As for himself, he received the simple and direct title of a second-killing mage.

“Little brother is so handsome!”

“This little brother’s appearance is really handsome!”

“Little brother is super powerful!”

“Handsome and powerful, my boyfriend decided to find him!”

“Upstairs, you go to the back!”

“That’s it, people are with Meplu when they are active, you don’t have a chance!”

“Ugly people are more weird!”


In his post, it was another picture, which made him a little confused.

But I didn’t care too much.

After all, you can’t meet these people for a lifetime.

“It’s been two days since the exam.”

“Lisa should be able to play with us soon!”

“It’s going to be fun then.”

“It’s good to have an intellectual assassin player like Lisha around, and the sense of security can be improved.”

Lin Tian turned off his mobile phone, and the busy and beautiful day passed again.

A new day is coming.

Went to bed and went to bed.


Nice weather this morning.

The warm sunshine is quite comforting.

If only there was a breeze blowing at this time… Well, girly sweet smell?

Lin Tian opened his eyes.

With a cute face and a happy smile, Kaede stood in front of him.

The white four-petal trinkets worn on his black hair are just like a ray of morning light in the dark night, and they have a magic that cannot be ignored.

“Eh, didn’t you sleep well last night?”

Mei Pulu is 1.5 meters tall, looking at the face of Lin Tian, who is almost 1.8 meters tall, sometimes standing on tiptoe and tilting his face.

“No, I’m feeling nature.”

Lin Tian took a deep breath, then exhaled, and said, “Feng, don’t you think today’s weather is very good?” ”

“Oh, yes.”

Kaede looked at the sky and nodded slightly.

“I seem to have been playing a bit lately, and I even think about the game when I walk, how to hone my magic!”

Walking on the street, Lin Tian leaned his hands on the back of his head and looked at the blue sky.

“Well, so am I.”

“Just think about what skills you will acquire and how you will acquire them.”

“It will feel fun.”

“Well, that’s right. And Mitt, they’re also interesting. It felt like I had met a lot of new people. ”

Kaede on the side narrowed his eyes and laughed when he heard this.

In the past, on the way to school, there was nothing else to do except go to school.

But now there is something else to enjoy besides learning.

“Haha, they are more powerful than one, and only Kaede can say that it is interesting.”

Lin Tian couldn’t help but laugh when he heard this.

You must know that these people are in a sense, but they are all the existence of the heroine.

Everyone has their own unique personality and is not so easy to get along with.


“A third, a seventh!”

Lisha, who saw Lin Tian and Feng trotting all the way, appeared in front of them.

Breathing slightly shortly, he smiled.

“Oh, Lisa, thank you.”

Kaede replied with a smile.

“But last night, I also watched your interview afterwards.”

“How to say, it has the characteristics of Kaede. Ha ha. ”

Lisa continued.

Suddenly, Ling Feng’s smiling face was in a state where it barely collapsed, “Eh, the wise and mighty Mei Pulu will have a stain that cannot be erased in the future.” Whining. ”



Lin Tian and Li Sha both laughed.

Start by entering school.

They found that there were a lot more eyes gathered on their bodies.

Lin Tian knew that it was because of yesterday’s activities.

After all, almost most people in this world NWO are playing, but the degree of play is deep and shallow.

As the player who can win the first interactive event.

Naturally, it is recognized by players.

But the three didn’t pay attention to these sights.

Enter the class.

Instead, it was quickly surrounded by many people.

Ask what you feel about the battle, how you became so strong, and if you can pass on the know-how.

More people want to hold their thighs, lead them to the dungeon, or accept them as little brothers or something.

Now with the exposure of the event.

Everyone really knew how powerful these people were in the class!

Fortunately, the class bell rang.

Everyone just dispersed.

Later in the class, I learned that I was lucky and gained good skills.

They dispersed unwillingly.

Luck is such a thing.

It can only be said that the Emperor of Europe has the life of the Emperor of Europe, and the non-chief has the living method of the non-chief!

At noon when eating.

“I have good news for you, my mother allowed me to forget that I could play with you from tonight!”

When you get together for lunch.

Li Sha looked at Lin Tian and Feng and said with a happy face.



Lin Tian and Feng both applauded and celebrated Lisha.

“No wonder Lisha-san is so excited today.”

Kaede said abruptly.

“After all, the two of us are already addicted, but she can’t wait to join in.”

Lin Tian said with a smile.

The eyes are paying attention to Akane Sekawa’s blonde and tsundere beautiful girl.

At this time, she is being asked about the game by her best friend Namiko Akiyama.

Apparently, because of participating in the event, Akane Segawa’s invisible house was also exposed.

The surrounding talents found that not only Lin Tian, Feng, Kirito, and Rabbit Ze occupied the top 10 of the event!

There is also Xiu Fan, who is last in the top 10, who is also a member of their class.

But because Rabbit Ze Shencheng has always scattered the aura that people should not be close to, it is difficult to contact.

So nothing has changed from usual.

I just feel that Rabbit Ze Shencheng is really powerful.

Not only is learning super powerful, but even playing games is super powerful.

“Snap, Nanako. I was wrong. Please forgive me! ”

Akane Segawa clapped her hands together very loudly, apologizing very respectfully to her girlfriend and friend.

It immediately attracted a large number of melon-eating people.

After all, who would have known that this blonde tsundere beautiful girl turned out to be an invisible mansion!

“Hmph, Xiao Qian. You know what, I’m not mad at you for playing the game. ”

“But how can you hide from me, obviously we are so good.”

“Even if you tell me, I won’t do anything!”

Namiko Akiyama has always been the image of gentle and soft-spoken words, but today she was broken by Akane Sekawa.

This is the first time everyone has seen Nanako Akiyama like this.

It can be seen that Akane’s concealment of the matter really caused her a big blow.

But yes.

Obviously a best friend and girlfriend, but as a result, he also hid his hobbies and did not dare to say it!

Who can stand this.

Akane Sekawa could no longer pay attention to the curious gazes of the melon-eating masses at this time, and quickly pulled Naiko Akiyama out.

“Akane-san is so strange.”

“Isn’t it okay to just say this kind of thing?”

Kaede looked back and said with a puzzled look.

“Eh…. Everyone has everyone’s secrets. ”

Lisa thought for a moment and explained.

“Isn’t this self-inflicted!”

Lin Tian said calmly.


“Finally exposed, does this guy mean to continue like this in the future!!”

At this time, Hideki Nishimura next to him was biting the collar of his shirt, very excited.

In the future, I finally don’t have to be scolded by Akane Segawa for disgusting dead otaku anymore!

Just think about the moments of being disliked on weekdays.

There was an immediate urge to tears in my heart.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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