Chapter 59: Problem Child Kasumigaoka Shiwa? Yukino feeds under the snow!.

Nan Wusheng spent almost an hour accompanying Yukino to stay in the cat exhibition area to take pictures. After that, the two spent about thirty or forty minutes browsing the other exhibition areas.

When the two walked out of the venue, it was already past twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Nan Wusheng took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, then turned his head to look at Yukino beside him and asked, “It’s already past twelve o’clock, Yukino, do you want to have a meal together?” ”

“Uh-huh, yes.”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, and while looking at the photos of cats and cats taken at the venue on his mobile phone, he replied absentmindedly.

It can be seen that she is in a very good mood at this time. And happy with the photos on those phones.

“I know there’s a shopping street nearby, let’s go there.”

“Yes, you decide.”

Seeing Yukino under the snow, Nan Wusheng couldn’t help but shake his head. Yukino this guy really has no resistance to cats….

But obviously they are cute animals, why is she so afraid of dogs? I kind of can’t figure it out…….

Finding a direction, Minami Wusheng followed the route he remembered and took Yukinoshita Yukinoshita to a shopping street near the venue. After some twists and turns, the two quickly walked into a small shop with a plaque of [Charcoal Grilled Meat].

This rotisserie is small, but it has everything you need.

However, it is obviously meal time, but there are not many customers in the barbecue restaurant. It is estimated that there are only about three or four guests at present.

Of course, this does not mean that the business of this store is not good. How to say it?

After all, in places like barbecue restaurants, many people will probably choose to eat at night. If you eat barbecue at night, it will have a more atmospheric 220 feeling.

In this way, Nan Wusheng took Yukino under the snow to choose a table by the window and sat down, and beckoned a waitress.

“These two guests, thanks for coming, this is the menu.”

The waitress, with a professional smile on her face, said as she handed over the menu.

Nan Wusheng took the menu, skimmed through the dishes on it, and then asked Yukinoshita Yukinoshita’s opinion sitting opposite.

“Yukino, do you have anything you want to eat?”

Saying that, Nan Wusheng handed the menu over.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the result menu carefully for four or five seconds. Then I saw her frown, her expression slightly distressed. Her choice difficulty was a rare commit…….

“This… It’s up to you to decide. ”

“Okay, then I’ll order it casually.”

So, the menu returned to Nan Wusheng’s hand.

After considering it for about seven or eight seconds, Nan Wusheng took four or five seconds to finish ordering the food and returning the menu to the waitress. While the food had not yet been served, Yukino quickly placed the dishes and chopsticks under the snow opposite.

Then pick up the blotting paper and place it on a baking sheet. The bottom of the pot was also turned on early on to a low heat.

In this way, it should be hot when it is served for a while. Nan Wusheng took in all of this.

He had to admit in his heart that such a snow under the snow looked like an all-round little daughter-in-law… Probably noticing Nan Wusheng’s gaze, Yukino raised his head and tilted his head slightly.

“Huh? What’s wrong? ”

“…… It’s nothing. ”

Nan Wusheng looked away, and then pretended to be bored and took out his mobile phone and read the message. Don’t say, there are really people looking for him.

[Machida Enko: Are you with your seven-year-old teacher?] I have read all the seventh volume of “Let’s Sink Together” that you sent me, and there is no problem with the content and plot.

[Next, you only need to proofread and review some typos and words, and if they are all right, the seventh volume can be published normally.] 】


The seventh volume of “Let’s Sink Together” only needs to be reviewed and proofread?

And judging from Machida Enko’s wording, the next review and proofreading is estimated to be just a procedure. I wouldn’t be lucky to have to pull back with editorial review!

Nan Wusheng was in a good mood at this time, and his fingers typed briskly.

[Nan Wusheng: Hmm! I see, the editor has worked hard! 】

After waiting for almost seven or eight seconds, the message sent by Nan Wusheng showed that the other party [read].

[Machida Enko: To be honest, I am not tired at all from reading the manuscript you sent me, and the feeling of being completed in one go is a pleasure. 】

[Unlike a certain guy, in addition to often procrastinating, I have to type back the manuscript several times, the more I look at it, the more headache I have, hey…….]

[Nan Wusheng: Eh……. Could it be the junior you used to complain to me a lot before? 】

Machida Sonoko had complained to him privately many times that how about having an author under her hand, compared with Nan Wusheng, it was simply a heaven and an underground.

