Boom! Boom!

As Lu Ling expected,

Moxu Luo and the five curse spirits collided again.

But this was normal, after all, the entire teaching building was so small.

Compared to encountering Lu Ling who completely concealed his aura, the probability of encountering a special-grade curse spirit was much higher.

Moreover, once they encountered an enemy, they would immediately send a signal to besiege.

It was easy to gather the five curse spirits together.......

Lu Ling, who arrived at the scene, was not in a hurry. He just observed the battlefield silently.

He needed to wait until Moxu Luo and the special curse spirit fought before taking action.


There was a flash of cold light.

As expected, it was the same situation as before.

The five special-grade cursed spirits were split into two by Moxu Luo.

There was no other way. Moxu Luo was not the same as the ordinary special-grade cursed spirits.

In addition, the sword of exorcism could restrain the negative energy body of the cursed spirits.

Lu Ling was sure that even if he simulated it 100 times, Moxu Luo would still win in the end. There was no other possibility!

"Well, it's time to harvest."

Just when the special grade cursed spirit was defeated by Moxu Luo and was struggling on the ground but had not completely disappeared,

Lu Ling took action.

Because he was very far away from Moxu Luo before he activated the advanced invisibility technique, he did not let the strongest shikigami adapt to this move.

As a result, Lu Ling and Ying came to a very close position, and Moxu Luo did not notice it.


Lu Ling lifted the advanced invisibility spell.

The strongest shikigami was obviously shocked when he saw this.

He had never expected Lu Ling to appear here!

However, Moxu Luo did not think about it.

Wasn't the purpose of being summoned to kill the summoner and end the taming ceremony?


After a roar, Moxu Luo rushed towards Lu Ling.

It flexed its muscles and raised the sword of exorcism in its hand towards the young man who had just appeared.

Lu Ling was not surprised by this and concentrated the curse power on the knife to fight back.

With a"ping" sound, both of them flew back several meters.

However, at this time, the distance between Lu Ling and Moxu Luo had hardly changed.

In terms of strength.

At this time, Lu Ling was strengthened by the heaven and curse binding, physical ability, and curse power.

After the three enhancements, he could already tie with Moxu Luo.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

The confrontation between the two continued.

The curse power knife and the sword of exorcism were constantly colliding.

Soon, the space they were in began to tremble constantly.

Although the special curse spirit that used the domain to unfold is still alive.

But under the erosion of the positive energy between the exorcism, it will definitely not survive for more than 10 seconds.

Obviously at this time, it can no longer maintain the strength of its domain.

"Sure enough, if I were alone"

"It is impossible to steal heads under Moxu Luo's nose."

Lu Ling's initial goal was to aim at the moment when Moxu Luo defeated the special curse spirit!

He wanted to take advantage of that moment to kill all the curse spirits that Moxu Luo defeated but did not kill.

But unfortunately, the moment Lu Ling was exposed, the attack of the strongest shikigami came one after another!

He had no time to achieve his goal!

At this moment, something suddenly moved under Lu Ling's feet.

The original human-shaped shadow suddenly expanded countless times.

It was the ten-in-one shikigami shadow, which had been staying in Lu Ling's shadow waiting for his order.

Because it did not transform.

The shadow has no weight.

When it entered Lu Ling's shadow, it almost did not bring any negative impact to Lu Ling!


Seeing this, Moxu Luo did not dare to be careless.

He raised the sword in his hand and ignored Lu Ling who was slashing at him. He stabbed Ying with a backhand strike!!


With a loud bang, Moxu Luo's sword was embedded in the floor.

It was almost impossible for Ying to be injured without transforming into a physical body.

After all, it was just a shadow.


A huge wound appeared on the chest of the pale shikigami.

In the previous round of confrontation, it gave up Lu Ling and turned to attack his shikigami.

But it was obvious that this behavior was extremely wrong.

Lu Ling aimed at the gap between Moxu Luo's attacks and slashed it hard.

The opponent's middle gate was wide open, and Lu Ling also used all his strength.

Moxu Luo's injury was more serious than it expected, and it almost cut it in half!

But it doesn't matter!

With a few"gurgles", the super strong self-healing ability closed the wound.

It was as if Lu Ling had never slashed it just now.


There was a sound of gears turning, and the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle.

It was already beginning to adapt.


Lu Ling took advantage of the opponent's magic retreat and slashed at him a few more times.

But soon he frowned.

Lu Ling found that the moment his knife touched Moxu Luo's body, the magic power on it was obviously reduced a little!

Due to the reduction of magic power, the effect of magic power enhancement was also greatly reduced.

After these several battles,

Moxu Luo adapted not to anything else of Lu Ling, but to his magic power itself!

"It's really scary"

"Possessing a certain adaptability, he is worthy of being the strongest shikigami."

Lu Ling put away his knife, took a step back and created a safe distance between himself and Moxu Luo.

There is no doubt that his strength has indeed improved significantly.

If he just wanted to suppress Moxu Luo temporarily, Lu Ling could still do it.

But facing the strange regeneration ability and tankiness of the strongest shikigami, he had no way to deal with it.

After all, it was a shikigami that could withstand the Sukuna domain and"bathe" in countless slashes! Although

Lu Ling's melee ability was strong, he lacked a killer move.

A killer move that could kill Moxu Luo instantly!


Moxu Luo looked at Lu Ling in confusion. He didn't understand why the summoner in front of him didn't continue to attack.


A fierce firelight lit up from the back of the pale shikigami, attracting its attention.

At this time, Ying had turned into a huge tiger head.

A burst of flames engulfed all the special cursed spirits on the ground that were about to dissipate.

Lu Ling's purpose in summoning Ying was never to let him assist in the battle with Moxu Luo.

Instead, he wanted it to take the opportunity to kill those cursed spirits while he and Moxu Luo were fighting!

Now it seems that Ying has perfectly completed its mission.

"Goodbye then."

Lu Ling said goodbye to Moxu Luo.

Of course, Moxu Luo could not understand what Lu Ling said, but rushed towards him directly.

【Challenge successful, Free Level +5. Current Free Level +15】

Just when the tip of the pale shikigami's sword was about to touch Lu Ling.

The simulation ended, and he was teleported back to the realization world.

Lu Ling gained a lot from this achievement challenge.

Compared with the +5 free level, what is more important is that Lu Ling has figured out how to use Moxu Luo.

In future achievement challenges, he can do the same!

Before encountering an enemy stronger than Moxu Luo, the achievement mode will no longer be difficult.

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