In fact, the reason why Nan Wusheng did this is also very simple.

He just wanted to get involved with the ministry.

The story of the world of “Spring Things” basically revolves around Yukinoshita Yukinoshita’s ministry and its members.

Whether or not to talk about eight girlfriends in the end is actually not important to Nan Wusheng, this is not his purpose.

His only purpose was to get observations faster.

Then it is necessary to have a relationship with the ministry.

Although this was the case, Nan Wusheng did not want to join the Ministry of Service.

After all, the Ministry of Service helps those students who come to the door to complete the commission, and there is no reward for solving the difficulties they encounter.

He didn’t want to be stupid and be a coolie who didn’t get paid.

At the same time, Minami Wusheng also planned to pull Megumi Kato into the Ministry of Service.

In this way, the heroines of the two worlds are tied together.

He can also write a better observation log without having to run on both sides every day.

As for how to pull Megumi Kato in….

Nan Wusheng actually prepared a good reason last night.

“Let’s Sink Together” has been over a month old, and his editor-in-charge has recently sent messages urging him to open a new book.

Of course, this is true, but Nan Wusheng has not cared about it.


Opening a new book becomes a good reason!

Nan Wusheng can say that he is struggling with the heroine of the new book.

The light novel heroines of this world are all the same.

It’s not the eldest lady who is cold, or the senior sister with a black belly with a seductive figure, or the lively and clever senior sister……

In short, it is a variety of heroines with special personalities.

Although it was, he always felt that something was missing.

Until one day, he met a classmate with a weak sense of existence and a very inconspicuous – Megumi Kato.

Obviously the skin is still smooth.

The convex place is barely convex.

The concave place is also quite concave.

Looking closely, there is a beautiful girl with good looks.

So Nan Wusheng realized!

Isn’t this the novel “heroine” he is looking for?

A novel heroine who has never appeared in the light novel world of this world.

He is determined to make the “inconspicuous” Megumi Kato the heroine of the novel!

However, after several days of trying, he was numb.

No matter how much he tried, Megumi Kato couldn’t make more expressions, and the lines he read did not have any emotional fluctuations.

After some deliberation, Nan Wusheng thought of Yukino under the snow.

As long as anyone can make Megumi Kato a “heroine” compared to her, then the very competitive Yukino will definitely agree.

Of course, in order to stabilize and prevent Xue Nai from playing cards according to the routine, Nan Wusheng did not play the set, and the previous “Sea King” plan was also needed.

Big deal to continue school Yukino during the day, and Megumi Kato at home at home after school.


Nan Wusheng lay on the table boredly.

Many students around cast strange eyes.

Especially those girls, putting on a look like they have never seen a handsome guy, staring at him with their eyes hooked, as if they want to swallow him, which is very scary.

Nan Wusheng didn’t care about those gazes around him.

After all, he is already immune.

Whether elementary or junior high school.

He is basically the most beautiful boy in school.

And judging from the current situation, it is estimated that it will not be long before he will become the most beautiful boy in high school.

Nan Wusheng habitually swiped his phone to see if anyone had sent a message.

In addition to the messages sent by the editor, I found that the others were some spam text messages and advertising pushes.

Just as he was about to put away his phone and just lie on the table to sleep, someone sent him a message.

[Megumi Kato: Minami-san, what did you go to at noon?] Why did you come back dressed up like this? 】

[Nan Wusheng: Go and solve some small troubles. 】

Nan Wusheng replied by typing with one hand.

Then I remembered something, so I sat up slightly straight, and my hands quickly operated on the keyboard.

[Minami Wusheng: Kato-san, do you think I’m so handsome? 】

[Megumi Kato: Uh-huh! There are still a lot of female students around you who are still staring at you, and I also found that a few girls are secretly filming you, although I didn’t hear the sound of pressing the shutter, but I think they were taking screenshots. 】

[Minami Wusheng: I’ve seen such a scene, so do you understand Kato-san? 】

【Megumi Kato:??? 】

[Nan Wusheng: Hey… Looking at you like this, I know that you don’t understand anything~].

[Megumi Kato: Huh? Understand…… What do you know? 】

[Nan Wusheng: If you want to be eye-catching, you must first start with the appearance, understand? ] 】

[Megumi Kato: Oh! I get it! But it shouldn’t be useless to me…….].

[Nan Wusheng: How can it be useless? How do you know if you don’t try? 】

When Nan Wusheng sent this news, he had already reacted.

