Private Toyonosaki Academy

Lunch break.

A light breeze blows.

A few unknown birds listening by the window rose with the wind.

Position of the rear row by the window.

The black-haired boy lay on the table, looking at the sky, staring straight at the black dots that were fading away in the air.

“God, are you going to party tonight?”

A white face appeared in front of Lin Tian’s eyes, blocking the sky.

“Well, it’s nothing. Let’s go play together. ”

Lin Tian supported his chin with one hand and looked at Lisha.

“Because of the update tonight, [NWO] will stop serving, and it will only start tomorrow afternoon.”

Lisa sat next to him and said, “Applego wants to take this opportunity to go out to dinner together and hold offline friendship exchange meetings. ”

“Our student body president is really nice.”

Lin Tian sighed.

The eldest lady who has money in the family, not only that, is not a vase in itself.

At this age, you already earn a lot of money on your own.

One of the ultimate goals of the student has been achieved with pocket money freedom.

“Uh-huh, I think so too.”

“It’s going to grow up, it’s great.”

Kaede’s voice sounded, as a foodie, he knew that he could go and eat something delicious.

It’s been a lot of fun all day today.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Lin Tian smiled, got up and walked out of the classroom.


“It’s okay.”

When I came back, I collided with a dark-haired girl holding a textbook around the corner.

The other party took a few steps back.

But what he was holding fell to the ground.

“I’m sorry, I just thought about things.”

The cute-looking brunette girl apologized and immediately squatted down.

Slowly pick up dropped book materials.

While sighing in his heart, he said: “This boy is very handsome.” ”

Even if it’s just a few seconds.

The other party’s handsome appearance still left a deep impression in her heart.

“Erm….. Almost, I went too fast. ”

Lin Tian touched his head and felt that it was not good to leave.

Also squat down to help each other pick things up.

Soon things were packed.

“Thank you very much.”

The black-haired girl held the thing again and bent down slightly to thank her.



Hideki Nishimura walked out of the classroom and was suddenly stunned when he saw the two.

The two know each other?


Lin Tian looked at the cute black-haired girl in front of him, with short shoulder-length hair, a delicate figure, and the jade legs were not very long, but if you looked closely, you would find that they belonged to the kind with a special sense of strength.

Kirito’s righteous sister?

What a coincidence!

“You two know each other?”

Nishimura looked at the two curiously.

“Just hit the corner.”

Lin Tian opened his mouth to explain.

“So that’s the case, if you knew each other, it wouldn’t be like that.”

Nishimura said with a smile, but seeing Naoba’s doubtful gaze, he suddenly realized that he had too much to talk about.

“He is? What does it have to do with my brother? ”

Naoba glanced at the boy named “Lin”.

Secretly remembered, then asked Nishimura.

Since the [NWO] interview, Kirito has basically been immersed in it all his time.

This made Naoba, who originally wanted to ease his brother’s relationship.

I don’t know what to do again.

And lately this situation has been exacerbated.

She is afraid that her brother will become the kind of Internet addict teenager who is muddled every day.

“Ahhh Haha, that…”

Nishimura looked at Lin Tian, and for a moment did not know how to define the relationship between Kirito and Lin Tian.

Usually there is still communication, the relationship is not good, not bad.

In fact, he also saw it.

Kirito has a strong sense of self-esteem and a strong sense of competitiveness.

There was originally a chance to win the top throne of the game.

But suddenly I found myself in this small class.

There are only a few people who are comparable to him, and even stronger existences.

It can be said that it immediately stimulated Kirito.

He also persuaded Kirito not to be so serious, it was just a game.

But Kirito didn’t listen.

On the contrary, the situation tends to get worse, and sometimes I start to doze off in class.

You can guess what the situation is at home.

Naoba is also a very smart girl.

Listening to him say this, he had already keenly smelled that something was wrong.

“It’s kind of a friendship, but it may be a little special.”

Lin Tian took the initiative to reply.

Now that I think about it, his relationship with Kirito is a bit like a competitive relationship.

But not the enemy.

The two have no grudges.

If Kirito could see it a little more, the two might have teamed up several times.

Even if he finally obtains the two-handed sword skill?

Meplu is invincible in [NWO], that is, strength!

“Well, I see.”

“Hello, Senior Lin. I am Naoba Kiritani, and Kazuto Kiritani is my older brother. ”


Naoba said to the boy, bending down slightly and with a hint of respect.

“Lin Tian, the sky of the sky.”

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

I have to say that talking to polite people is a comfortable thing.

“I remember, Senior Lin.”

Naoba nodded slightly, and her cute cheeks showed a sweet smile.

“Well, regarding your brother’s situation, I only have one piece of advice and experience it yourself.”

Lin Tian’s eyes lit up, and the straight leaves were indeed quite beautiful.

Then said calmly.

For Kirito or Naoba, that’s all he can do.

It is already considered the degree of benevolence and righteousness.

“Okay, I’ll try it.”

“Thank you Senior Lin for teaching.”

Naoba replied with a smile, bending again to thank him.

Lin Tian nodded, then turned around and walked into the classroom, secretly saying in his heart: “Isn’t today’s luck a little good, I actually met a beautiful girl around the corner??” “

In the past, he had never believed that this would happen.

I didn’t expect to run into it in person.

But girls aren’t so easy to knock down, okay!!

I think of the plot of the anime TV series I watched, colliding around the corner, the girl will fall to the ground, and then the absolute field is not guaranteed.


Because the male protagonist helped pick up the book.

Look at each other!

This one thing, love at first sight for the male protagonist!

It’s really three views following the five senses!

Humph, superficial!

He wants to be a boy with depth!

Then he glanced at the girl he knew, and was a little stunned, as if Naoba had won the championship in the growth of his peers!


“God, what’s wrong?”

Feng’s petite and slender figure dangled in front of him.

“Hey….. So be it. After all, there are still opportunities in the future. ”

Lin Tian glanced at Feng and said silently.

“Hehe, I just met a cute beautiful girl!”

Then the corners of Lin Tian’s mouth raised slightly, and he said slowly.

“Huh, huh?”


In the afternoon, the bell rings after school.

Lin Tian, Feng, and Lisa walked out of the teaching building.

“Oh my God, Kaede. I still have cram classes to take. ”

“I’ll see you at 5 o’clock.”

Lisa said with a smile to the two.

Then leave.

“Lisa is really hard. It’s still my freshman year of high school. ”

Kaede looked at Lisha’s departing back and muttered.

Fortunately, her home is not as strict as Sally’s.

Otherwise, just think about it.

She felt that Alexander, she would die!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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