yan’s words, he launched a shameless sneak attack, swung out a knife, and the sharp blade cut straight into Li Yan’s abdomen.

“Instant kick!”

Li Yan raised his knee and kicked the officer’s chest fiercely with a thunderous momentum.

With the sound of bones shattering, the naval officer’s chest actually sank directly.

This is the embodiment of the excessive gap in strength, and Li Yan has not yet used much strength, and he has already exceeded the limit of what the other party can bear.

“Lieutenant Colonel! Damn, this guy has extraordinary strength, let’s go together! ”

Since one person could not fight, the rest of the navy simply went up together.

Without their commanders, their attacks also became disorganized.

“It’s really troublesome, if only it would be overbearing.”

Overlord color domineering is a sharp weapon to clean up miscellaneous soldiers, a shock wave down, guys with insufficient willpower, all roll their eyes, foam at the mouth, faint to the ground.

However, even if he will not use domineering for the time being, Li Yan can still quickly solve this hundred navies.

This is the hard power gap.

“Sliding shovel!”

Li Yan rushed forward two steps, and a sliding shovel rushed into the encirclement of the navy.

“Is this guy crazy? As a sniper, he actually rushed to the crowd, so that he didn’t completely fall into passivity? ”

As a sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, Usopp knows the essentials of gunmen’s combat.

Be sure to distance yourself from your enemies as much as possible to get better shots.

However, this slave named Li Yan uncharacteristically rushed into the enemy’s encirclement, which was simply seeking his own death.

“Shoot indiscriminately!”

After rushing into the crowd, Li Yan directly pulled out the Barrage Rain revolver on his waist and launched the indiscriminate shooting skill.

I only heard countless gunshots, and the navy that was approaching around did not even see the action of shooting, and was hit by bullets in the body, bringing strings of blood flowers.

“Nani (what)! Snipers can still fight like this! It’s simply ….. It’s so hot! ”

“Want to learn!?”

Just after some indiscriminate shooting, there are less than twenty people left in the navy who can still stand up.

Even these twenty people were also trembling at this moment, and they did not dare to look at Li Yan squarely.

It’s terrifying!

How can a master of this strength be unknown at sea.

At least a master with a bounty of 300 million!

Please forgive the shallow eyes of the Navy soldiers.

In their eyes, those who offer a bounty of more than 300 million are already sea thieves.

As for the existence of a bounty of more than a billion, they simply could not imagine it.

“It’s time to end the fight, multiple headshots!”

Li Yan didn’t want to continue to spend time here, he still had something to do, the mature heads of the guys from the slave hunting team, but they were still waiting for him to pick them himself.

As the gunfire rang out again, the bullets continued to shoot at the head of the navy as if they were tracked.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After more than a dozen gunshots, a vacuum had been cleared around Li Yan.

The navy that had surrounded him all fell to the ground.

“Quick! Surround this guy! Can’t let him run! ”

The officer in command was sweating profusely and constantly ordered the navy to surround the enemy.

It’s a pity that in the face of the attacks of many pirate supernovae at the same time, the strength is already stretched.

There were still extra troops there to encircle Li Yan.

After such a scheduling, he was instead hit by Luffy and others to escape through a gap.

“It’s really fast.”

Seeing that the protagonists in this group of original works all ran out, Li Yan naturally would not stay here longer.

Following the steps of the Straw Hats’ group, they rushed out of the encirclement of the Navy.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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