Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jujutsu


"That's the basic principle,"

"Just practice diligently in the future."

At this time, Lu Ling was explaining the skills of the flow of cursed power to Otsutsuki little by little.

In fact, it is very simple to do this.

Basically, every sorcerer who has mastered the enhancement of cursed power can move the cursed power on the body.

However, the difficulty lies in how to make the cursed power flow quickly!

Unskilled flow of cursed power will become the weakness of the sorcerer!

After all, if you have more cursed power in other places, the cursed power in other places will naturally decrease.

And those places with less cursed power will become weak in defense!

"The key to flow is speed, this must be remembered"

"In a life-and-death battle, if you were a second slower!"

"The enemy will find the weak point and kill you with one blow!!"

Lu Ling repeatedly reminded Yi Gongzi to pay attention to it at all times!

His face was solemn and he looked very serious.

Yi Gongzi saw Lu Ling's expression of"if you can't do it, you will die", and he swallowed silently.

Lu Ling passed the system, so he improved this technology to a very high level with almost no bottleneck.

Yi Gongzi wanted to learn it with his own talent!

"Panda, I'll leave the subsequent training of Otsutsuki's cursed force flow to you."

"I have to go out for a while."

Lu Ling asked the panda.

Later, he would go to the elementary school where he had done the internship mission, as well as the private hospital of the Zenyuan family.

He would complete their achievement modes to get rewards to improve himself.

He would not come back for the time being.

After all, the Kyoto Friendship School Exchange Conference was coming up, and Lu Ling had to improve his strength as soon as possible.

His main purpose was not to shine in this exchange conference.

During the exchange conference, the teachers and students of the two technical high schools, Tokyo Metropolitan High School and Tokyo Prefectural High School, would be gathered together.

This would definitely lead to a loophole somewhere.

In the original work, Nozomi took advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack!

As a former technical high school student, Geto Suguru must have known about the exchange conference.

But whether he would take action at that time, Lu Ling did not know.

However, improving one's own strength is definitely the right choice.

""Oh, leave him to me."

Panda patted his chest and assured Lu Ling confidently.

If it were to fight with Yuji, Panda would not be sure.

But if it was just to teach the skills of the flow of magic power, it would be able to do it with ease.

""Panda, Panda classmate. Then I'll leave it to you."

Otsutsuki thanked Panda.

The reason why Lu Ling chose Panda to teach was naturally because he was the best at using the flow of cursed energy in the first grade besides himself!

Inujuan's fighting method was to use spells, and he was a fragile wizard.

He would definitely be able to strengthen the cursed energy for close combat.

But when it comes to the flow of cursed energy, he is not so proficient.

Because it is not used normally.

As for Maki......

Well, let's not talk about this.

After thinking about it, only the panda is the most suitable to guide Otsutsuki's use of cursed power.

"Otsutsuki, you have to work hard to become stronger"

"You are in a dangerous situation now!"

Lu Ling looked at Otsutsuki and said seriously.

Now that he knew that Geto Suguru had set his sights on Rika, he would naturally not hide it.

It is irrational to know the information and not tell it!


"As for Rika, you've already made an appointment with me."

"She won't hurt anyone anymore."

"In this case, there is no reason for the school to take my life, right?"

Otsutsuki was nervous when he heard Lu Ling's words.

Ever since Rika suffered an accident and became a cursed spirit tied to him, in order not to hurt others, Otsutsuki has been living cautiously. He was in great pain during that time and wanted to commit suicide several times, but was stopped by Rika.

Now everything has finally changed.

He has a purpose in life and so many companions who care about him.

Everything will be back on track.

As a result, at this time, Lu Ling reminded him that there was danger.

Otsutsuki was naturally very scared.


After hearing what Lu Ling said, the first-year students immediately gathered around.

Although Lu Ling would usually make some jokes

, he would never do that when it comes to his classmates.

""Lu Ling, what do you mean by danger?"

Maki asked.

She didn't want to just get along well with Otsukoshi, only to find that Otsukoshi was gone.

"It's about Rika"

"You all know that Rika is very powerful."

Lu Ling said so.

Not to mention him who had fought with the fully manifested Rika.

The first-year students had also dealt with one of Rika's hands, so they naturally knew how powerful this special-grade cursed spirit was!

"But it's because Rika is too strong"

"As a result, she is very likely to be targeted by Geto Suguru who possesses the skill of controlling cursed spirits!"


The first-year students were shocked at the same time when they heard Lu Ling's words, and then they all showed relieved expressions on their faces.

They knew very well in their hearts that if they could have such a powerful curse spirit, Xia Youjie would definitely take the risk!

Lu Ling continued to explain to the first-year students.

"Xia Yujie cannot control the cursed spirits that have masters, so before he subdues Rika......"

"They will definitely kill Yuta!"

Looking at the first-year students discussing with each other, Otsutsuki was confused.

"Then, who is that Xia Youjie?"

As a newcomer in the world of curses, he did not know this curse master who was at the same level as himself.

Therefore, Lu Ling and Yisheng Meng immediately gave him a cram school lesson!


After a few minutes of brief introduction, Otsukoshi understood something, and then his face turned a little unhappy.

���There are so many things going on.

Now he is told that a special-grade curse master is targeting him.

It is impossible for Otsutsuki to be in a good mood!

"In other words, Xia Yujie has set his sights on Rika"

"So he planned to kill me and snatch her away."

Otsukotsu summarized what Lu Ling and the first-year students said.

He understood the cause and effect.

Then, he fell silent.......


In just a moment, two huge cursed forces rose into the sky.

They came from Otsutsuki and Rika!!

"damn it!!"

"You actually want to kill Yuta! I want him to die!!"

Rika's violent voice lingered in the air. She was extremely angry at the moment!!

"Not only do I want Rika to continue being a cursed spirit!"

"He also wants to control Rika to hurt other people!"


The usually gloomy Otsutsuki also burst into anger at this moment.

Everyone has his own weak spot.

Once the weak spot is touched, even the best-tempered person will explode!

Rika is Otsutsuki's weak spot!

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