Chapter 123: Yukina spoke like a main palace, she wanted to change the world!.

It was almost six o’clock in the evening…

Chiba City, JR Sobu Rapid Line 1st Line Station.

Nan Wusheng squatted at the edge of the flower garden next to the entrance of the station, ignoring the strange gazes of the passing people, eating the snack in his hand while gazing at the pole pillar in front of him.

Five hours earlier, Ko’er Nayuta had been taken to the hospital and woke up quickly. After some examination by the doctor, it was found that there was no problem with her body.

As for asking why there are symptoms such as retching and even coma, it is simply because she was too emotional at the time.

What exactly did it take to make Kerr Nayuto so emotional?

Nan Wusheng could probably guess it.

That’s right! He is to blame!

In the past, I often saw on TV or in the news newspaper that the fans of a certain star saw their own idol, and the plot that passed out on the spot because of excessive emotion actually happened to Nan Wusheng, which really made him not know what to say for a while.

Although Nan Wusheng noticed the love in Keer’s many words when chatting in the group, he didn’t care too much.

After all, as a very popular with girls, he is used to this kind of thing.

Just seeing her made her so emotionally agitated, which led to a coma.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was that Ke Nayuta actually poured such deep emotions into him.

So to be on the safe side, after Ke Nayuduo woke up, Nan Wusheng did not go in to visit again, and the conversation between the two was still in the group as before.

As for asking about today’s offline exchange meeting….

Canceled, of course.

However, to say that it is canceled is actually an extension.

Nan Wusheng kept his posture of squatting on the edge of the flower bed unchanged, and then took out his mobile phone to see what news there was.

Then he saw the message from Yukinoshita Yukinoshita.

[Yukinoshita Yukino: How will your offline communication be today?] 】

[Nan Wusheng: Harm! ] There was a little surprise. 】

[Yukinoshita Yukinoshita: Huh? What to say specifically? 】

Nan Wusheng sorted out the language in his mind, and then began to type quickly.

[Nan Wusheng: There was a girl at the scene who fainted, and then we sent her to the hospital, and this offline party was postponed. 】

Seeing the message he sent, Yukinoshita Yukinoba also understood.

[Then she asked for some specific details, and at the same time did not hesitate to care about Keer’s Yuta’s physical condition, and for her inquiry, Nan Wusheng naturally did not hide anything, and also said the reason why Keer’s Yuduo fainted. ] Poured? 】

[Yukinoshita Yukinoshita: What did you do before?] Actually let a girl faint directly when she first saw you [Nan Wusheng: Maybe……. Am I too handsome? 】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: I don’t think that girl is so fragile. 】

If it was because Nan Wusheng was too handsome that the girl fainted, then what did those handsome stars on TV say?

Does Ke Nayuto faint every time he sees those handsome stars on TV shows?

It’s impossible!

[Nan Wusheng: Crab Gong is actually a fan of my novels, maybe for her, I should be her salvation………….]

Is he the salvation of that girl?

When Yukinoshita Yukinoba saw the message he sent, he did not feel that Nan Wusheng was exaggerated, and he did not have the slightest suspicion.

After all, some guy is also her salvation..

[Nan Wusheng: How to say it? Crab Gong, she suffered bullying in middle school and did not want to go to school again. 】

She came across the novel I wrote a year ago, and then maybe it was because the heroine and heroine who worked hard to live in the novel moved her and made her feel confident in life again.

[In the end, I also embarked on the road of writing light novels and became my junior.] 】

This information was actually revealed by Kerner Yuduo himself in the group.

Whether it was the bullying she suffered in middle school, whether it was the muddle of dropping out of school and living at home, she did not hide it.

Or to say that the object of the confidation is Nan Wusheng, but Er’s Yuduo does not hide it.

[Yukinoshita Yukino: Is it because of school bullying again?] I don’t want to spit on anything anymore. 】

[Nan Wusheng: Indeed… I don’t want to say anything about school bullying. 】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: You will be kind to that girl in the future, do you hear?] 】

[Nan Wusheng: Huh? Yukino you actually started to take care of me. 】

[Yukinoshita Yukinoshita: Isn’t it okay?] 】

[Nan Wusheng: Okay, of course! ] After all, we both have that kind of relationship, what’s wrong with that? 】

[Yukinoshita Yukina: I don’t understand what you’re saying…]

[Nan Wusheng: Since Xue Nai you can’t understand, do you need me to go to your house tonight and explain it to you properly? 】

Hey, hey, hey.

[Yukinoshita Yukinoshita: No, no! ] Let’s do it for now, I still have some things to do here, let’s not talk about it. 】

[Nan Wusheng: Okay. 】

Looking at the avatar that had been blackened, the corners of Nan Wusheng’s mouth couldn’t help but raise a curve.

Xue Nai actually took her account offline directly, of course, she may also change the account status to “stealth”.


But it should be said that Yukino who just took out the main palace temperament to speak is a little cute………..

If it was in the previous world, Nan Wusheng met a girl like Yukinoshita Yukino, he would definitely be very single-minded, but unfortunately this world is no longer the previous world…………….

Before putting away his phone, Minami Wusheng noticed Yukinoshita Yukino’s personality signature – “This world needs to change. 】

Seeing this personality signature, some people will definitely say, that “under the snow” is actually a middle and second disease?

However, Nan Wusheng would not think so.

Because he knew that Yukino really wanted to change the world.

Specifically, for example, she wants to change the school bullying that has plagued the neon society for many years.

“Change the world..”

Putting away the mobile phone, Nan Wusheng looked at the sky with some melancholy.

However, his handsome guy squatting in a place like the entrance of the station is too eye-catching.

“Hey, look at that boy over there…”

“What is he squatting in a place like this?”

“Whew……….. That boy said so handsomely, and it doesn’t look bad, do you want to talk? ”

“I’ll forget it, do you want to try it?” The boy didn’t look like a difficult person to get along with, and he was alone there…………………… It should be a good type to hook up. ”

“Eh……..shall I go? This, that’s not good, right? And he looks like he should be waiting for someone, right? ”

“Hee-hee………. If you don’t go, I’ll go ha~”

When the three JKs passed by the entrance of the station, they saw Nan Wusheng squatting on the edge of the flower garden, and they were surprised and whispered to each other and made a few jokes.

Just when one of them plucked up the courage and wanted to step forward to talk, two girls walked to Nan Wusheng’s side, making her suddenly look like a deflated leather ball.

“It’s a pity……… Preempted. ”

“Senior Nan, what are you squatting in this kind of place for?”

Standing in front of Nan Wusheng, Tianjing Zhongru looked around, and then asked with a puzzled expression.

Mio Akiyama, who came with her, did not speak, but his gaze was also full of doubts when he looked at someone squatting on the ground.

When they first arrived near the entrance of the station, Mio Akiyama and Nakaru Tai saw Minami Wusheng’s figure.

“It’s Tanaka and Akiyama…”

Saying that, Nan Wusheng’s gaze moved down and saw the two girls standing in front of him.

“I’m just squatting here, just have something I want to see next.”

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