See Agor’s meaningless smile.

Sally’s whole body felt a chill.

Immediately full of fighting spirit, he whispered: “The difficulty is very high….. I won’t be afraid! ”

“Okay, we got it.”

Lin Tian thanked him.

Already know where.

They didn’t come across any wooden houses or anything in that place.

It’s about where to get it for a fixed period of time.

“Bye bye then, Meplu.”

Argor smiled and waved goodbye.

“Bye bye, Miss Agor.”




Forest of the North.

Sally carried Meplu on her back, and Lin Tian used wind system auxiliary magic to increase his speed.

To the location provided by Agor.

“Sally, what does Miss Agor mean when she says it’s difficult?”

Mei Pulu’s head tilted, and he suddenly said curiously.

“I don’t know, but since I said that, I’m going to burn it too!”

Sally replied energetically.

When entering the night forest.

Lin Tian did not see the wandering ghosts and ghost fire first.

Instead, I saw another group of people, a group of girls with swords, who were forming a group here to fight monsters and upgrade.

“What about the people of the armed guild.”

Lin Tian said in a low voice.

Since he saw them a few days ago, he had deliberately gone to find out.

It was found to be called the Armed Guild, but there was still a nickname that was still an armed girl.

Because it is said that the entire guild is full of girls.

All the people guessed that the other party should be a group of students from a girls’ school.

In addition, their leader is very cruel, which makes many players fearful.

There was no misunderstanding in between.

But along the way are people from armed guilds, who should be fighting monsters in this area.

But I chose this place specifically, and I don’t know if it was intentional.

Smoothly came to an area full of ghosts and ghost fire.

However, there are many fewer people in the armed guild.

It’s also much deeper and quieter.

“This is the game…. This is the game…! ”

And when Sally saw the ghost fire here, she was immediately stunned, because she was afraid of something like that.

Only then did I understand what it meant to be a little difficult for girls.

Holding his head in his hands in fear, he hypnotized himself in a low voice.

“Sally, are you all right?”

Meplu said very calmly and without feeling.

Lin Tian, however, was staring ahead, a female player wearing a white shirt jacket and white trousers, a white hat and white gloves.

A pair of hands is like a sharp blade.

Or rather, it has turned into two hand knives.

Smash the ghostly fire monsters here.

This outfit plus the armed guild in front of it can already be determined to be the Heavenly Feather Slash!

Female Emperor!

This name is her game ID!

Arrogant and domineering!

“Wow, that little brother is so cool!”

Mei Pulu also found Tianyu, but mistook the other party for a boy.

“All right! No problem! ”

Sally completed her psychological adjustment at this time, and her self-hypnosis was completed.

Raised his hands and shouted.

Cheer yourself up.

But the constantly trembling legs have betrayed the true psychological state of the owner.

“Sally, look.”

“Actually, it’s not scary here, that little brother kills all sides.”

Meplu pointed to Sally.

Sally followed her gaze and found the appearance of Tianyu slashing crazy ghosts, fire ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts.

The eyes that seemed flustered and scared were immediately stunned, and they were instantly attracted to their attention.

I found that this is a very strong player, the kind of fighting temperament that exudes from him.

Sally was pretty sure.

But she can’t stand it, she is really afraid of these ghostly fire ghost monsters!

Even if he has the intention to raise the fighting spirit, he wants to ignite it.

But it didn’t work!

Tianyu Chopper had noticed Lin Tian’s group for a long time, but it was dark and night, and he didn’t recognize the other party.

But when I heard the two words of Brother Meplu.

Her calm and dead eyes flashed irrepressibly.

When she saw several people walking towards her intended goal, she walked towards it.

“Another group of people?”

“Well, what does that mean?”

Lin Tian saw the Heavenly Feather Slash that suddenly appeared in front of them, and asked curiously.

“The task here, I’m sorry, tonight belongs to me for the time being.”

Tianyu slashed one hand in his pocket, and a confident smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

“Ha, no.”

Lin Tian was suddenly surprised, and this could also be slashed with Tianyu.

However, the skill of Super Acceleration is also important for her when using competitive fighting.

It is also normal for the other party to want to take it.

Today may be a step late.

“Do you mean to PK the decision?”

Lin Tian asked.

“No, of course it’s a direct combat decision.”

Tianyu shook his head, and a sneer appeared on his white and beautiful face.

Another way is proposed.

In addition to the normal PK between players, there is another way to infinitely approach normal fighting in the wild.

This kind of kill will not only make the opponent explode equipment, drop level, and lose experience.

And it will also increase the danger of your red name.

Become a Red Name Player.

The official will issue a bounty announcement, as long as you catch the other party and send it to the black jail, you can get a reward.

“I said you wouldn’t deliberately stay here and find someone to fight.”

Lin Tian became suspicious.

After all, the Heavenly Feather Slash itself is also a battle maniac.

And those who will complete this hyper-acceleration mission are basically sensitive speed players.

Because if you want to learn the skill of super acceleration, you need speed.

Other attributes cannot be learned by players.

“Hehe, if you want to super-accelerate the mission, pass my level first.”

Tianyu Chopper did not speak, but looked at them with calm and dead eyes.

She now recognizes who the three players in front of her are.

It is the top player fortress Meplu and others who have recently become hot.

It immediately aroused the desire to fight in her heart.


At this time, several girls from the armed guild discovered the situation here.

Gathered behind Tianyu Slash.

“In that case, then speak with strength.”

Lin Tian nodded.

Meplu had already changed into black rose armor, and Sally was standing behind Meplu.

“Go and exhaust Meplu’s gluttony times.”

Tianyu looked at Mei Pulu’s shield and ordered directly.

“Yes, Lord Female Emperor!”

The armed guild girls who were constantly gathering beside them nodded in unison, and rushed towards Meplu with a sword, aiming at the shield.

“Break the defense!”

“Armor piercing!”

And all of them are penetration skills!

“It’s terrible.”

Lin Tian heard the skills they shouted out and knew that he had secretly studied Mei Pulu.

Naturally, it is impossible to let this group of girls get close and consume Meipulu’s HP value.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that there would be a fight with the armed girl guild here.

And Tianyu’s personality is not so easy to talk to.

“Sally, you’re in charge of the close.”

Lin Tian said, and then began to wave his staff.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has faced the player head-on in the wild.

Last time was an event.

This time it’s a field PK battle.

It always felt different, and he couldn’t help but feel a little excited in his heart.

The opponent is still the famous armed guild!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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