He just made a fool!

How could Megumi Kato not have changed her dress?

Latest…… Take last Saturday, for example.

She changed into a costume that exuded a youthful atmosphere.

White beret + small pink backpack.

White shirt + should be red coat.

Blue and purple ribbon + cute little white dress.

Finally, pair it with white over-the-knee socks.

The outfit that could have caught people’s attention didn’t seem to have much effect on her.

[Nan Wusheng: Ahem! Sorry for just making a stupid mistake. 】

[Minami Wusheng: Actually, Kato-san, you can consider trying a different hairstyle first. 】

[Megumi Kato: But I only cut my hair last week.] And I originally had long hair. 】

[Nan Wusheng:…….. (indescribable.jpg)].

Damn it! He’s stupid again!

And it’s no wonder Nan Wusheng is like this.

In his “gloomy and withdrawn” memory, Megumi Kato’s image is very blurry.

I don’t know if she had long or short hair before.

In addition, when she began to appear in the plot in the anime, Megumi Kato had short hair.

So Nan Wusheng thought that she had short hair before…

[Nan Wusheng: Then let me be clear, I want to see how you look with long hair, okay? 】

He’s in a hurry! He’s in a hurry!

Anger into anger……..

[Megumi Kato: Huh? Nan-san, do you want to see me with long hair? Not……. There is still a photo of my long hair on my phone, do you want to send it to you now? 】

[Nan Wusheng: …….].

To be honest, Nan Wusheng now had the urge to vomit blood.

[Nan Wusheng: You just say stay or not! ] 】

[Megumi Kato: That… I’ll leave it. 】

[Nan Wusheng: Well, it’s good! 】

Just after sending the message, Nan Wusheng remembered something again and continued to operate on the keyboard.

[Minami Wusheng: By the way, Kato-san, which novel have you been reading lately? 】

[Megumi Kato: Minami-san, you said earlier that it would be good to find some recent best-selling works, so I chose two novels, “Love Metronome” and “Let’s Sink Together”. 】

Seeing the content she sent, Nan Wusheng couldn’t help scratching his head, and there was a little entanglement in his heart.

He didn’t care about Love Metronome.

It’s his own “Let’s Sink Together”.

After all, this is a Badending novel.

I always feel that this cannot be shown to Megumi Kato.

By the way.

“Miss Evil” has been ranked first in the monthly sales since last summer.

“Let’s Sink Together” started five months ago, and its monthly sales are firmly in the top ten.

“Love Metronome” has recently hovered back and forth around twenty.

[Nan Wusheng: Why did you choose “Let’s Sink Together”? I remember it was a Badending novel, right? 】

[Megumi Kato: Although I see that the noise on the Internet is quite fierce, many people say that this novel puts aside the ending, and the rest of the content in the novel seems to be quite highly evaluated. 】

[Nan Wusheng: This way… Kato-san, where are you seeing? 】

[Megumi Kato: Just finished reading the second volume. 】

[Nan Wusheng: How do you feel about it? 】

[Megumi Kato: There is a touch of warmth in the oppressive atmosphere, and I still like this style. 】

[Nan Wusheng: Even if it is a Badending in the final ending, do you like it? 】

[Megumi Kato: Well… I haven’t seen it there yet, so I won’t comment on it yet. 】

[Megumi Kato: But I still hope that the author of “Let’s Sink Together” can change the ending, although I have only read two volumes, but I also know that the male and female protagonists in the novel are working very hard to live, and if there is no good ending in the end, to be honest, I am a little sad…].

Good ending?

Looking at the message sent by Megumi Kato, Nan Wusheng couldn’t help but ponder.

A reader kidnapped him before.

Even if he now thinks back to the scene at that time, Nan Wusheng still has a creepy feeling.

In order not to let him encounter this kind of thing in the future, it seems that modifying the ending is something that is very necessary to do at present…

Moreover, for the Badending of “Let’s Sink Together”, Nan Wusheng himself can’t stand it!

[Nan Wusheng: Well, I see. 】

[Nan Wusheng: I still have some things to solve in the afternoon, I didn’t sleep well last night, I’ll sleep on my stomach first, Kato-san, you are busy with you. ] 】

[Megumi Kato: Okay. 】

Plans can’t keep up with change.

After he solved the matter of Hayato Hayama, it seems that he really wants to continue writing novels…

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