"Well, we are not that reckless."

Panda looked at Lu Ling with surprise and said so.

It is so irrational to fight against a special-grade sorcerer.

Not to mention this group of students, there are no more than five people in the entire modern sorcery world who can surely beat Xia Youjie!

What kind of fool would do such a thing?

"That's good, that's good......"

Hearing the assurances from Panda and the other first-year students, Lu Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll leave for a while."

"Youtai, you have to work hard!"

After arranging everything, Lu Ling also successfully freed up time.

He is now officially ready to challenge those previously unfinished achievement modes.

"Student Lu Ling"

"Thank you."

Yukotsuki bowed in the direction where Lu Ling was leaving.

Lu Ling did not respond, but just waved his hand to indicate"You're welcome.""

"Ping Pong——"

Just as Lu Ling walked to the edge of the playground and was about to leave, the space twisted and a crisp sound rang out.

A transparent crack appeared in front of Lu Ling's eyes.

Seeing this familiar scene, his footsteps suddenly paused, and then he slapped his head as if he remembered something.

Yes, although it has just sprouted, Otsutsuki is indeed a special grade.

As long as it is a special grade, the achievement mode will be activated!

【Special Spellcaster: Defeat Yuta Otsutsukotsu one year later. Reward: True Imitation】

【Dominate the first grade: Defeat all the first graders together without using any spells. Reward: Free Level +5】

【Fair Fight: Only physical abilities are allowed. Defeat Zenin Maki. Reward: Physical ability level +5】



Lu Ling stared blankly at the system prompt this time.

This time the achievement mode seemed to be a little different.

The original required [Shura] was gone, and instead there was an option with question marks all over it.

This sudden change made Lu Ling confused.

"Forget it, let's go back and play a game to see how it goes."

Practice is the only way to gain truth.

Lu Ling plans to try it out and see what's different about the achievement mode this time.

There are two reasons why he won't challenge it now.

One is that Lu Ling has some mild obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is the type who won't push the main quest until the side quest is cleared when playing games. If the dungeons outside are not cleared, he will always have a knot in his heart.

The second point is that he has already told his classmates that he is going to leave.

If he stays here, it will feel weird.

"It's okay. I'll deal with the two outside."

"Finally, I have to go back to the high school"

"There is no rush at this moment."

Thinking in this way, Lu Ling stepped out of the gate of the technical high school.

His first destination was the elementary school where he and Yujitsu were doing internship tasks!......

"Classmate, the place you went to......"

"It's not good."

The driver chatted with Lu Ling on the way.

Although Lu Ling's speed is faster than the car now, relying on his physical ability and spell power, running on the road or climbing between tall buildings is too high-profile!

The technical college has formulated special student guidelines.

That is, sorcerers are not allowed to reveal their identities unless necessary!

So as not to attract the attention and panic of non-spellers!

For this reason, Lu Ling still chose to take a taxi obediently.

""What happened?" he asked nervously.

Lu Ling was not pretending, he was really nervous!

If something unexpected happened in that elementary school, his achievement model and the rewards might be affected.

"It's also bad luck."

"This place used to be a primary school."

The driver said with regret.

Lu Ling keenly grasped the key words.

"At the beginning?"

"Isn't it now?"

Faced with Lu Ling's question, the driver answered while turning the steering wheel.

"Yes, it turns out that two students disappeared from the school."

"The school made great efforts to search for it, but failed to find it after two weeks."

"I heard that it was caused by evil spirits. Under pressure, the school had to temporarily close."

"Just yesterday, there seemed to be a severe earthquake"

"The whole school collapsed."

Lu Ling listened to the driver silently, and cold sweat began to appear on his head.

The reason for the collapse of the school may not be the earthquake.

It seems that after the repeated efforts of Lu Ling, Li Xiang, and the special curse spirit, the teaching building was not spared and collapsed after Lu Ling and others left.

In this way, it seems that I should also bear one-third of the responsibility?

Lu Ling was thinking wildly in his heart.

"However, the two children miraculously returned."

"Maybe it's really a manifestation of God.

"Tokyo isn't peaceful these days.......Strange things are happening everywhere......"

The driver said with emotion.

Because the journey was not very long, Lu Ling arrived here quickly.

An unknown elementary school in Tokyo.

Lu Ling returned to the place where he and Otsutsuki had interned before.

Oh, by the way. It should not be called an elementary school now. At this moment, this place has become a ruin.

As for the school, there is no plan to rebuild it.

After all, this place was once haunted, and it is not suitable to be used as a school.

The government also took this land and waited for future development.


"Found it."

Lu Ling rediscovered the crack at the gate, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that the destruction of the building will not cause the crack to disappear.

Lu Ling silently remembered this in his heart.

"Okay, now that there's no one around"

"I'll start."

After the school collapsed, the government had designated this area as a dangerous area, and no one usually came near it.

However, this was a godsend for Lu Ling, who wanted to complete the system achievement. This meant that Lu Ling could boldly challenge it without worrying about being disturbed.

"Which one should I take first?"

Lu Ling put his palm into the crack.

【Please select the achievement you want to challenge】

【There are currently three achievements available for challenge: Conquer the Curse Queen, Special Curse Killer, Shura】


Lu Ling pondered for a moment, then made his choice without hesitation!

"I want to challenge the achievement [Conquer the Curse Queen]."

Unexpectedly, he chose this most difficult option right away!!

To achieve this achievement, there is only one requirement: completely defeat and kill the"Curse Queen" Rika Kimoto!

It sounds okay, but Lu Ling knows very well how crazy this condition is!

If it is just required to suppress Rika for a period of time.

Lu Ling can do it.

With the fully fused shadow, he can gain the upper hand for a certain period of time.

He did this last time!

But this can't really defeat Rika

"The"Cursed Queen" possesses infinite curse power, which means her mana bar is infinite!

In addition, the cursed spirit can use the curse power directly to restore the body, which means her health bar is also infinite!

This incredible endurance, coupled with Rika's own panel far exceeding that of ordinary special-grade cursed spirits, has created an invincible cursed spirit!

Lu Ling spent a lot of effort to break her defense! After a long time, he will lose due to exhaustion and there is no possibility of winning!

But this is when Lu Ling is surrounded by other people!

If it is just a one-on-one duel, Lu Ling still has a trick that may be able to completely kill Rika!!

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