Chapter 97: They are the current junior and future juniors of Zongwu Gao!.

Originally, after uploading the document, Nan Wusheng’s mind was temporarily not on it.

After all, how to say that it will take a little time for the women to read the beginning of the article he imitated.

Just when he was idle and bored and wanted to find a novel on the Internet to read, Nan Wusheng suddenly realized something in his mind. Wait a minute!

Kasumigaoka Shiha, Gogen Ruri, and Ko’er Nayuta three daughters are all about it, and the remaining Yamada Goblin and Senjumura seem to be still junior high school students, right?

Ah this…..

Nan Wusheng, who reacted, quickly opened the group chat, first withdrew the document he sent, and then quickly typed.

[Seven-year-old Super Kulo V: Wait! ] You guys still don’t look at it, especially @Yamada Goblin and @Senjumuramasa, you are still junior high school students if I remember correctly, right? 】

[Seven-year-old Chao Kuluo V: Please delete the document I just made and forget all the content inside, otherwise I will be too sinful! ] 】

Because of the beginning of this imitation, Nan Wusheng did not intend to submit to any library, so in some places he slightly relaxed his temperament to write, didn’t this let him teach bad children?

This is a sin!

[Yamada Goblin: Huh? I’m almost done reading it, don’t! 】

[Senjumuramasa: Refuse! ] 】

[Seven-year-old Chao Kulo V: No, you guys make me feel very uncomfortable like this…”

[Yamada Goblin: It’s okay seven-year-old teacher, how can I say that I have read 30 million Little Yellow Books, this degree is nothing to me. 】

Yamada Goblin said something strange at once.

But she’s right.

How to say that Yamada Goblin is also an author who likes to post benefits, and I heard that her painter is also a painter who made a fortune with drawing books24.

So this level of text description in the document is really not very powerful.

[Senjumuramasa: [Miss Evil Servant] I have also read it, so I have no problem with the beginning of this article that you imitated by the seven-year-old teacher. 】

Seeing that the two refused one after another, Nan Wusheng did not plan to persuade anymore.

[Seven-year-old Chao Kulo √: This way……… That’s whatever you want. 】

Although his beginning is a little open, it is also written in strict accordance with the bottom line of industry standards.

Except for some atmospheric rendering, and simple tactile descriptions, there really is nothing over the line.

[Crab Gong: Whew — the seven-year-old teacher wrote it so well, but please teacher, please send me an unfettered version of it, and you can see that this article only plays one percent of your pen power at the beginning. 】

[Crab Gong: I want to experience more of your enthusiasm as a seven-year-old teacher, please inject more into my body! ] 】


[Seven-year-old Chao Kulo √: Ah this………. Trouble Crab Gong you pay attention to the wording. 】

Not to mention Nan Wusheng, who looked a little embarrassed at this time, the other women couldn’t help but feel hot on their faces when they saw Ke’er’s news. Sure enough, the idiot with a bad personality started again.

As the saying goes, [once the female author is astringent, there is nothing wrong with the male author].

This statement is not an exaggeration.

Nan Wusheng had the privilege of reading several books written by female authors, and the scene, the tricks were simply explosive, and he would play very much.

[Kasumi Shiko: Is it true that your seven-year-old teacher plans to write this genre in your new book? If so, I’m sure it will definitely explode at the beginning. 】

[Seven-year-old Chao Kulo V: I haven’t considered opening a new book for the time being, and if I want to open it, it’s not this type. 】

[Kasumi Shiko: That’s a shame…]

It can be seen from the text that Shiwa Kasumigaoka has a high opinion of the beginning he imitated.

[Yamada Goblin: @七岁超库洛V, what about the follow-up? Kneel and beg for follow-up! I super want to know the next episode! 】

Not to mention Yamada Goblin, in fact, several other girls in the group also want to know what the subsequent plot development is.

She just spoke out a few of them.

[Seven-year-old Super Kuluo√: There is no follow-up, and I don’t plan to continue writing, I was originally idle and had nothing to write out for fun. 】

[Kasumi Shizi: Envy this sentence is idle and nothing to write out to play, what is it that blinds my eyes? It turned out to be a lemon…”

[Yamada Goblin: How so! ] I can’t accept it! 】

[Crab Gong: Ten Thousand Blood Book, kneel and beg the seven-year-old teacher to continue the next plot, if there is no revised version, it would be better, please! ] 】

【Senjumura Masa: +1】

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Huh? I just flipped through the news, it turns out that Yamada Goblin-sensei and Senjumura-sensei, are you two actually junior high school students? 】

[Yamada Goblin: Uh-huh! I am still in the third year of junior high school. 】

[Senjumuramasa: You can go to high school in one more year. 】

Seeing the content of the news of the two, Wugen Liuli was instantly hit.

These two are actually a year younger than her? Now that he knew it, Wugen Liuli couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

She hadn’t asked these privacy questions in the group before.

Sure enough, as long as you are a talented person, your ability is not constrained by age.

