Basketball Huo Li Yan: [I go, what kind of difficult test questions are these, I learned scum, and slipped away. ] 】

Yu-Gi-Oh Li Yan: [Ahem, I won’t do anything but play cards, goodbye.] 】

Not a single reliable one!

Hokage Li Yan couldn’t help but cover his forehead, couldn’t he be a scholar-level figure in his own thousands of worlds?

Meiman Li Yan: [Don’t worry, I’m also the police chief, I will definitely help with this matter.] 】

At this time, the NYPD Police Department.

After Li Yan closed the chat group, he directly picked up the phone on the table and shouted in a pure old New York accent.

“All the detectives and above, those who are not on duty, put on the guys who eat, all come to my office!”

Five minutes later.

Looking at the policeman with a knife and fork, a spoon, and a lunch box in front of him, Li Yanqi did not fight out.

“This is the guy you usually eat!?”

“That’s right, Chief, I usually eat with a spoon.”

“Hahaha, laugh at me, twenty-seven or eight-year-olds still eat with spoons, go home and feed.”

“What do you say! Don’t accept it! ”


Seeing that he was about to fight, Li Yan knocked on the table and shouted loudly: “Give me quiet, show me these questions, and I will add three months bonus to the person who made it.” ”

Saying that, Li Yan put the ten questions of the Hokage World on the whiteboard for everyone to read freely.

“FUCK, what the hell is this, what the hell is the seal?”

“Head, did you go to the Eastern Island Country to study the occult? How to come up with such a strange topic. ”

“Don’t grab me, I’m a top student who graduated from Columbia University, let me come, let me come.”

As a result, the self-proclaimed high-quality policeman studied for half a day and only made one question.

“Usually tell you to read more books, don’t know biubiubiu every day, a group of rice buckets.” After complaining a few words, Li Yan posted the only question he made to the chat group.

Li Yan of the American Comic World: [@火影忍者李岩, brother, it’s not that my brother doesn’t help you, it’s really that my brother can’t do anything, and I will give you the answer to this question. ] 】

Hokage World Li Yan: [What is the eldest brother talking about, he can help me make a question, the younger brother is already grateful. 】

Li Yan of the American Manga: [Third brother! ] 】

Hokage World Li Yan: [Big brother! ] 】

Han Man Li Yan: [Big brother, bah, it’s called a skewer. ] 】

Basketball Huo Li Yan: [@韩漫李岩, you haven’t shown up for a long time. 】

Han Man Li Yan: [Recently, I have been busy pushing girls, fighting for rights, and I don’t have time. ] 】

Basketball Huo Li Yan: [Envy! ] 】

Li Yan of the American Manga World: [Envy +1. 】

Han Man Li Yan: [@火影忍者李岩, don’t panic, leave the remaining nine questions to me. 】

Han Man World, Samyang Cave.

At this moment, Li Yan was lying on a large bed, on his left was the leader of the beautiful court, and on his right was Aunt Love.

It was during this time that he allowed two women to meet and achieved a special achievement.

Last night, he practiced driving skills with the two of them for a night, which made him physically and mentally exhausted now.

“Alas, even if I don’t fall with a golden gun, I can’t hold up the many fields to be plowed.”

Li Yan got up quietly, but accidentally woke up Jin Meiting on the side.

“Woo~, Oppa, where are you going?”

“I have some things to go out first, get along with Eun at home, and don’t fight.”

After speaking, Li Yan put on his clothes and drove to the base of the loan collection group.

The base is located in a villa on the outskirts of Seoul, and there is no clue from the outside, but there is a lot to do on the inside.

Although it was late at night, a large number of people were still working here.

They are different from Li Yan’s thugs, all of them are finance and mathematics students who graduated from Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University and other famous schools.

“Stop what you’re doing, I have something to announce.”

The boss all spoke, and everyone stopped working, but stood in front of Li Yan, waiting for his words.

“I got nine questions somewhere else, and considering that everyone works weekdays, I decided to play a mini-game.”

Li Yan entered the question into the computer, and then projected it to the big screen.

“From now on, whoever solves a problem will receive a prize of 200 million!”

As soon as the words fell, all the high-achieving students couldn’t help but get excited.

That’s 200 million bonuses, which is roughly equivalent to more than 1 million dragon national coins.

If you make all nine questions, you can get a bonus of 1.8 billion, which is equivalent to nearly 10 million dragon national coins, which can be said to be an overnight rich.

Moreover, doing this kind of thing is the specialty of these high-achieving students.

Everyone picked up pen and paper and brushed the calculations.

There are not as many questions as there are in the NYPD, and everyone keeps their heads down and silently does the questions.

Soon, one of the questions was solved.

The sixth question in the exam, cryptography-related subjects.

As we all know, Naruto’s world uses the island script.

It just so happens that among the many high-achieving students, one is a master who is proficient in the island script and loves password decryption.

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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