(Note: Chapter 6 has major changes, refresh it….) )

“So Kato-san, are you looking for me for something?”

Nan Wusheng, who was lying on the hospital bed, continued to ask the previous question.

“The classmates heard that you were seriously injured, and then we asked the teacher’s permission, but thinking that this is a hospital, it is not good to come to visit too many people, so I became the representative of our class.”

Megumi Kato’s tone of voice was calm the whole time.

Nan Wusheng, on the other hand, sighed in his heart.

“Kato-san, you lied…”

He spoke in a slightly muffled tone.

This made Megumi Kato’s eyes flash slightly, but the expression on his face did not change in the slightest.

“No, Nan-san, there are still many students in the class who care about you.”

Through the memory in his mind, in Nan Wusheng’s opinion, Megumi Kato still lied.

She was comforting him.

How to say it?

Nan Wusheng in the class is relatively withdrawn.

It should be said that it is gloomy.

Grow a hair that almost covers her eyes.

Every day a person squats in a corner and does not communicate with other people.

His heart is closed.

After all, his mother’s unexpected death hit him very hard.

Do not communicate with people, gloomy face.

So Nan Wusheng was labeled as a “weirdo” by the students in the class.

In Neon, once labeled as a “weirdo”, then this person can be said to be completely lonely when he was a student.

But these have nothing to do with the current Nan Wusheng……

“Whatever, I don’t care anyway, but thank you very much for coming to see me.”

“I’m tired and want to rest.”

As soon as the words fell, Nan Wusheng closed his eyes.


Megumi Kato looked like she wanted to say nothing.

But seeing Nan Wusheng, who had closed his eyes, he swallowed back what had just come to his mouth.

“That… Nan-san, you have a good rest, I will come to visit you another day. ”

After that, Megumi Kato put a bag of fruits on the table next to the hospital bed, and then gently exited the ward.

Standing in the corridor, Megumi Kato was a little complicated inside.

Actually, she wasn’t lying.

There were indeed a few people in the class who wanted to visit Nan Wusheng, but the patient needed to recuperate.

So Megumi Kato was chosen as a representative.

Because the most communication with Nan Wusheng in the class is Megumi Kato, after all, they are the relationship between the front and back tables.

So it’s not that no one in the class cares about Nan Wusheng, but that he is rejecting the care of others.

Reject the kindness of others.

“I hope Nan-san can get better soon…”

After praying earnestly in his heart, Megumi Kato’s body gradually disappeared at the end of the corridor.


Sensing that Megumi Kato has indeed left.

Nan Wusheng, who was lying on the hospital bed, opened his eyes and sat up.

“Finally gone, acting is really troublesome…”

Whispering, Nan Wusheng reached out and took out an apple from the bag on the table and nibbled on it.

Nan Wusheng is rejecting the kindness of others, and why is he not helping others?

“Nan Wusheng” has self-knowledge.

He knew he was a “weirdo.”

People who are too close to him will also become another “weirdo”.

So “Nan Wusheng” decided not to have a good relationship with anyone in the class.


The world of injuries alone is complete!

Nan Wusheng also had to admit that there was something about this product.

“But… It seems that I don’t have to play the original Nan Wusheng, just be myself in the future. ”

Indeed, Nan Wusheng had just entered the ideological misunderstanding.

They have already been reborn, and it will be too tiring to live like others, wouldn’t it be good to follow your own mood in the future?

“After eating this apple, let’s leave the hospital quickly.”

After a while….

After Nan Wusheng finished solving the apple in his hand, he called the hospital staff and briefly explained to them that he had to go through the procedures for discharge.

However, there was a wave of small setbacks in the process of handling, and under a burst of disbelief, Nan Wusheng successfully changed back into his clothes and left the hospital.

Of course, he did not forget the bag of fruit on the table.

As soon as he left the hospital, Nan Wusheng went to the barbershop to cut his hair short, and then went straight to the home in his memory.

After spending almost half an hour, Nan Wusheng looked at the building in front of him and had a trace of emotion in his heart.

This is where he will live in the future…

How to say it?

This is a standard Japanese-style one-family building, and the house inside is surrounded by stone walls and there is a small garden with flowers and plants outside.

Next to the fence in front of him hangs a white sign with the character “South” written on it.

This kind of house is not cheap for many people…….


Opening the door, Nan Wusheng was just about to change his shoes, when a white figure appeared at the corner of the entrance.

It was a white cat.

The name is Sika.

It was a stray cat that Nan Wusheng picked up two years ago.

I saw Sika tilting his cute head, and his sapphire-like eyes stared directly at Nan Wusheng.

Its eyes revealed doubt.

As if asking if this guy is Ben Meow’s shovel officer?

I have to admit that animals are indeed very sensitive in some aspects….

Just by taking a look, he found something unusual about Nan Wusheng.

“Hey, Sika, come on.”

Saying that, Nan Wusheng squatted down and beckoned to Sika with a very gentle smile on his face.

Seeing Nan Wusheng, who was emitting kindness in front of him, Sika walked over step by step.

Every step is a temptation.

Every meal is a vigilance.

When it walked to Nan Wusheng’s side, it deliberately circled around Nan Wusheng’s body a few times.

Then he continued to maintain a puzzled expression, leaned his head over and sniffed a few times.

Confirming that it was the familiar smell in his memory, Sika happily rubbed comfortably at the legs of Nan Wusheng’s pants.


Nan Wusheng, who found that there were no problems, was overjoyed in his heart, and directly holding Sika in his arms was a mess.

How to say that he is also a person who likes cats and cats, and usually goes to the small broken station to brush cat videos whenever he has time.

“Is Sika hungry? I’ve decided to cook you a big meal tonight, and you’ll look forward to it! ”


Tonight, Nan Wusheng made Sika a cat meal, and added a canned cat and a small bag of freeze-dried food to it.

Anyway, Sika was well fed today.

Of course, Nan Wusheng did not treat himself badly, took out his mobile phone and ordered a few delicious takeaways to celebrate his successful discharge from the hospital and his rebirth.

The phone ran out of battery the night he had the accident, so it was kept at home for the past two days.

At eleven o’clock at night, Nan Wusheng, who had just finished taking a bath, was lying on the soft bed with Sika in his arms.

“Let’s start today’s observation log.”

Rua Sika’s cat head, Nan Wusheng’s mind moved, and a copy of “Observation Log” appeared in his hand.

After carefully recalling what happened today and organizing the language a little, Nan Wusheng began to write.


[PS: Let’s get some flowers and tickets to support it, thank you! ] 】

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