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: By the way, what about the other big guys? ] Except for Teacher Kasumi Shizi is a senior in high school, I know, you should all be college students, or have already entered the society, right? 】

[Seven-year-old Super Kulo V: Currently still a high sophomore. 】

[Crab Gong: I haven’t been to school for a few years, and if I were to say it normally, I would be in my third year of high school now. 】

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Huh? Are the big guys actually so young? I thought you were all college students or social figures. 】

By the way, Wugen Liuli is a freshman in high school this year.

When I participated in the offline sales meeting of Kasumi Shiko’s works again, I recognized Shiyu Kasumigaoka at a glance as a senior sister of the same school.

And the reason why she was pulled into this group by Shiyu Kasumigaoka is largely because she has the title of “sister from the same school”.

[Kasumi Shiko: What surprises you even more is still to come, (6) Fallen Angel Black Cat]

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: What could be more surprising than these?] Teacher Kasumi Shiko. 】

[Kasumi Shiko: Actually, the seven-year-old teacher is also your senior]

Seeing the message sent by Kasumigaoka Shiyu, if you understand it literally, Wugen Liuli was a little confused for a while, and she couldn’t figure it out.

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Isn’t the seven-year-old teacher my senior? And the big guys in the group are ah…”

Nan Wusheng saw the content of the chat between the two women, and also mentioned himself, which couldn’t help but make him pay attention to it.

It took two seconds to think according to logic, and then Nan Wusheng began to type.

[Seven-year-old Super Kulo V: Huh? Black cat, are you a freshman in high school? @堕天使黑猫】

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Huh? How do you know about a seven-year-old teacher? Could it be that Kasumi Shiko-sensei told you? 】

[Seven-year-old Chao Kuluo√: I just guessed, but you are really a freshman in the general martial arts, then we may meet more times in the future. 】

Wugen Liuli saw the message he sent, even if his brain was stupid, he had already reacted now.

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Seven-year-old teacher, you are me… A senior in high school? 】

[Seven-year-old Super Kulo V: Well, that’s right! Black Cat Sister. 】

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Wow! Not only is Teacher Kasumi Shiko my senior sister, but even the seven-year-old teacher you are also my senior, ah, this………………]

To be honest, Wugen Liuli was shocked again.

And even more shocking than the few messages I saw before.

It turns out that the world is actually so small?

Eighty or ninety percent of the bigwigs in the group are not to mention Qianye, and now there are two bigwigs who are still seniors in her school!

It’s incredible.

But if you think about it, too.

To ask, which is the most famous high school in Chiba? That must be the total martial arts high.

And the seniors are so good.

The school he went to was Sobu Gao, isn’t that a matter of course?

[Senjumura Masa: Actually, if I go to high school next year, I will most likely choose Sowu Gao. 】

[Seven-year-old Super Kuluo√: Really don’t poke! ] I will have another student next year]

[Kasumi Shiko: Welcome Welcome Although I will graduate next year, I am very happy that Senjumura Masa-sensei can come to our high school. 】

[Yamada Goblin: Abominable! Even if you are all from Chiba, even the high school you went to is the same, I decided! Next year! I’m going to your high school too, you 177 don’t want to leave me alone! 】

[Seven-year-old Super Kuluo√: Oh yo future junior sister hi +2! ] 】

[Kasumi Shiko: Hi Future Student +2! ] 】

[Crab Gong: Woo-woo….don’t you just leave me completely behind?] I, an uneducated person, is weak, helpless and pitiful, crying]

Seeing that the group was not a senior or sister in the same school, or a future senior, Ke Yuduo instantly had an urge to go to school again.

and “seniors”

“Senior Sister”

The title of “senior sister” has nothing to do with her, isn’t she out of place with everyone in this group?

Of course, this is just impulse.

After all, for the matter of going to school, she has encountered school bullying, and she is still very afraid in her heart.

[Yamada Goblin: Don’t worry, sister Crab, anyway, you live in Chiba now, we will have a few more offline parties in the future. ] 】

[Kasumi Shiko: That’s right! The latest offline gathering has not been a few days away, and I don’t know if you just paid attention to the chat history, and the time is set for this Sunday. 】

[Crab Gong: Uh-huh! I’ve already read all the chat records, and the thought of meeting you cute beautiful girls in a few days is full of excitement when I think of meeting you cute beautiful girls in a few days, he

[Fallen Angel Black Cat: Wow: The idiotic nature of the crab boss has been exposed again. 】

What were the people just talking about?

Oh yes! It is to teach the black cat some writing experience.

Seeing the women who had gradually deviated the topic, Nan Wusheng was a little helpless in his heart.

But think about it, isn’t online chat like this?

What’s more, in addition to him, there are also some beautiful girls in adolescence.

[Seven-year-old Super Kulo V: Ahem! Let’s go back to the topic just now, black cat, you have already read the document I just sent, right? So what do you think? @堕天使黑猫】

[ps: Thanks to another big guy for the four thousand flowers, the author will continue to cheer! ] 】

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