Chapter 72: Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s Inquiry, Everything About Us is Stars!.

“[The sky over Tokyo at dusk in summer is dyed a dreamy crimson, like the blush that appears when a sixteen-year-old girl plucks up the courage to hand out a love letter to a boy she likes, and everything is so beautiful.] 】”

A young girl sat at a computer desk, looking serious and focused.

A book was placed under the lamp, and the girl looked at the lines of text on it and read it out in a low voice. When she finished reading it, she couldn’t help but sigh.

“The seven-year-old teacher described it here is also too good, no matter how many times you watch it, it looks full of pictures… The girl’s name is Shiwa Kasumigaoka. ”

is a high American shoujo light novel writer.

The pen name is Shiko Kasumi, who, like Minami Musheng, is a light novel writer under Machida Enko. And [Love Metronome] is her debut work.

At the moment she is distressed because the new book has no inspiration at all.

In fact, by now, she had written five or six beginnings.

But those Kasumigaoka Shiyu at the beginning are not very satisfied, and now she is looking for some inspiration by reading books.

“And here…”

Under the lamp, Shiyu Kasumigaoka quickly turned the pages of the book with her white and slender fingers. She seemed to be familiar with the contents of this book.

Where there was a written description that she remembered almost everything.

“[At dusk of the street lamps, the halo released is like a hallucinogen for flying insects, making them constantly fly around, as if to taste the delicacy hidden behind the light.] ] Reading it like this, it’s really very feeling. ”

In her hand was the third volume of “Let’s Sink Together”, and the content was still very warm at that time, which can be seen from some of the language use in it.

“Obviously the third volume is written so warmly, why does the sixth volume end like that? Sure enough, I still can’t accept it.”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka complained, and finally his upper body simply lay down on the computer desk.

The girl’s unique fullness was squeezed because of this, and she constantly inflated to the sides, as if she wanted to break a white pajama covered by a white face.

“Ahhh… It’s so annoying…”

“Even if I re-read the work of the seven-year-old teacher, I still can’t think of a good beginning……. Shiyu Kasumigaoka did not get better, but became more bored. ”

I saw that she was going to shake like a temper, and her feet were hidden under the computer desk.

Because it was at his own home, Shiyu Kasumigaokaoka, who had just taken a bath, did not have any covering fabric on his lower body except for the white pajamas on his upper body at this time.

A pair of white flower thighs shone with a charming luster under the illumination of the table lamp, as if it could shine blind people’s eyes. If Nan Wusheng was here, he would definitely sigh.

This is a pair of legs that can absolutely control black silk pantyhose!

“Why don’t you go to the writer’s account now and go to the comment section to see what inspiration readers can give me?”

After muttering a word or two like this, Shiyu Kasumigaoka sat up abruptly.

Just do it, I saw her click on the writer app, and then skillfully operated, logging in to her writer account. After looking at his comment area for about seven or eight minutes, the expression on Shiyu Kasumigaoka was very disappointed.

Unfortunately, she didn’t get the inspiration she wanted.

Then Shiwa Kasumigaoka stared at the comment sections of other authors.

However, she visited the comment section of several other familiar authors, and in the end, Shiwa Kasumigaoka still did not find what she was looking for.

“Forget it, kill me anyway!”

“Huh? Seven-year-old teacher released new news? ”

Shiha Kasumigaoka noticed the dynamics of a certain author, and without any thought, he quickly clicked in to take a look.

“Hmm… Huh?!

[Let’s sink together] is coming out of the seventh volume? Volume 6 is not the final end?! ”

“And judging by the wording of the seven-year-old teacher, volume seven is not a Badend!”

“Great! I said, how can the male protagonist and the female protagonist end like that! ”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was very excited, and then she hurriedly looked for her mobile phone, and then opened the address book and quickly dialed someone’s number.

“Hello? Kasumi Shiko-sensei, it’s late now, do you know? You’d better have something, or you’ll look good! ”

“Do you have the manuscript of Volume VII there?”

“What manuscript of Volume VII?”

“Seven-year-old teacher’s, the seventh volume of [Let’s sink together].”

“Oh! I almost forgot that you were a fan of his, yes, I have, you want to watch it? ”

“Quick! Hurry up and send it to me! Come on! ”

“You really are.. You wait a minute, or let me get the consent of the seven-year-old teacher first, hey… It’s so late and I don’t know if he’s still online. ”

“Good! You’re in a hurry! ”

“It’s really troublesome…”

Machida Yuanko’s grumbling came from her phone, followed by the sound of her tapping on the keyboard. She is currently using chat software to ask Nan Wusheng.

“You wait patiently, the seven-year-old teacher is online, he hasn’t replied yet, he guesses he’s busy.”

“Well, I’ll wait for this time.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said this, but his heart was very anxious. After all, she really wanted to see the contents of the seventh volume quickly.

“Kasumi Shiko-sensei, has there been any progress in your new work?”

Anyway, idle is idle, Machida Sonoko began to talk about some other topics.

“The progress of the new work, this well…”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka replied with an unspeakable expression.

“It doesn’t sound like there’s been any progress.”

Machida Enko was very determined to help her come to a conclusion.

“…… Yes. ”

Although Shiwa Kasumigaoka didn’t want to admit it, there was no way around it.

“So did you encounter any difficulties over there?”

“Still the same as the previous beginnings, I am not satisfied, I am currently looking for inspiration, and then I happened to see the new dynamics of the seven-year-old teacher, so I asked you for the first time.”

“So that’s it…”

The two chatted for about five or six minutes, and Machida Yuanko’s voice came from his mobile phone.

“The seven-year-old teacher replied, saying he had just played a game and that he had agreed.”

“Then I’ll send you the document directly, and you can receive it later.”

“Uh-huh! Hurry up and send it to me! ”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa became excited again.

“Okay, it’s sent to you.”

“Hmm! I received it on my side. ”

“Then I won’t bother you, ha, I’m going to go to sleep quickly, the things to do in the past two days 127 are a little much, hang up.”

Machida said while yawning.

Then before Shiyu Kasumigaoka could respond, she hung up the phone directly.

At this time, Shiwa Kasumigaoka was now all focused on the document he had just sent, and what kind of mind did he care about Machida Yuanko.

So, the whole room fell silent.

All that remained was the sound of the girl’s frequent breathing.

[Do you know what happens to the stars when they die?] 】

【What is it?】 】

[It will become us.] Particles do not disappear, they do not destroy, every grain in your body comes from a dead star, no different from the moon, cumulus, the sea and other beautiful things, your left hand may come from the constellation Ruler, your right hand may come from the constellation Cygnus, everything you are is a star. Just for a moment, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who was brought into the female one, instantly felt as if she was important, because of the death of the star, she could stand here today.

As if transcending everything, everything about her is the stars…….

“This seems to be the most romantic explanation of the meaning of human existence that I’ve seen so far. A little tear appeared in the corner of Shiyu’s eyes. ”

She feels that it is not easy for the male protagonist and the female to live.

At the same time, she is also happy for the two people in the book, because of what the male protagonist just said, the female one in the hospital bed finally had no idea of suicide.

“The seven-year-old teacher wrote so well… When can someone say that to me? ”

“If anything, I will definitely fall in love with each other without hesitation.”

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