[Machida Enko: That’s right! It is Teacher Kasumi Shiko, although [Love Metronome] has been completed normally, but this completion process is a bit difficult to say. 】

What Machida Yuanko said in her mouth was indeed her……. If nothing else, Kasumi Shiko should be the character Shiyu Kasumigaoka who appeared in the passerby heroine. How to say it?

Minami Wusheng signed under Machida Enko four months before her.

Therefore, Shiwa Kasumigaoka is in the light novel world, and can be said to be the junior of Minami Wusheng.

Moreover, Machida Enko often broke some of the black history of Shiwa Kasumigaoka with Minami Wusheng. Anyway, she was either locked up in a small black room or on the way to be locked up in a small black room.

Although this is a joke, it just shows that Shiwa Kasumigaoka is a problem child! Just as he was typing and chatting, an uncle came over with a large plate of several pieces of good meat.

It seems that the dosage is sufficient. And if I’m not mistaken, he should be the general of this rotisserie.

“Hehe, today’s beef is shipped from Nagoya, and the two of you are blessed!”

The general smiled boldly, and then neatly put the plate down.

“Really? Then we really happened to be in time. ”

Nan Wusheng had a polite exchange with the general of this store.

The general glanced at Nan Wusheng, and then at Yukinoshita Yukina on the opposite side, revealing an expression of “so it is”

“Then don’t bother the two of you dating, hehe…”

After that, the general left directly and quickly.

Nan Wusheng also had to admit that this general’s style was really bold……. Although he may have misunderstood something.

But it is undeniable that in some ways, what Minami Musheng and Yukinoshita Yukino are doing now is something called “dating”.

Glancing at Yukinoshita Yukino, she found that she was now bothering her head as if she hadn’t heard the conversation just now, and was now bothering with slices of meat onto the baking sheet.

But the slightly reddened ear roots still betrayed her…….

[Nan Wusheng: Since there is no major problem with the seventh volume manuscript, then I will be busy with my own business. 】

[Machida Enko: Okay! Seven-year-old teacher, you are busy, my side will continue to work. 】

[Minami Wusheng: Oke! 】

Putting away the phone, Nan Wusheng first carefully examined it.

The texture distribution of these plates of beef in front of you is indeed good, and they look soft and juicy. Just a few glances, he has begun to be a little gluttonous.

Nan Wusheng stretched out his hand to pick up the clamp, and couldn’t wait to clamp two slices of beef, and then put it directly on the baking sheet and handcuffed it. Probably because of his impatience, his roasting movements look a bit clumsy.

“…… Or I’ll do it. ”

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Nan Wusheng always felt that Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to laugh before saying this. It should be a mockery, right? It should be…….

“Is that okay?”

“It’s okay, you just have to eat next.”

“Okay, then I’ll leave it to you next.”

In this way, I saw Yukino sitting and roasting meat under the snow, and the movements were very meticulous to turn over and control the fire. Just from these few simple actions, you can see the strictness of the tutoring of the Yukinoshita family.

After a while, the beef on the baking sheet began to emit oil juice, and then made a “moisture” sound.

By the way, neon beef is not necessarily wagyu, but because neon people mostly prefer snowflake patterns and soft and tender meat, most of the meat farmed in various places is also biased in this direction.

Yukishita Yukino picked up the roasted beef and put it on the plate in front of Nan Wusheng, and then very graciously helped him sprinkle some salt.

“You try it first and see how it tastes.”

In fact, Yukinoshita Yukino is still very confident in his barbecue skills. She just wanted to hear someone’s evaluation.

Without hesitation, Nan Wusheng picked up the roasted beef on the plate with chopsticks, blew two mouthfuls a little, and began to put it in his mouth and eat it “sneakingly”.

“Hmm……. It’s delicious, Yukino. ”

Nan Wusheng gave a thumbs up to express his heartfelt affirmation.

Hearing his unstinting praise, the corners of Yukino Yuki’s mouth raised a curve, and he raised his hand to subconsciously ruffle the hair next to his ear.

“You can do it if you like it.”

In the following period, Nan Wusheng shamefully enjoyed feeding from Yukino under the snow. Thereupon……..

He couldn’t help but start praying in his heart.

I hope to have more of this kind of meat to open the mouth!

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