Chapter 102: Yukishita Yukino hit the nail on the head, he wanted to eat candy!.

After Yukinoshita walked into the conference room, she had no intention of speaking, and walked towards the nearest vacant seat with her feet up.

Nan Wusheng didn’t intend to say anything, and followed closely behind her.

As for Yui Hihama……… It may be that he can’t stand the sight of everyone in the conference room, and at this time, he is slightly compressing his body and carefully following behind the two people.

Although most of the eyes of everyone in the conference room were on the two people in front of her, she still wanted to minimize Zisan’s sense of existence as much as possible.

In this way, Yukinoshita Yukino came to the conference table, pulled out a chair underneath, and sat down gracefully.

Minami Wusheng chose a chair close to her right, and Yui Hihama chose a chair close to her left.


Seeing the three people who had not said a word from beginning to end, the city hall patrolled a slightly embarrassed gentle laugh.

“That……… Yukinoshita-san, why don’t you introduce yourself first? After all, there are still many new students who have just entered this year. ”

As the castle patrol spoke, he looked at Yukino with a little pleading in his gaze.

It’s really hard to deal with the atmosphere at such a deserted scene………… In addition to the members of the student council, there were also class presidents for the second and first grades.

In order to take care of the first-year students, it is necessary to introduce themselves next.

And if you can make a presentation from 24, you can ease the cold atmosphere of the scene, so that the next meeting can be easily started.

So this can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the request of the castle patrol, Yukinoshita Yukino did not refuse, and then saw her sitting in her seat slowly get up, flatly swept around the people in the conference room, and spoke.

“Second grade A class, Yukinoshita Yukino.”

Her introduction was concise and clear.

After saying that, Yukino sat back down.

“Second grade Class B, Nan Wusheng.”

And Nan Wusheng, who followed closely behind, got up and said something according to her template.

Finally, it was the turn of the last man.

The eyes of everyone in the conference room shifted to Yubihama Yui at this time.

Even Yukino and Minami Wusheng are no exception.

Feeling those dozens of gazes containing disagreement, there were doubts, there were inquiries, there were curiosity…………, Yubihama Yui’s body suddenly trembled.

In the next second, I saw her stand up from her position a little stiffly, and then spoke in an extremely nervous tone.

“That……… I, I’m in sophomore F class……… Yui Hihama. ”

After speaking, she quickly sat down, and put her arms in front of her, and buried her head, not daring to look at people.

At this moment, most of the gaze that stayed on her was taken back, and only two or three would occasionally stop.

Sensing that change, Yui Hihama immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, she is used to this high-profile feeling!

In fact, Yubihama Yui also secretly glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino and Minami Musheng.

I found that Yukino was slightly closing his eyes, as if he was nourishing his mind; Nan Wusheng supported his chin with one hand and looked left and right, looking very relaxed.

If only she could have one-tenth of the calmness of these two……… Although the whole process of introducing yourself does not even take 20 seconds, it is better than saying nothing.

Sure enough, the atmosphere in the conference room has improved.

“Well, I believe you all have a preliminary understanding of the new three, so let’s continue with the last meeting!” Next, let’s cheer up and discuss and strive to create an art festival that amazes everyone, oh~”

At the end, the city patrol waved his clenched fist cutely and gave everyone a spiritual shout.

Several members of the student council immediately applauded her, and everyone attending the meeting also clapped their hands.

Seeing this, the satisfied city patrol nodded gently and continued: “Thank you very much for participating, then the meeting officially begins!” ”

And just like that, the conference discussion about the festival began.

However, because of Yukinoshita Yukino, no one spoke for the first three minutes of the meeting.

Later, because of Manabe as the vice president, many people began to actively discuss it in the next ten minutes.

“So how did you think the meeting went?”

Nan Wusheng, who played the role of a bystander throughout the meeting, turned his head to look at the two girls next to him and asked.

“Huh? I think it’s very good~”

“I just heard a lot of good ideas…”

Yui Hihama was the first to speak up, telling his opinion.

She really felt that the meeting went well.

And Yukinoshita Yukino did not speak for the time being.

Her gaze rested on the whiteboard in front of her in the middle of the conference room, and as time passed, Yukino Yuki’s brow gradually furrowed.

That whiteboard has a lot of program names written on it, as well as various suggestions.

Some were written yesterday, others just a few minutes ago.

“No, Yuhihama.”

Yukinoshita Yukino first shook his head to deny Yubihama Yui’s opinion, and then continued to explain.

“The meeting seemed to be going well, but even the most basic topics had not been decided, and the progress was worrying…”

“It’s like……… That’s true…”

Yubihama Yui thought carefully about Yukinoshita Yukino’s words, and she finally understood why the progress was so touching despite the two-day meeting.

It turned out that the meeting did not even give a general direction at the beginning.

On the surface, the meeting seemed to go smoothly, and the participants actively discussed and gave a lot of good suggestions, but that was just the appearance, if the meeting did not give a clear theme, the participants would only ramble like headless flies… Looking at the meeting as it was the same as the previous two days, the city patrol obviously had anxiety on his face.

Then she noticed that Nan Wusheng and the three were discussing something in a whisper just now, so she hurriedly asked.

“That……… Do you have anything to say under the snow? ”

“I think it’s better if we decide on the theme of the festival first, and then discuss it around that theme.”

Yukishita Yukino sat upright and slowly spoke out his point of view.

After hearing what she said, the city patrol instantly showed an expression of realization.

“Oh! Right! I said that there was something wrong with the meeting, so it was…”

Although she is positioned as a mascot in the student union, this does not mean that she is really stupid.

Because the “mascot” is only compared to other talented members of the student union.

In fact, the city patrol was smarter than many people present.

“Everyone, our priority now is to decide on the theme of the festival.”

“Please speak freely and say what is in your heart.”

Before her words fell for two seconds, Manabe Kazu directly raised his hand.

The city patrol, who had been observing and paying attention, was very excited.

In addition to the younger sister of Yang Naixue’s 173rd sister, she is really a reliable member of her own student union…………

“Vice President Manabe, please say.”

“How about [youth] and [freedom]?”

“Oh, that’s great! Whether it is [youth] or [freedom], it is very suitable for our high school students. ”

As he spoke, he picked up a pen and quickly wrote down in the blank space on the whiteboard.

“Is there anything else that any classmates have added?”

“President, I think…”

This ensues another five or six minutes of discussion, with several more topics written on a whiteboard in the middle of the room.

Then they just had to pick two or three of them.

Nan Wusheng, who was still playing a bystander, observed the people in the conference room boredly, and then he found that many students had more or less some candy snacks on their tables.

And on the left hand side of a girl, there was a large bag of candy and snacks under the table.

The girl had medium-long flaxen hair, which seemed to have been born with such a hair color.

Hair quality is also healthy.

The conference room lights shine on it, reflecting dazzling particles of light.

And the girl’s skin is also very fair.

Just a side face, you can see that she is a very cute girl.

Of course, Nan Wusheng didn’t care how the girl looked.

Bored, he just wants to eat candy now.

Moreover, the other students present have it, only the three of them later did not, how can this not be said?

So as a “social terrorist”, Nan Wusheng decisively leaned over, then stretched out his finger and gently touched the girl’s arm, and whispered.

“This student, excuse me…”

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