Relying on his own fame, Whitebeard has continuously recruited new talents on the sea for decades, and adopted them as godsons, so that the pirate group continues to grow.

And flipping through the latest bounty order has also become a daily thing that the white-bearded Newgate can’t move every day.

“Bounty of 80 million, Bobcat Lifu, it looks too weak, 60 points.”

“The bounty of 38 million giant rock Locke, just six months out to sea, can be temporarily concerned, 75 points.”

“The bounty is 67.5 million giant blade Jox, and it took four or five years to go to sea to get such a bounty, 55 points.”

Flipping around, the bounty order will soon be at the bottom.

Whitebeard was also getting more and more impatient, except for those few supernovas whose bounties quickly exceeded 100 million, he had not seen a new person who satisfied him for a long time.

“The bounty is 95 million Bailey, slaughter the gunman – Li Yan, the name is so strange, but the strength looks good, the first reward has this level of nearly 100 million.”

“Ahem, dad, you read it wrong, that person’s bounty is not 95 million Bailey, it is 950 million Bailey.”

Whitebeard: ????!!!!

Due to the amount of the bounty on the bounty order, it is written in Arabic numerals.

So Whitebeard subconsciously thinks that a newcomer who has just gone to sea for the first time to offer a bounty is already quite powerful.

As a result, after Marko’s reminder, he found that he had one less zero.

“Marko, I remember that your bounty was only 1,374 million Bailey.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

As the captain of Team 1 of the Whitebeard Pirates, the ship’s doctor and the first combatant in the regiment.

The immortal bird Marko has survived from tens of millions of Bailey to the current bounty amount after many years of crawling.

And this Li Yan’s first reward was as high as 950 million Bailey, which is simply more popular than the dead.

Even their dad, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, didn’t have such a high bounty when he first debuted.

“Goo la la, after rescuing Ace, go and ask this young man named Li Yan if he is interested in being my godson.”

“Don’t worry, Dad, you are the White Beard of the Four Emperors, the other party will definitely agree.”

“That is, a newcomer on this sea, no one will refuse your invitation from Daddy.”

“Gu la la, you are right, we will not get drunk tonight.”


Meanwhile, the red-haired pirates.

Also as one of the four emperors, the pirate group of red-haired and white-bearded people are two completely different painting styles.

If Edward Newgate’s Whitebeard Pirates took the route of the large ship regiment and the superiority of numbers.

That Shanks’ red-haired pirate group took the route of an elite crew.

Everyone on the ship is a partner recognized by Shanks, and the strength naturally goes without saying, all of them are powerful.

“Captain, take a look at today’s news, something big will happen on this sea.”

“Tons and tons! Anla, Anla, with me, what big things can happen. ”

Shanks drank the entire glass of wine in his hand, picked up the newspaper and read it nonchalantly.

“Slaughter of the gunman – Li Yan, with a reward of 950 million Bailey!!!”

Seeing this bounty order, Shanks rubbed his eyes incredulously.

He read it right, the bounty was 950 million Bailey???

“Hey, Beckman, have you seen the name Li Yan the Slaughter Gunman on the bounty order before?”

“It doesn’t seem to be.”

Ben Beckman took a deep breath of his cigarette and frowned as he carefully observed Li Yan’s bounty order.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons.

A brat who has never seen it before suddenly appeared on the bounty order, and there is such a high amount of bounty, which means that this person must have done something terrible.

“Today’s young people are becoming more and more invisible.”

“Yes, the first reward was 950 million Bailey, and there may be a new emperor on the sea in the future.”

Pirate world is like this, after you have a reputation, you can quickly recruit younger brothers.

If Li Yan wanted to, with a bounty of 950 million alone, he could pull up a group of pirates of thousands of people in a short period of time.

“Then again, looking at the nickname on the bounty order, this Li Yan is also a strong man who is good at using firearms like you.”


Ben Beckman called Jesus cloth on the side and began to analyze the bounty order.

After all, the entire ship is the best for the two of them.

“Looking at the way the photo looks, he should have used a revolver.”

“That’s right, but dual-wielding revolvers, when changing ammunition, will not be affected?”

In the Pirate world, most gunners use a single flintlock gun.

And most of the barrels are relatively long, and only a small number of physical masters will use pistols.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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