As Lu Ling finished chanting the prayer, the space began to darken, and the Jade Dog and the Toad appeared beside him and began to howl at the surroundings.

This was the sign of the arrival of the Demon Void Luo!!

As the shadow twisted, a giant cocoon-like object bound by many chains appeared behind Lu Ling.

"I see"

"Because this is not a summoning ceremony, but a taming ceremony."

"Therefore, Moxu Luo will not appear in its complete form immediately, but will take time to transform.’"

"That means I still have time to move, right?"

Lu Ling looked at the cocoon that was gradually getting bigger. He knew that this was a little time that the taming ritual left for the tamer.

It was to allow the tamer to be mentally prepared for a life-and-death battle.



Just when Moxu Luo had not yet fully formed, Lu Ling used his spell power to strengthen and instantly ran in one direction.

What he had to do now was to distance himself from the strongest shikigami.

Lu Ling didn't believe it. I was a few hundred meters away and used advanced invisibility, and you could adapt!


It took about 5-6 seconds. Moxu Luo finally completed his transformation.

"With a"boom", it landed on the ground, with thick white smoke coming out of its mouth.

As Lu Ling's strength increased, Moxu Luo's strength also increased.

At this moment, the pale shikigami was even bigger than the one used against the Curse Queen in the last game.

The ten kinds of shadow spells themselves are skills that grow with the user! Of course, Moxu Luo can also enjoy this benefit!


There was a sound above Moxu Luo's head, and he found that he had hit something.

He looked carefully and found that it was the ceiling of this floor.

Now he was 4 meters tall, which made him look too tall in the corridor of the teaching building.

This oppressive feeling immediately made Moxu Luo unhappy.


The pale shikigami roared violently.

The whole teaching building began to shake, and the walls that trapped it were constantly breaking like paper.

Soon, Moxu Luo created enough space for himself!

Lu Ling, who was a hundred meters away, heard the roar and immediately knew that Moxu Luo had successfully transformed.

Now he was probably ready to hunt him down. He immediately made a decisive decision and used the advanced invisibility technique.

With a ripple of his figure, Lu Ling completely disappeared into the air.

He was absolutely confident in his skill.

After all, Fushiguro Megumi could use fake death to divert Moxu Luo's attention.

Not only can he hide his figure, but he can also conceal his breath, which is definitely much more powerful than simply faking death!

"I ran several hundred meters but couldn't get out of this teaching building."

"It should be the curse spirit on the other side that has opened the domain."

Lu Ling still has no way to deal with this pinnacle skill in the world of curses.

Because according to the rules, the difference in strength between the inner and outer walls of the domain is as great as heaven and earth.

Lu Ling had calculated it when he was trapped in the domain last time.

If you want to forcefully break through the inner wall of the domain, you need several times the ability of the domain opener.

But if you already have that ability, even killing the opener in the domain is easy, and there is no need to destroy the domain!

"No wonder both Gojo and Kusakabe said"

"Trying to escape from the domain is the least cost-effective thing."

Thinking of this, Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh. He was impressed by the power of the domain expansion, so he had always been eager for this magical skill.

But Lu Ling had never had any idea to learn this skill.

But he had an inspiration recently.

Just like when the total amount of curse power and physical ability are improved to a certain level, the efficiency of using curse power and physical use can be improved.

Domain expansion is the pinnacle of the technique.

Would it be possible to obtain it by raising the level of the technique?

The level of his ten shadow spells has reached level 30, and maybe there will be new abilities if he continues to improve!

Boom! Boom!

Just as Lu Ling was thinking about the way forward, a violent explosion sounded from a distance.

He immediately realized that Moxu Luo had already fought with the special curse spirit!

How could he miss such a good show? It just so happened that Lu Ling wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could complete the challenge by relying solely on Moxu Luo.

Would it be considered that he had completed the challenge mission!.......

Not far away, in the center of the domain, compared to Lu Ling who had concealed all his aura, the presence of the special-grade cursed spirit was like a beacon.

Moxu Luo soon found them!!


A bluish-white cursed spirit roared at Moxu Luo. But its trembling eyes revealed its true emotions at the moment. It was a special-grade cursed spirit, and it was very scared now.

If it could, it wanted to run now, the farther the better.

Just like when a red panda encounters a threat, it will stand up to intimidate the enemy.

But people will not be afraid of this look, but will find it cute.

This is the situation between Moxu Luo and the special-grade cursed spirit now.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

The sound came from all directions.

The roar of the bluish-white cursed spirit just now seemed to have caused a chain reaction.

Soon, four identical special-grade cursed spirits gathered here!

At the same time, Lu Ling also relied on the concealment effect of the advanced invisibility technique to sneak to the scene and hide in a hidden corner. He wanted to witness how big the difference was between Moxu Luo and ordinary special-grade cursed spirits!


The four bluish-white curse spirits looked at each other.

Finally, they all looked at the special-grade curse spirit that called them over.

After growing into special-grade, the curse spirits all had a certain degree of wisdom and emotions.

Lu Ling clearly saw from a distance that they all showed angry expressions on their faces at the same time!

Although these bluish-white curse spirits did not speak.

But Lu Ling still understood what they wanted to express:"I fight Mo Xu Luo?"


Without waiting for the special cursed spirits to react,

Moxu Luo took the lead.

Good fellow, I was going to find you one by one, but now you are all here at the door.

A 4-meter-tall monster rushed over like a tidal wave.

Anyone who encounters this kind of situation would be stunned, right?


The special grade cursed spirits screamed in terror. They wanted to escape from here quickly, but it was obviously impossible.

Although Moxu Luo was huge, his speed was much faster than expected.

The bluish-white skinned cursed spirits were about to escape.

The strongest shikigami had already taken action.


The demon-repelling sword filled with positive energy drew a circle in the air.

Five cursed spirits were cut off by Moxu Luo at the same time!!

It’s not that they didn’t use the cursed power to strengthen their defense against this attack, nor did they use the cursed power to heal their wounds.

But no matter how the special-grade cursed spirits resisted, they only took a short while, and then cracks continued to appear on the cuts on their bodies.

Unlike the curse queen Rika.

They had no possibility of surviving under the erosion of such positive energy.

With a"ping" sound, all the cursed spirits turned into fragments.

The five bluish-white cursed spirits were destroyed in the hands of Moxu Luo in one second!!

As the mission target was eliminated.

Lu Ling heard the system prompt sound.

【Challenge failed, mission target eliminated by neutral unit]

With a burst of space transformation,

Lu Ling returned to his previous position.

He touched his head and tried his best to calm down the mental shock caused by the failure of the mission.


The jade dog that was summoned earlier couldn't help but come over when he saw his master was in so much pain.


After a while, Lu Ling recovered.

Since he did not suffer any damage in the simulation this time, the mental attack he endured was not that serious.

"So that's how it is."

Lu Ling seemed to understand something and smiled.

"It seems that if I want to use Moxu Luo in the future, I will have to deal the last blow myself."

"This failure is the necessary price."

"Next, I will make good use of you. Moxu Luo!"

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